Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The Suppressed Footage From WWII

If they have suppressed the atrocities of nuclear bombs over 50 years ago, then can you imagine what heinous crimes and unspeakable acts they are hiding in Iraq and Afghanistan? The facts show that atomic warheads are some of the most barbaric weapons that have ever been used in warfare, and in history. The U.S. government chose to suppress, classify and hide these facts from the American public. Do you think that they are any more forthcoming with their evil deeds today? They basically act to hide their dirt from us and the world. There is always some reasonable sounding excuse for them to do this, but it is all just an excuse for them to wield their power for their own personal aggrandizement. I've been hearing about their atrocities in the Middle East, but don't expect to hear about the truth of the matter for another 40+ years. History only repeats itself because nobody wants to wake up and ask the tough questions. If you don't know the past, you're doomed to repeat the errors of yesteryear...

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