Sunday, October 16, 2005

All terrorism is created by Western Intel Agencies

Found another article that explains how all this 'terrorism' is sponsored by the Western intelligence agencies. There's been ample proof of this out there, but this article basically connects most of the dots for you. If you've been doing your own research, you know that 'Al Queda' is a creation of the CIA. Alex Jones calls it 'Al CIAda'. They also put Bin Laden on the map by backing him when Afghanistan was fighting the Soviet Union back in the late '70s. The 911 thing was definitely an inside job, as there are no Moslem countries with enough high-level access to the US security infrastructure to stand down the automatic response to flights leaving their FAA-approved flight plans and paths. This article is from an Australian source. At least the Australians got the truth in their mass media. Americans have to do their own research, as the MSM here is so controlled and corrupted that they virtually never tell the truth on the air. Major propaganda, even moreso than that spewed in Nazi Germany or Stalin's Russia. Incredible, but true.

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