Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Torturing the 'terrorists' today, torturing you and me tomorrow...

There has been a major push for legitimizing the torture of 'terrorists' today. Blackwill is being used as the person who wants to legitimize this policy. It is obviously a flawed argument, but the PTB must make it seem like a logical thing to do. They will tell you in the press that there torture is necessary to protect us, but this is totally false. This is already on the back of the President's statement that 'the Constitution is just a goddamned piece of paper.' First, they want to deny you the protection (and slander their oaths of office) that is confirmed in the Constitution. They are not 'Constitutional Rights' because the Rights that we all have are NOT granted to us by any piece of paper, but are truly granted by God Almighty. The Constitution was just written in order to delineate and insure that governments do not trample on these God-Given rights of man. But secondly, now they are working to make torture ok in the popular view of Americans.

Let's connect the dots here, people. They will use the torture on the 'terrorists' today, but be sure that tomorrow, it will be used against you and me right here in America. LOOK! They're already working to expand the scope and jurisdiction of the Air Marshals in all forms of transportation-bus, train, subway, etc. This is the expanding of the fascist police state mentality, right before your eyes. Don't try to rationalize this away, because it's not a coincidence. Don't ask how the German citizens went along with fascism because you're watching them do the exact same thing right here in America, right before your eyes. Hopefully, we won't go down in history as being complete idiots.

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