Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Great article on the Media

This was a very good article that discusses bias in the media. The author speaks about Mainstream Media sources as well as talking about the bias in some Alternative Media sources. There used to be more identification of where the bias was historically. Now, it seems that everyone tries to tout their own objectivity, when the truth is that there is no such thing as total objectivity. Everything in the press, and in life for that matter, is viewed from a particular viewpoint. Total objectivity is impossible, but it is possible to determine the biases and unspoken assumptions that a particular book, article or work is based upon. This is critical, because the viewpoint and hidden assumptions are what will determine the conclusion. It is subtle, but extremely fundamental to the reasoning process.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Air Marshals Story is probably false

The Air Marshals shot the man who allegedly said he had a bomb, but it appears that none of the witnesses corraborate that story. Only federal sources support that version of the story. The article explains it. It is not good when the press colludes with the government to suppress and distort the truth. It seems that government is in the business of violating the rights of citizens, although they always claim to be working to protect us. How much did they protect the man that they killed, evidently a man who was just running down the aisle since no other passenger/witnesses said that they heard him say anything, much less anything that had to do with having a bomb. The old saying is that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. We're closer to hell than we think.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Torturing the 'terrorists' today, torturing you and me tomorrow...

There has been a major push for legitimizing the torture of 'terrorists' today. Blackwill is being used as the person who wants to legitimize this policy. It is obviously a flawed argument, but the PTB must make it seem like a logical thing to do. They will tell you in the press that there torture is necessary to protect us, but this is totally false. This is already on the back of the President's statement that 'the Constitution is just a goddamned piece of paper.' First, they want to deny you the protection (and slander their oaths of office) that is confirmed in the Constitution. They are not 'Constitutional Rights' because the Rights that we all have are NOT granted to us by any piece of paper, but are truly granted by God Almighty. The Constitution was just written in order to delineate and insure that governments do not trample on these God-Given rights of man. But secondly, now they are working to make torture ok in the popular view of Americans.

Let's connect the dots here, people. They will use the torture on the 'terrorists' today, but be sure that tomorrow, it will be used against you and me right here in America. LOOK! They're already working to expand the scope and jurisdiction of the Air Marshals in all forms of transportation-bus, train, subway, etc. This is the expanding of the fascist police state mentality, right before your eyes. Don't try to rationalize this away, because it's not a coincidence. Don't ask how the German citizens went along with fascism because you're watching them do the exact same thing right here in America, right before your eyes. Hopefully, we won't go down in history as being complete idiots.

Publisher of Capitol Hill Blue Speaks Out

The publisher of Capitol Hill Blue ( speaks out in defense of his article about the president's description of the Constitution being 'a goddamned piece of paper.' He sounds like a true journalist to me, unlike most of the corporate shills ,'yes-men' , toadies, and flunkies who tow the corporate line, and will write whatever they are told to write. It seems that the day of investigative journalism is mostly extinct in the Main Stream Media (MSM). It is so bad these days that I hear that most of the so-called 'news' is really just the verbatim press releases from the White House. Government propaganda doesn't get any more blatant than that. From all appearances, this charade called 'democracy' can't continue on much longer before it topples from its own weight. The republic has been comatose for many years...

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

They thought they were free...

This is another excellent article, but also has some good insights that serve as a good preface to the main article. I must say that the preface is very good. I can personally verify the effects of orgone generators, as I have constructed some myself, and they definitely work, even though many of the effects are of a subjective nature. It is imperative that people take action, regardless of how small or large. If we do not resist tyranny, we are destined to be subjected to it, and to be victims of it. Maybe it is in the nature of humans to be victims of tyranny, as it appears to be a historic cycle. Maybe I am wrong, or am a part of a minority of people that just can't accept the 'go along to get along' failure strategy for living in society. But to me, living as a victim of tyranny is not living. It is more like merely existing.

It would appear to me that America has declined considerably since my childhood days. The value of the US Dollar has plummeted markedly. I remember when a decent new car was $3000. Now they are $30,000. Tha would represent an inflation rate of 1000% in about 30 years. When I was a kid, the US was the world's greatest creditor nation, and led the world in production. Today, we are the world's greatest debtor nation, and Japan and China lead the world in production. In fact, the productive capacity of this country has been virtually eliminated and/or exported out of the country.

Just some of my observations. Hopefully, I can wake up and see that it was all just a bad dream. But I appear to be wide awake with eyes wide open. Unfortunately, most of my fellow people appear to be fast asleep with eyes-wide-shut. There are consequences to both of these conditions. I'll let you contemplate them on your own.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Yes, they've been censoring the Internet

Just as most of us have suspected, they have been censoring content that can be found through the search engines. The fact of the matter is that the PTB (Powers-That-Be) are intent on limiting our information on views that are different from the ones they want us to believe. They are intent on forming our opinions for us, and for limiting our thought to what they want it to be. Censorship is one of the defining characteristics of a fascist state, just for the record. I can't say that I was surprised by this information.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

We were right all along!

I just saw the article in which your president just admitted that he doesn't care about his oath of office. In the Constitution, which is the instrument that empowers the government and its officials, Article 6, Section 2 is the clause in which is stipulated where all government officials, judges and judicial officers, and congressmen and women must take an oath to uphold the Constitution as the supreme law of the land. To fail to do this is defined as treason, which is punishable by death. This article demonstrates that Bush, as well as many other government officials, publically denounce the Constitution. His said that the Constitution is 'just a goddamn piece of paper.' Well, at least I can appreciate his honesty. Oftentimes, the only thing between a power-hungry government-gone-wild and the rights of the individual is the 'goddamn Constitution.' I guess that it's only a problem when somebody is trying to violate you and that Constitution is in the way. Who needs rights anyway, right? Is this Nazi Germany or what? Lots of food for thought here...

Monday, December 05, 2005

Why there is no Justice in America

This is a great article that goes over some excellent topics in reference to the legal system in America. There are a lot of great principles in this article. This is written by renowned legal scholar named Dr. Eduardo M. Rivera. This is a must-read article that should be read and understood by everyone. It is up to us to take back our country, as the republic has been snatched away and replaced by the democracy (better known as 'mob rule'). There is a difference! It is very important information. Spread the word to everybody that you know. It is up to the informed to share information with others so that they can also be informed. Read this article and learn what 'they' don't want you to know.

Look out for your PC!

The question is, "Is your PC a drug mule?" You might want to check out this article that tells us how the hackers are now using computers for increased cybercrime. It looks like organized crime is getting highly involved in cybercrime. You are going to have to protect yourself from these hackers, as they are using botnets and Trojan programs to take control of your computer to use it for nefarious purposes. Do not let them use you like this! I would recommend the best antivirus program that I've seen out there, and it's called NOD32, and you can find it at It costs about $40, but it's better than any of the other programs out there, including Norton and McAfee. The bottom line is that if these people can cause you a lot of problems if they steal your indentity or install viruses into your program that slow it down drastically. Protect yourself now!

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

You gotta see this...

I couldn't believe this article describing how law enforcement in Florida is going fascist. You have to see this one to believe it. It's really showing how insidious this whole thing is getting. Check out Alex Jones take on it. I agree with him, because this whole thing is planned to have the people as slaves. It's just about there already. Think about it! It's really time to wake up. Share this information with others if you can see what is happening.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Wake Up and Smell the Fascism

This is a good one that shows the elements of a fascist dictatorship. This article is interlaced with a lot of links to other articles that demonstrate that the US has been converted into a fascist government. It's there for all of us to see, although the process was very gradual. But when you look at the long-term changes that have been engineered to take place in this country, the result is undeniable if you have been paying attention. Check it out and let me know what you think. Am I a crackpot rebel, or have you seen the country slide down the tubes?

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The March to 3rd World-ize America

This is another excellent article that demonstrates how the PTB are working to subvert America and turn it into a 3rd World Country. Unfortunately, the process is almost complete. Only the announcement on the news is lacking. Congressional policy has just about had this effect. Many have told us how and why this is being orchestrated, but most Americans are too busy, too distracted, too entertained, too broke, too brainwashed to stop and look at what is really happening. If you didn't get my e-mail, LaRouche has also demonstrated that the major US automakers are technically bankrupt. It is a very ugly fact, but the proof is undeniable, as well as overwhelming. The country is being deindustrialized. Time to wake up. The economy is being held up only by smoke & mirrors. There is no substance backing up the levels of the Dow Industrial Average, or any of the other market indexes. Take steps today to prepare for economic meltdown, and work to tell others about these facts. We will only have each other, as we lost the government a very long time ago.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Ugly stuff in the White House

You just gotta read this article! There is just too much garbage going on in this current administration. The information contained in this article makes sense, and fits with what we are witnessing in the ongoing disintegration of the Executive branch of the government. Read with opened mind...

Thursday, November 10, 2005

An Enemy of the State

In this article, the author discusses how he has been seen as a 'person of interest', and how they create files on us. This is paramount to how a police state/totalitarian state is conducted. This country has gradually been converted into a slave camp, almost unbeknownst to most who live here. It is appalling that the government has converted itself from the public servants to being the slavemasters of those who they used to serve. The next step from the government having lists is for them to start rounding up those on the list for persecution, torture, victimization, and execution. The officials in government are all breaking their oaths of office as described in Article 6, Section 2 of the Constitution. This is treason, punishable by death. But it is up to the people to know the Constitution and to defend it.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

20 Amazing Facts about Voting in America

This incredible article has the references to the shady underbelly of voting in America. Sounds like something out of a banana republic, but it is speaking of America. You should check the links to the references if you don't believe it. You should always do your own due diligence about anything that you have questions about. Voting in America has always been troublesome, the lack of reporting on this from the mainstream media notwithstanding. The last 2 presidential elections were obviously rigged.

America turning into a Police State

Yes, I found another article that tells how the country is being rapidly converted into a police state. Our treasonous public servants are clandestinely working to nullify the Constitution and their oaths of office to uphold it. The article goes into depth and gives the goods on these people. It is time for people to wake up and work to defend our rights, or we will have none. They are dismantling freedom of speech, the right to petition for redress, the right to peaceably assemble (1st Amendment), warrantless searches and seizures (4th Amendment), right to life, liberty or property, protection against self-incrimination, (5th Amendment), right to due process and to face accusers, right to jury trial (6th Amendment), etc. Pick that Constitution up and read it! You can find it at this link if you want in-depth explanations of the elements of the Constitution. Remember: you can't defend your rights if you don't know what they are!

Sunday, October 30, 2005

The Troops Don't Defend Our Freedoms

I found another great article dealing with the military and who they really work for. I don't agree with everything in the article, but it has a lot of good information within. It is ludicrous for us to believe that the military is out to protect us and our freedoms. Most soldiers (and cops and other 'public servants') don't have the foggiest idea about the Constitution or Bill of Rights that they have taken an oath to uphold. It's kind of tough to defend something that you've never read... All that to say that the military is being used as puppets for international intrigue. Don't think for a minute that they couldn't be directed to fight, imprison and kill Americans if they are told that we are the enemy. It would appear that posse comitatus has been obliterated. They've used troops in the hurricane aftermaths. I think that it's just a test to see whether or not Americans would willingly accept the use of the military inside of America.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

The prison industry in America

Yes, I've found another article that speaks on the boom in private prisons in America. They are now using it for profit. It is now being used to use the slave labor of the inmates. Many of the big companies are rushing into the prison industry to reap the benefits from cheap, forced labor. It is very pitiful. Most of the inmates are being convicted of 'crimes' that have no real victims. These are better known as political crimes, as there really is no crime if there is not a flesh & blood injured party involved. Think about it! The statistics in the article show that the US has more inmates than any other country, even though we only represent 5% of the world's population. Even China, with over 1.5 billion people, has less incarcerated people than does the United States. What does that tell you? It is high time that we changed things in this country. Is this the legacy that we want to leave to our children?

All terrorism is created by Western Intel Agencies

Found another article that explains how all this 'terrorism' is sponsored by the Western intelligence agencies. There's been ample proof of this out there, but this article basically connects most of the dots for you. If you've been doing your own research, you know that 'Al Queda' is a creation of the CIA. Alex Jones calls it 'Al CIAda'. They also put Bin Laden on the map by backing him when Afghanistan was fighting the Soviet Union back in the late '70s. The 911 thing was definitely an inside job, as there are no Moslem countries with enough high-level access to the US security infrastructure to stand down the automatic response to flights leaving their FAA-approved flight plans and paths. This article is from an Australian source. At least the Australians got the truth in their mass media. Americans have to do their own research, as the MSM here is so controlled and corrupted that they virtually never tell the truth on the air. Major propaganda, even moreso than that spewed in Nazi Germany or Stalin's Russia. Incredible, but true.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

They admit they can control the weather!

Well, Alex Jones has interviewed one of the people who has just verified that they can intensify or reduce the severity of hurricanes and monsoons. I have released some interviews and information before that proves this. Also, Col. Tom Bearden (do a Google search on him) has also released the technical details of how the weather is manipulated and controlled by human intervention. They've actually been doing it for quite some time. We've been conditioned and indoctrinated to not believe that this is possible, but the proof of this fact is overwhelming. Do your own due dilligence. They are always hiding things, but you know how the truth is. It always stands the test of time, and always comes out of the dark and into the light, no matter how much it is subverted. The truth is timeless, eternal. Lies must always be massaged and explained, supported by more lies. They just aren't viable long-term. Do not wait to hear the truth from CNN and other MSM (Main Stream Media) sources, because they are paid to lie!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

This article explains it

This was another great article that describes what is presently happening in the United States. The writer, a Ph.D., tells the truth and pulls no punches about how this country is being destroyed from within, steeped in ignorance and patriotism. It is a must-read that was first written in 2002, but has been recently updated to reflect the effects of current events. The gist of the matter is that it is time for people to WAKE UP before it is too late. You can either wake up now and have a chance for freedom, or you can wake up a slave. The choice is always yours, but time is running out. It's much later than you may think...

Monday, October 10, 2005

The Police State is closer than you think

Yes, I found another article that describes what has already taken place in this country. The bad part is that many people think that 'it can't happen here in America'. Unfortunately, the facts say that not only can it happen here in America, but that it has already happened. We've been so thoroughly indoctrinated that we don't understand where our basic legal protections come from, nor do we understand why they were instituted. I hope that we don't have to learn the hard way why and where they come from. From the looks of how this country operates today, we are, collectively, totally ignorant about law, civics, and our rights. It is time for us to learn the truth, and to defend our rights before we are all overtly enslaved.

It's not a pretty picture...

I found an article dealing with the financial picture here in America. It's not looking so good for the country, regardless of how you are doing as an individual. I suspect that most people are being squeezed by the banks and other corporations out there. Remember that your alleged governments (at all levels) have all been incorporated. So they are victimizing the entire country, better known as 'We the People'. In addition, there is a high danger that bank accounts and other investment vehicles could be seized or effectively nullified by your friends in government. I'm just trying to get you to wake up and realize what your options are before it is too late. Wake up while there is still time! The time to prepare for something is before it happens. When it is obvious to the average person that danger is near, it is much too late to prepare for it. But the wise person studies a situation and prepares for it ahead of time. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you will thank me later if I am right. I really hope that I'm wrong, but it doesn't look like it.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

'Peak Oil' is a ruse

I've heard that the theory behind the 'Peak Oil' explanation is just a justification for increased oil profits for the oligarchs, as well as another way for the 'Powers-That-Be' to put the screws to the people. It looks like it is true. If there is no oil shortage, then how and why can all the oil companies be earning record profits? In addition to that, there are numerous ways that gasoline engines could be improved to get at least double the gas mileage that they are getting now. The technology upon which the internal combustion engine is based is ancient in relation to modern technology. I've heard reports of cars that can run on water, hydrogen, free energy, etc. Even if they were to run the cars on gasoline, they could be engineered to run off of the gas vapor, which yields many times the energy of the gasoline as a liquid. It's all just a game to them, and we are the fodder.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The truth about the new supreme Court justice

It would appear that this Miers woman is another henchperson for the Bush regime. I had my suspicions about her. My intuition told me that if they were supporting her, it was for their own reasons, and definitely not for the good of the country. That reason is gone, as these people in the 'government' are working for their own purposes, and appear to be working to destroy the country. The woman has no credentials. She's been an insider to the Bush regime for quite some time now. It's just not a pretty picture. THINK! The Demopublicans are not looking out for the best interests of us or the country. They behave like profiteers who are actually being paid to destroy the country, and they're doing a great job at it.

They're still working at it...

GW Bush has already admitted that he plans to use the military to enforce a police state on us in the event of an outbreak of a flu. It sounds farfetched, but he said it himself. We've known about these plans for years, and I'm sure that most people thought 'it can never happen here in America'. Unfortunately, they are already doing this. Witness what has happened in New Orleans with troops being sent in to confiscate guns. They couldn't deliver much-needed supplies, but they could do door-to-door sweeps for guns though. You know that it's only going to get worse if we don't stand up. Time is running short as we careen recklessly towards totalitarianism.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Troops on US Streets?

I found another article that deals with apparent high level plans for the government to have troops on American soil to control and suppress Americans. This is not good, but I must say that I am not surprised about this. It seems to have been a plan of the government to utilize troops on civilians, like they did in New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. The troops there only seemed to be blocking the supplies of food and essentials to the victims there. But they had no problem seizing the guns of the people. It seems to me that the deployment of troops in New Orleans was a test run for the use of the military on Americans. It passed with flying colors, as there haven't been many demonstrations against it. If there were demonstrations, they were not reported on by the media. I'm not sure about the veracity of the above article, but I'd rather err on the side of safety and to work to restrain the unfettered power of the federal government.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Weather Modification Links

I found this website that has a lot of links to some great articles on weather modification and warfare. This is a powerful technique that the evidence would appear to indicate that it is being used at present. It is extremely powerful because it is dismissed by the majority of people as 'Acts of God'. It allows smaller countries and groups to act in a totally secret manner without fear of retribution. It also gives them a powerful tool for destruction. To most people, this is sheer fantasy. But there is ample evidence of weather modification in the scientific literature, the press (although suppressed) and even in some laws. It sounds crazy, but the truth usually does... Check it out for yourself and make up your own mind. Personally, I've noticed that the clouds are very different from how they used to be when I was a child.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The Way It Is

This is an article that goes into depth about the hidden truth of how we live today. This article explains the technical details of how the tyranny is being instituted, but it is explained in lay terms. This is a good primer to get people not familiar with these concepts up to speed. There is a lot of great information in this article. Pay attention to it, and be sure to do your own research. You must be comfortable with them in order to secure your own freedom. Most people are not mentally strong enough to truly seek independence. It is not an easy path, especially when all of the forces of government are against this, and fight hard to keep people subjugated. But it is the only path that we have available to freedom.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Stand up today, or wear your chains quietly...

I just found a great article that discusses a lot of things that need to be discussed. You will never see any of these issues on any mainstream media source. If you hadn't noticed, things are changing rapidly in the world today. This is not the time to be sleeping or wasting your time with the propaganda that passes for news. I call that stuff infotainment because it is information, but has little value in your life. What can you really do with that stuff they feed to you? If we don't start to stand up for what is right, we're all going to go down the drain. The plan is to destroy America, and I hope that you can see that they have almost finished us off! Don't stand by and remain in your coma! Get up and do something, if not for yourself, then do it for your children! What do we have to lose? The plan is to take us to being a 3rd World country. I don't like that plan. Do you? If not, then get active and take immediate action.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Armed Mexican Troops Invade US

There is an article on that describes how armed Mexican troops are inside the United States. This makes sense if you know anything about the New World Order and their plans to use foreign soldiers in most countries. They want to do this because they know that domestic troops will be hesitant to fire upon their own people. This also makes sense in the context of the Hurricane Katrina/demise of New Orleans situation. There is a lot of information in this article. You may also want to follow the links in the article for the background, and also to expand your understanding of what is going on here. This is not the time to be sleeping. The accelerating rate of the move towards One World Government is very alarming to those who are awake. Do not be one of the 'sheeple', because you won't like the consequences!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

The REAL Purpose of FEMA

The real deal with FEMA is that is is a powerful organization that is the 'shadow government'. It was formed by Executive Order of Nixon. This article tells the story about this deceptively powerful agency of the government. Once again, the government is attempting to establish its power over the average citizen. It is a great article that sheds light on this rogue agency of the government. Most of the operations of this agency are secret, even to most members of Congress. I have also heard of accounts that they are responsible for the 'King Alfred' plan, which is a plan to send blacks and Hispanics to concentration camps in the event of race war. This plan was established in the '60s, and is also known as 'Rex 84'. You might want to research this topic as well.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Disaster Racket?

It appears that the well-known Red Cross is operating as a money-making operation. I didn't know that they had a long and documented history of withholding contributions from victims of various disasters, but they may even be operated by a faction of the New World Order oligarchs. They are known to have withheld contributions from Tsunami victims, 911 victims, and now they're doing the same thing. So be careful when you make donations to help others, as most of your donation may go towards some fat cat's mansion payment. Be sure to check the links inside of the article above.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Is the weather being controlled?

I didn't originally think or get the feeling that Katrina was engineered, but some information out there suggests that this is what has happened, and has been happening for quite some time. I felt the need to inform you of this article that would tend to support this contention. I do know that they have had the technology (i.e., scalar technology, zero-point physics, woodpecker transmitters, etc.) to manipulate the weather (as well as other various things). I haven't delved into this topic in a while, as I have been busy with some other more pressing issues, but I would not be at all surprised if this is the case. It appears that we are in end times...


It appears that we have confirmation of our suspicions. There appears to be some fraud in the game concerning the rising oil and gas prices. It didn't make sense that the price was rising so high so fast, and the linked article seems to support the contention that we are being gouged by the big oil companies. If there was really a shortage, why are all the oil companies recording record profits? This has to mean that this is a manipulated outcome. I can't think of any other explanation.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Bush has lost it...

Bizarre, paranoid, delusions of grandeur, hatred and disdain for the 'common man', etc., are all trademarks of the fearless 'Commander-in-Chief'. This article explores these findings and their ramifications. It's not a good thing when the president feels this way, and has the audacity to put it out there. We are viewed as pawns in a game of world domination, control and power. Most people remain this because they are conditioned to believe things that have no basis in reality. When the truth is given to them, it appears to be absurd, but only because it is very different from the 'reality' that has been installed/downloaded into their brains. But it appears that the squeeze on Americans is forcing them to confront the bitter reality that the government and corporations are 100% corrupt. Actually, they are one in the same. Do your research and find out for yourself. The truth is out there, if you are willing to step outside of your mental comfort zone...

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

America's Storm Troopers Strike in Utah

It appears that the American Storm Troopers, also known as cops, have stormed onto someone's private property just because they felt that they could. The party was a rave, and although they had no 4th Amendment warrant to search the property or the people there, the American Gestapo went ahead and broke up the party. Legally, the cops can't trespass on private property, and their codes, rules and regulations don't apply on private property. But since when has the police ever followed the law when it was to their detriment? People, it's time that we learn about the law and start to stop America's slide into tyranny. If 'we the people' don't do it, it's not going to get done. It's evident that those who rule America are working to run the tyranny being created here. There is not going to be any middle-ground. Learn about the truth, and fight for your kids and their kids, because they will be inheriting whatever we leave them with. It isn't looking good right about now. Time is short...

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Even more evidence of hanky-panky in the Bush Administration

Another blockbuster revelation has been made in reference to the 9-11 attacks. More experts have blown even more holes in the Swiss-cheese-esque "official 9-11 story". The article is said to come from high ranking Army officers and other subject-matter experts. The bottom line is that the official story is the only one deserving of the term conspiracy theory because it is so far-fetched as to be totally absurd. From the hijackers with boxcutters to the pristine passports found near the WTC to the shutdown of the NORAD automatic response to the disinterest in catching the alleged perp (Osama), it all just reeks to high heaven. I believe that the majority of Americans don't believe the official trash story, but don't realize how many people are angry with Bush & Company because of the mass media blackout of anything that doesn't support the tyrants. Do your due diligence, as we're not asking you to believe anything we say. We just ask you to do some of your own research, and then make up your own mind.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Crookedness abounds...

It appears that the corruption in the Bush Administration, and is beginning to catch up with them. The lowdown is right here from that journalistic bulldog, Sherman Skolnick. But unfortunately, it's looking like the bad guys have the Illinois courts all locked up. The deal is that a runaway grand jury (i.e., a grand jury that decided to investigate whatever they wanted to investigate started investigating the Bush Administration) and after they learned about the lies and corruption inside, they decided to indict Bush and Cheney. Check it out for yourself, as it gets extremely ugly...

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

They allowed it to happen!

This is more proof that the 911 attacks were an inside job! It's not surprising though. I had already figured out that there was no way that it was NOT an inside job. The mighty US defense apparatus is too sophisticated, too good, too professional, too big to have been manipulated by simple people half way around the world. The bottom line is that the NORAD system was deliberately turned off by flag rank officers and/or people in the Executive administration. That's the only way that fighters were not scrambled within 10 minutes of going off of their FAA-approved courses. It's the only way. Osama/"your-favorite-patsy-goes-here" does not have any authority to give orders to NORAD or to US fighter squadrons. That's a fact. Think about it...

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Another article about bereaved mom

Another journalist sets the record straight on the Cindy Sheehan story. Arianna Huffington tells it like it is, and holds the fire to the feet of the Neocons and the other establishment shills out there, as well as the mainstream media. The bottom line appears to be that as the mainstream media (MSM) attempts to attack Ms. Sheehan, they only expose themselves as the true jerks. It's bad when they have to resort to attacking a bereaved mother of a war vet. This type of actions shows me what these people are all about (assuming that I didn't know already).

Saturday, August 13, 2005

A Daring Woman

Cindy Sheehan dared to confront the 'mighty' GW Bush over the Iraq war. She's only asked one simple question: "What noble cause did my son die for?" What has she met with? Silence from Mr. Bush, as he basically has no answer, showing that the war is a blatant waste of time, money and the lives of the people who all die there. Maybe somebody believed the government propaganda, but I never did. The more that time passes, the more that I know that the Iraq war is a total sham. The truth is out there. You just have to find it...

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Now, They want to control the Internet!

Of course, they have to shut down all the uncontrolled websites that tell the truth about things. It is becoming evident to most people that the mainstream media (MSM) is full of it. So more and more people are turning to 'alternative sources' for their news. This includes the Internet, which is freedom of speech at its finest. But this does not sit well with the oligarchs, so they're now starting to try to control and censor the Internet. They've already started sounding the horns. Hopefully, people will stand up for freedom of speech and not allow this to take place. If you haven't already figured it out, it's time to fight for your rights while you still have a probable chance of preserving them. Do NOT wait until the police state has been finalized because your odds of survival are low by the time the troops are knocking at your door asking you to report to the transports, or to take you in for 'questioning'...

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

More 911 Information

This is another good article dealing with the anomalies in reference to the 911 WTC attacks. It's another well-put together article. There is NO WAY that the 'official story' that we have been given by the mass media and the government can be true. It is just too ludicrous, too ridiculous, too speculative. There are way too many inconsistencies and logical jumps that have to be made to support it. It is actually an indication of the lack of reasoning power inherent in the American population. I put forth a lot of effort and thinking about the WTC attacks, and there's really no way that anybody half way across the ocean could have orchestrated such an intricate attack on the world's most developed military power. There is no way that there was no inside help, at the least. It is probable that the entire thing was an inside job. There is no other logical explanation.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

More information from Skolnick

Another installment of the Overthrow of the American Republic. This is excellent, as usual. Skolnick is one of the best journalists that I've seen. He always has great hidden information. He digs for the dirt on the public officials, and is not afraid of them. In fact, he is personally responsible for getting about 40 or more corrupt judges off of the bench. I would heartily recommend anything that he writes. He was one of the first reporters to call out GW Bush and his corrupt regime. I also recommend that you spread as much information to your friends and acquaintances as you can. The only thing that will save us is us!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The Suppressed Footage From WWII

If they have suppressed the atrocities of nuclear bombs over 50 years ago, then can you imagine what heinous crimes and unspeakable acts they are hiding in Iraq and Afghanistan? The facts show that atomic warheads are some of the most barbaric weapons that have ever been used in warfare, and in history. The U.S. government chose to suppress, classify and hide these facts from the American public. Do you think that they are any more forthcoming with their evil deeds today? They basically act to hide their dirt from us and the world. There is always some reasonable sounding excuse for them to do this, but it is all just an excuse for them to wield their power for their own personal aggrandizement. I've been hearing about their atrocities in the Middle East, but don't expect to hear about the truth of the matter for another 40+ years. History only repeats itself because nobody wants to wake up and ask the tough questions. If you don't know the past, you're doomed to repeat the errors of yesteryear...

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Yes, It's Another Inside Job...

Now, there's a former MI5 intelligence officer (spy) who gave his honest assessment of the London bombings, and he thinks that it was an inside job. It's really fairly evident that the governments are the only ones profiting from all these 'terrorist' alerts, warnings, hysteria and incidents. Al Queda is a creation of US Intelligence, but is being used as a Boogey Man to scare the people and get them emotionally overwhelmed. There's a lot of hokey-pokey out there masquerading as truth. It is our duty to find the truth and to then spread it around to everybody we know that will listen. Either you're a part of the solution, or you're a part of the problem...

Thursday, July 28, 2005

The Housing Bubble

We've been so concerned and preoccupied with the 'terrorists' and things of that nature that most have probably forgotten about the huge housing market bubble that has been lingering on for quite some time. It has not gone away, and is still a great threat to the stability and long-term viability of the American economy. We are being inundated with debt, to get straight to the point. I won't go into any long dissertations about economic theory and the Austrian School of Economics, but I will say that the present course we are on is in no way sustainable. Do your research. Do NOT just bury your head in the sand, lest you become swept away by the economic tsunami that is rapidly approaching! Check out the financial site that I have in the Links list on my homepage here (Gold Eagle Editorials). The truth is out there...

Winston Churchill & the Illuminati

I saw a good article dealing with some history of WWII and how what we were told about it, and the truth of the matter. Without a historical rationale that is truthful, we can never understand the real motivations behind the actions and strategies that are being used by the hidden oligarchs and their battles for world domination. This article also gives a great background on WWII in reference to the recent 'terrorist' bombings in London. It is critical that we understand that these are what are termed 'false flag' operations conducted by the governments in order to maintain the atmosphere of tension and fear. Enhanced emotional states induced in the populace make them more susceptible to psychological control. Always be wary and discerning whenever you are being given information from the Mainstream Media (MSM)...

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Why Do YOU work so hard?

I found a good article, a bit off of the beaten path. It was interesting. One that makes you stop and wonder what you're doing. Sometimes, we need to stop and really think about what we're doing and why we're doing it. I think that we're so conditioned to conform that we never really stop to think about what we're doing, and what we're accomplishing in our work. Most times, we're climbing, fighting to get up the ladder. We finally get to the top rung, only to discover that the ladder is propped against the wrong wall... Very disheartening. So try to stop and take a good look at where your ladder is placed, and if you're really heading in the direction that you want to go.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The War on Vitamins

Your friendly elected sellout government congressmen are serving the 'Big Pharma' interests by trying to legislate HR 3156, which will basically villify and regulate harmless dietary supplements. This is because people are finally getting sick and tired of being poisoned by the expensive, side-effect-laden pharmaceutical chemicals that doctors are so quick to dispense. Now, over 50% of people now dabble in natural treatments for diseases. It is affecting the exorbitant profits being made by the Big Pharma interests. Of course, the government is in bed with the big corporations. Our interests are not being addressed. Why else would the government work to regulate vitamins and nutritional supplements when an infintesimal percentage of people who use them have been injured? Literally hundreds of millions of people have been injured and/or killed by pharmaceutical drugs, many of which have never been the subject of any studies proving that they are safe for human consumption. Vioxx is just one of the debacles brought to us by Big Pharma. The list could go on for quite some time. The basic deal is that the 'Powers-That-Be' do not want us to be healthy. If they did, they would not permit the AMA cartel to single-handedly control the administration of health care in America. It's time for us to fight for our right to supplement our diets in any way we want! We are NOT the property of the state, regardless of how much they want to control us! They don't have our best interests at heart. Do something now to preserve our rights!

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

We're Headed fot the End of the Road

John Kaminski wrote another scathing indictment of Western 'Civilization', and the world. It's another good one, but will probably be a bit controversial. I don't always agree with everything he says, but it's refreshing to see that somebody out there has some brain activity that isn't related to any Mainstream Media (MSM) drivel. It really gets to me when I turn on the television, and only see meaningless garbage being treated as valuable news. Most of that stuff is irrelevant garbage that is totally without any value. It's like a parade of trash. And you wonder why people can't think today? The media is purposely designed to reduce the level of thinking of its viewer/victims. They don't call it the Idiot Box for nothing! But if you're reading this, you're not an idiot... At least you're showing signs of brainwave activity.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

It's just an excuse to justify what they're doing...

The basic deal is that there is no Al-Queda. It's just a big invention to create an enemy, a *boogey-man* to wave in front of people to get them excited so that they will go along with the government-sponsored program of an increasing surveillance and decreasing freedom environment. The logic is that if they can't just enslave us overtly, they have to get us emotionally excited so that our thinking processes are inhibited. Then, whenever they want to turn up the volume on the fascism meter, they just wave another 'terrorist incident' in front of the people, and then they become more compliant, and less willing to fight it. You can't trade freedom for security. It doesn't work. How can it possibly work? The loss of freedom has nothing to do with security. You can't protect something by DESTROYING IT!!! How is that supposed to work? How can anybody 'hate us for our freedom' when we're giving it away? This is not a good situation...

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

This is it...

For those who think that they can just meld into the background and not cause waves, IT IS NOT POSSIBLE! The way things are progressing, this will not be an option. There is not going to be any middle ground. The changes in society that are being managed will not admit the existence of any sort of happy medium position. You are either going to be free, or you will be a total slave. This is the outcome that is the goal of the oligarchical interests fighting for global control. Do the research yourself, if you dare. Time is of the essence. Most people can sense that things are not the same as they once were. The rate of change is quickening. I suggest another article to give you more perspective on this. It is critical that you awaken yourself and work to stop this from happening. I am not even sure if it is possible to stop it. All I know is that I cannot look at myself in the mirror, or look in my son's eyes and fail to fight for his future. Look at your kids and tell me if you can fail to fight for their future. Can you see what is happening to America or the world? The truth is out there, but the real question is can you, will you deal with it?

Monday, July 11, 2005

Suppressed Death Counts of US Troops in Iraq

The US Department of Defense has been suppressing the casualty count over in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is not a good situation over there. Bush and his cronies are doing this so that public opposition to the War in Iraq does not intensify. If the American people knew how bad the situation really was over there, there would be major protests and calls to bring home the troops. There are also reports that green card immigrants are being forced to fight, and that their death tolls are not being reported. The fact of the matter is that the US Army is losing the war in Iraq. It is not a good situation, and most troops over there are simply walking targets. It is a very bad situation.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

The Demonic Cabal

I was sent an incredible article that describes the situation here in America. The author, Norman Livergood, discusses the oligarchy that has ran America from its inception. It is another great article. The truth is out there, but we must have the courage and intelligence to seek it out and to incorporate it in our daily actions. It's just a bit disconcerting to watch how the average American loves to remain ignorant of the nature of how this country operates. It is time for understanding, as it is much later than it seems...

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Info on the Latest Terrorist Attack

This article is from Sherman Skolnick, the highly acclaimed researcher and legal activist who has blown the cover on lots of government corruption and other nefarious secret activities of the 'powers-that-be'. This article also covers a lot of material that has been uncovered by Skolnick, and summarizes a lot of his documented findings. It is definitely a must-read.

Book on the New World Order

I found this link to a book (pdf-Acrobat) that appeared to be very in depth. I checked all of the topics in the Table of Contents, and it appeared to cover most of the major points of the history of the deal. I haven't had the time to read it, as it's about 777 pages. I've covered most of these topics in my own personal research, and the book appears to be very thorough. It looks like it's worth checking out.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Mind Control is Alive and Well

There have been reports of mind control technologies being used against civilians as well as against military targets. This has been going on for some time, as I've seen information regarding this kind of technology for some time. It has been hidden from the general public. Most cutting-edge technology is hidden from the public. The fact is that the government is technologically advanced at least 20-50 years ahead from what is portrayed to the general public. This is done on purpose. Anybody who watches James Bond movies knows this. People should be aware of this information, especially considering the way that our society is heading in a fascist direction.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

I'm not the only one...

...talking about the bad stuff going on in America. This article only confirms many of my suspicions, but the author has more proof than me. It's time to wake up and spread the word. The only people that are going to work to save us IS us! The government is in the same bed as the ones who are destroying America. They are about 90% done with the job. If we don't wake up now, we might wake up in the concentration camps. The substance of the economy has already been exported and/or destroyed. This means the end of the middle class, which is the backbone of any healthy society. This is my call to action to all those who can see what's coming. For more info, make sure that you check the links that I have in my 'links' section. Also, feel free to do your own research! Please move with all deliberate speed, as it is later than you think!

More Info on Police Tazers and Summary Executions

There's an article that give some excellent information in reference to the real deal with the police and their admiration of the tazers. It's really sobering and abhorrent that this is happening in America, a country that boasts about freedom. This behavior is indicative of fascism and a police state. To paraphrase one of the original Patriots said, when the government fears the people, we have freedom, but when the people fear the government, we have tyranny. Most of the people I know fear the government...

Poetic Justice?

Will one of the treasonous judges who voted against the Constitution he swore to uphold end up losing his own home to private developers? It would only be fair for him to get that treatment. Check this article. Private people should do that to all the treasonous judges who chose to ignore their oaths of office as required by Article 6, Section 2 of the Constitution. But that still doesn't solve the problem, unfortunately...

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Courts In Bed With Big Business

It looks like, once again, another court case has been decided in favor of big business. The court has made it easier for big business to censor and limit free speech on the Internet and World Wide Web. This is a very disturbing trend, as it appears that by some method, the courts are not totally beholden to the big corporations. This is not a good sign for liberty and freedom, which both appear to be dwindling towards eventual extinction. It is time to WAKE UP, and GET ACTIVE against the growing threats to our freedom.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The Day America Died

Well, it looks like even the Supreme Court has sold out, even before Bush has had the opportunity to install his own judges into the court. The alleged 'impartial justices' made a vote against the Constitution, and for big business. They just overturned the 5th Amendment part that requires the government to give just compensation for whatever they take from the people. It's another sad day for America. They did the same thing in Germany when Hitler got in office. They also took away the people's right to private property. The worst part about it is that most people here don't even understand the significance of what this flawed decision means. Total bummer...

More Evidence Demolishes WTC Official Story

I saw this article that gives even more conclusive evidence that the official 911 WTC attack story is 100% false. The only "Conspiracy Theory" is the official version of what happened, as that story is filled with lies, impossibilities, government suppression of many facts, destruction of evidence, evidence of prior knowledge, etc. I could go on and on, but most of you have heard about these things. If you haven't, you owe it to yourself and your children to find out the truth about this latest "Reichstag Fire" deception used to foist the Patriot Act/Homeland Security crap upon the country.

Monday, June 27, 2005


Thanks for checking out my blog. I just want to say that I'm here to put the truth out. It's something that I'm driven to do. So leave your preconceived notions at the door, and prepare for some serious paradigm-busting! I think I live for it...

