Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Gary Null Speaks Out Against Forced Vaccination to NY State Officials

He says it better than I do, but my research, findings and opinions are very similar to his on this vaccination issue. Vaccination is more dogma than science. When you take a vaccine, you are not only accepting dangerous adjuvants (such as formaldehyde, thimerosal/mercury, squalene, etc.) into your body. You are also being exposed to genetically-manufactured cellular elements and substances, and possibly a myriad of animal viral contaminants, and nobody knows what else could be in them. It's really playing Russian roulette with your health. One of the scariest things about vaccines is that they may be a causal element in the increased incidence of autoimmune diseases, psychological disorders, neurological diseases and disorders, and chronic diseases that we see in society today. You really owe it to yourself and your children to do some research into this topic.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Fed Attorney Squirms and Deflects

I just thought that this clip was very interesting. It is amazing how evasive one can be when being questioned...

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Educational System-Covert Mind Control?

I have studied the educational system in America for a long time. I guess that thinking like a scientist has made me more aware and analytical about the institutions in America. From my days as a kid reading Gunnar Myrdal's great treatise on the sociology of America to what I study today, I have always been interested in the way that society works. I also learned a lot from a researcher named Samuel Bowles, even though he was a communist. I know that truth can be found anywhere, and that everybody has some of it.

All that to say that education in America is controlled, as all institutions in society are. The controllers are doing it with an agenda. Unfortunately, the agenda is hidden from most. This means that if you are not an insider, you must infer or deduce what that agenda is. We can tell what the plan is by what the plan is producing. Education is critical in society because it is the way that the youth in society are molded. They are the future of society, and the way in which they are conditioned to think determines just about every major element of how society will work in the future. If you can control what the young think, you can program the way that the society will function when they reach adulthood.

Charlotte Iserbyt, author of the monumental book The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, has a video that explains how she was trained to infiltrate the community and get them to accept the changes that were being made to the educational system. It is really sinister and subtle the way in which she worked. Notice how subtle, but powerful, her training was to achieve this. This information is chilling when you think of the level of control of the people who run this system. It seems to be a cakewalk for these people to manipulate and control the thinking of adults as well as their children. The unaware are as gullible as unthinking automatons when faced with the sophisticated psychological strategies being used against them. This is a must-see. You should also read her book mentioned above.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Some Observations Regarding Economics

Everybody knows that we're experiencing some tough times. I read a lot of information on economics and finance. My opinion of the current economic situation is that it was predictable. There appears to be two forces at work here, but first I will talk about the monetary situation.

In previous times, numerous substances were used as money. Tobacco, sea shells, tally sticks, salt, gold, silver, etc., have all been used as money. Historically speaking, the substances that functioned as the best forms of money have been gold and silver. I understand this, and a number of people understand this as well. This is the reason why the price of gold and silver are so high today, and why they do a better job of preserving their value, regardless of what happens in the world's financial markets.

While gold and silver are excellent forms of money, they do have some disadvantages. They are bulky and hard to carry around. It is almost impossible to carry around gold for everyday transactions because it is so valuable. And you can forget about using silver for that because it is extremely heavy. Another problem is that they are very rare. Although the rarity of gold and silver make it valuable, it also makes it virtually impossible for them to be used as money because there just isn't enough of it to support world trade. Some of these facts may be the reason why the world's financiers choose to manipulate and suppress the gold and silver commodity exchanges.

So although I know that gold and silver are great for preserving your wealth from inflation and hyperinflationary destruction of financial (paper) assets, everybody does not have this option. With over six billion people in the world today, there just isn't enough gold and silver to make world commerce work. That's just a cold, hard fact. This is why credit is used as money. There is no limit to how much can be produced.

Unfortunately, the same thing that is good about credit is also a weakness of it. Because there is no limit to how much credit can be produced, this can also cause problems in society, and we are experiencing them now. If credit is to be used, there should have been some sort of limit placed on how much would be emitted. The old saying is that 'absolute power corrupts absolutely', and we're seeing this happen with the big banks. Unfortunately, the average person is being given the bill for the wayward antics and tendencies of these banks. They basically got no penalty, while average people are the ones who will pay the penalty and the bill.

Times will probably get tougher for average people, and especially for people that depend upon a job for their income. But people who can take advantage of world trade (outside of the United States), and people who can participate in technological innovations will probably soar ahead with financial growth opportunities. But those who are left back with the old ways of doing things will be left behind. The economic environment is changing, and the person looking for a job will be left behind if s/he does not develop marketable skills that will be in demand today, and in the future.