Tuesday, July 25, 2006

What is the world coming to?

It would appear that the world is headed towards an ominous destination. We have another holocaust happening right now (the latest being in Lebanon) with the complicity of the mainstream media. They only report what they are told to report by the 'powers-that-be'. It would appear that America is the fulcrum for the determination of who will take control of the world. An international cabal of oligarchs have almost completed their plan to incite World War 3 and plunge the world into another war. It would seem that the goal of this war is to facilitate the implementation of the One-World Government through the destruction of all national sovereignty of every country in the world.

These people have always spoken of 'order out of chaos'. The image of a world in chaos is consistently presented through the use of disjointed reporting by mainstream news sources. The true connection and relative strategies at work in the world are never explained to the masses. The masses have actually been conditioned to accept whatever the 'authorities' tell them is fact. Many people do not believe anything that isn't presented by mainstream media sources. The control of context is the method that mainstream media uses to corral the perception of the masses. People have been conditioned by public schools to avoid critical thought, independent perception, deductive and inductive reasoning, the use of logic, or the drawing of inferences from given data. Unfortunately, control of the mass media in America has been consolidated into the hands of a few people. Mass media has always been controlled, but nowhere near as completely as it is being controlled today. The version of truth given to the masses today (i.e., news reporting) is equivalent to propaganda designed to evoke beliefs and conclusions that support the goals of the oligarchs who control the planet. These controllers do not have the best interests of the People in mind. They are very different from us in their philosophy towards life.

All of the above information is a mini-preface to an incredible article that I came across that deals with the imperial pursuits of those in control of the US Government. The apparent goals of these oligarchs is world totalitarianism, iron-fist control over all institutions of society, a fascistic/communistic economic system, and the brutal crushing of all dissent by the use of a great world government army large enough to defeat any group or country that may oppose it. Many think that the government in D.C. is their own government, but that concept is untrue. The government in D.C. is actually foreign to the United States in which most Americans live (i.e., the 50 states). Why do you think that they constantly, consistently extract money from the people at every turn? No, they don't need your 'Federal Reserve Notes' (a.k.a., dollars) because they can print as many of them as they may ever want. Their object is control. As I used to explain to people, "It can't be about the money for them because they can print as much of it as they want!" The above referenced article is very thorough, very logical, and calmly explains the situation that we face without the rose-colored glasses that we usually wear when confronted with the truth. The bottom line is that if the government will kill people half way across the world in imperialist campaigns, don't expect them to stop their brutality inside the United States because of any law written on paper. They will kill people abroad today, but will kill people domestically tomorrow. Their savagery abroad is only the dry run for their brutality to be meted upon Americans in the very near future. Don't be fooled by their sophistry on television! Why do you think they are ignoring the US Constitution and Bill of Rights in such a brazen fashion? There's no way to get freedom by allowing government to trample on the rights of the People. People in government are notorious for using their official offices and the color of authority to exploit, subjugate, and murder people for their own reasons. Do some study on history and open your eyes.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Tragedy in Lebanon

I have been following the Israeli situation in general in reference to the NWO and related topics. But lately, the attacks on Lebanon have been making the front page news. I know that this is being orchestrated for hidden purposes and agendas, which is normally the case. The issue appears to be about Hezbollah and it's alleged terror attacks (which may also possibly be identified as a weak people fighting a leviathan in the only way that they can) that have culminated in their taking of 2 or 3 Israeli soldiers hostage. But to me, the response seems to be: 1) extremely disproportional to the threat, and 2) like it would have to have been planned in advance. I don't claim to be an expert on Middle Eastern affairs, but I'm not sure how big a threat Hezbollah and other alleged threats can be to mighty Israel, a country that is armed to the teeth, as well as possessing a large number of nuclear weapons. I believe that Israel has the 4th or 5th largest military on the planet, far more than what any of its neighboring countries would possess. It's like Mike Tyson cowering before Pee Wee Herman in fear. It just doesn't add up, and doesn't make sense.

I found a few articles that go into more depth about this complex situation. It would appear that the situation in the Middle East is worsening rapidly. It is obvious that the US government is working in conjunction with Israel and Britain. The first article speaks about how the Lebanese population is being devastated by aerial attacks. They are destroying civilian targets in response to this alleged perceived threat from Hezbollah, even though this organization (as far as I can tell) has no ties or official standing with the Lebanese government. If I remember correctly, the acts of bombing civilian targets and critical infrastructure locations are both war crimes. I thought that soldiers that are captured were not kidnapped, but were 'prisoners of war'. Soldiers can't be kidnapped, but civilians can. I also don't remember their being any declaration of war upon Lebanon by Israel, but I could be wrong about that. It just seems that Israel can do no wrong, no matter how many civilians they may happen to kill.

The second article speaks more on the geopolitical situation in the Middle East. This is not a topic with which I am the most familiar, but I felt that I should address this because it is a very important topic. In fact, some believe that it could affect the entire world, possibly initiating World War 3. Although I do not agree with everything the author says (especially the unproven 'conspiracy theory' assertion that 19 hijackers flew planes into the WTC and the Pentagon that is not backed up by any facts upon critical examination, especially when at least 7 of them are reportedly alive and well), I do believe that he makes some valid points and gives some pertinent background information about this Middle Eastern situation. There is an extreme Israeli bias in the reporting of the events occurring in this region. How could the reporters possibly know the motivations of the people who are acting in these battles? It is patently subjective. It would appear that forces are working to destabilize the entire region for their own purposes. Another great question is why the Israeli army is targeting Lebanese army positions when there is no connection between Hezbollah and the Lebanese government.

The third article is more of a potpourri of different snippets, opinions, and parts of articles that are placed together in a flowing fashion. The obvious effect of the Israeli strikes is to destabilize Lebanon and to inflame the Arabic population of the Middle East. How could any Arabic person not be enraged with the wholesale targeting, destruction and murder of innocent civilians? There is obviously a lot more going on behind the scenes than what we are being offered in the mainstream media 'news' sources. They are murdering scores of innocent people in Lebanon, no matter how vehemently stooge reporters claim that Israeli actions are merely 'self-defense'. Since when are women and children such a huge threat that bombs must be dropped on their heads while they are at home? There has to be more than meets the eye at work here. More intrigue in operation, as usual.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The President

There is evidence that the president is not too bright, and I'm being very nice and generous in this characterization of his talent and skills. It is inconceivable that the president of the United States is a moron, but all the evidence seems to point in that direction. An honest observation of his behavior, his speech, his actions and his demeanor clearly shows that he is obviously incapable of being an effective leader of this country. Let's face it. He's never done anything of any significance in his life without it being given to him by Daddy Bush. In short, the man is a 'silver spoon' spoiled frat boy.  People like this commonly believe that they are much better than they really are, and that the world owes them all the good things, just because they are well-connected.  He is arrogant, self-centered, spoiled, selfish, crass, rude, brash, uncultured, shallow, clueless, immature, infantile and loutish. He is totally out of touch with reality, and actually expects reality to conform to his wishes.  He truly believes that he can do no wrong. Sounds something like a messiah complex. I don't think that he's really won any presidential election, but that he was selected and installed into the presidential office by the power behind the scenes. It is a very scary thought to actually believe that the American people actually elected this guy for president because that would be an indictment of the country as being unfit to have freedom.  Not even the American people are that ignorant!

I'm not sure if this country can survive 8 years of this ineptitude, incompetence, and ignorance at the highest levels.  Something has got to give, and from all appearances, it seems to be the American economy.  Falsified government statistics notwithstanding, you have to admit that America is not what it used to be. The substance of the economy is gone.  The unions have all been effectively broken, and corporate interests can now do whatever they please.  The debt situation is bordering on an emergency. There is no more production in this country, all of it being exported abroad.  We are on the brink of hyperinflation while the savings levels is actually negative, which signifies that we are consuming the remaining substance of the country in a cannibalistic frenzy.

Amidst all of this, the average American is content to be entertained into a drunken stupor. Maybe that is the reason that the leader is a drunken bozo who isn't taken seriously by any other world leaders.  They say that the leader is a reflection of the people he leads. If that is true, then this country is smack-dab in the middle of the danger zone. If you can't see this, you are a part of the problem.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Is There a Cure for Cancer?

Do you believe that after many billions (maybe even trillions) have been spent on cancer research, after numerous Ph.D. scientists, the finest minds in academia, have been studying this disease for at least 3-4 decades, that they are now no closer to a cure for cancer than when they started?  I find it incredulous, an insult to my intelligence.  Is it really possible that microorganisms are smarter than all the medical scientists of modern civilization?  Our advanced knowledge and technology is unable to stop a disease like cancer?  Or is it the result of obfuscation of the true nature of this malady?  With all of the celebrated advancements in medical science, are we supposed to just accept as fact that the only effective treatments for this disease are:

A) toxic chemotherapy, which is known to use highly poisonous compounds that are lethal to perfectly healthy people,

B) toxic radiation exposure, which is also known to have extremely deleterious effects upon all people (even healthy people),

C) surgery, which can be characterized as butchery, similar to some sort of medieval torture.

The most curious aspect of this situation is that these have been the only American Medical Association (AMA)-approved treatments for cancer for at least the last 30 years!  Does this fact really fall in line with all of the scientific advancements that have (allegedly) been made in medical science? We do not have any better response to this disease besides poison and butchery. I find this to be laughable and grossly ridiculous.

In my experience, I haven't seen any serious efforts by the AMA to explore any other treatment modalities.  If we are to believe the 'truth' as given by AMA and the medical establishment here in America, there is no other valid approach to disease treatment besides the allopathic (i.e., M.D.) philosophy. I find this to be an untenable holding, given the nature of the Scientific Method that is (allegedly) utilized in all science to find truth and to get the best results from our efforts in all scientific endeavors.  I chose science as a field of study because I once believed that it was less inclined to be affected by politics and other forms of corruption and intrigue, but I was mistaken. I have uncovered a lot of fraud, corruption, intrigue and politics in science and medicine in my research. Here, I will share with you some links to information that you may examine as your time permits.

The article that brought me back to this topic was an article that was written by an alternative medical researcher named Dr. Alan Cantwell who has written a few books on AIDS and the microbe that is said to cause cancer.  He spoke about one physician named Dr. Virginia Livingston-Wheeler who used various 'non-mainstream' methods to characterize a microbe that has been shown to be found in all tumor tissue that has been examined. Dr. Livingston-Wheeler was not the first researcher to find this ubiquitous microbe.  There are reports of researchers finding this microbe in cancerous tissue as early as the late 1800's using what is termed dark-field microscopy.  Most microbiologist do not use this form of microscopy in their studies.

On this topic, the most prolific researchers that I have learned about on this topic are Dr. Raymond Royal Rife and Gaston Naessens.  Dr. Rife was a genius researcher who identified the cancer microbe with a special microscope that he designed and built, found its resonant frequency and destroyed it with his frequency instrument. He was working with some of the most esteemed researchers from the best universities in that era. You can do a Google search for him online.

Gaston Naessens was another researcher who had actually identified the 16-stage life cycle of the pleomorphic (multiple forms with a life cycle) cancer organism.  He could predict the stage of development of disease in people, and could tell whether or not they would become cancerous over a year before the symptoms and disease would manifest. His findings confirm the theories of Antoine Béchamp, a proponent of the pleomorphic theory of microbiology, in contradistinction to Louis Pasteur's theory of monomorphism (one microbe-one disease).  Even on his deathbed, Pasteur admitted that Béchamp was correct, and that he was wrong about the pleomorphism of microbes.

I would implore you to do your own study of the topic.  It probably won't be easy, as it does take effort and a knowledge of the language of science and medicine. It appears to me that the various disciplines use language and technical language to keep outsiders from understanding what they say and what they do. But you can take some time to learn their language and then understand what they are really saying.  If you are a medical professional, you will need to remove the preconceived notions that you have in your mind from previous indoctrination.  Be open to the possibility that the things you believe to be true may be wrong. This is the only way that progress is made in life. You cannot embrace truth if you do not examine your beliefs rigorously and completely.  Just because something sounds outlandish or ridiculous does not mean that it isn't true.  Remember, sense perception assured many people that the Sun revolved around the Earth..  It was 100% self-evident, and 100% wrong!  Remember, the life you save may be your own or the life of a loved one.  We owe it to ourselves to take control of our lives and to take back our own personal power!  You can do it.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Intrigue is 'Business as usual'...

It seems as if there is no end to the lies, façades, subterfuge, propaganda, and outright lies that we are fed by our self-appointed leaders.  They say that they do it for the good of the public, but I am very suspicious of this.  In my experience, lies and deception are used to subjugate, manipulate, and steal resources from victims of said deception.  Human nature being what it is, it is extremely difficult for people to pass up easy money and power.  When I studied the background and hidden, suppressed history of government and power, I discovered that these alleged leaders are some of the most greedy, bloodthirsty, avaricious, self-aggrandizing, power-hungry, sociopathic, criminal minds known to man.

It is human nature to think of others in the same way that we think of ourselves.  We tend to attribute qualities that we have to all other people.  Most people have been socialized to be decent, caring, loving, self-effacing, modest, and concerned for the welfare of others.  They think that our self-appointed leaders are just 'ordinary people', just like us.  In fact, the media is utilized to create the same image of these leaders.  They are portrayed to be just like our next-door neighbor, having the same needs, wants and goals that most of us share.  But this is a gross misrepresentation of the facts...

I won't go into the details about all the secret societies out there.  They are fact, and are not a 'conspiracy theory'.  A theory is not supported by facts.  The Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, Skull and Bones, Knights of the Round Circle, Freemasonry, Rosicrucians, the Jesuits, the Illuminati, the Royal Institute for International Affairs, ad nauseum, are not fiction.  A logical analysis by thinking minds reveals that world events do not happen randomly.  They can't be random, as the Law of Entropy states that disorder is the result of random events.  But the world is too organized to be the result of random events. It is naive to think that the most powerful people on the planet would allow their wealth to be dissipated or taken from them without force.  In fact, my research has shown that they will do just about anything to preserve their power and wealth, morals and ethics notwithstanding.  The facts (although hidden and never reported by the mainstream media due to ownership being in the same category as the leaders) show that these leaders have a goal of turning the world into a slave camp beholden to them, the newest iteration of Caesar and his 'Pax Romana', the modern form of which could be characterized as 'Pax Americana', or 'Pax United Nations'.  It seems to be a great aspiration of these types.  Napoleon, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Alexander, etc., all seem to want to be the next Caesar of the world.  This idea is foreign to average people, but there are even reports of GW Bush stating in an interview that things would be easier in America if it was a dictatorship, but just as long as he was the dictator.  The people in the upper echelons of society are not like us.  They have world domination as one of their goals. And you thought Pinky and the Brain was comedy...

With all of this background, I hope that you can relate to the following articles that have come to my attention.  The first one speaks about how our beloved leaders have orchestrated this state of economic chaos so that they can emerge from it with increased, more concentrated powers over the people.  They always feign confusion, ineptitude, laziness, sloth, etc., but these excuses are too convenient, too ridiculous, too infantile to be realistic.  The people that rise to power in government and the institutions of society are too calculating, too intelligent, too cunning, and the competition is so stiff as to preclude an idiot from rising to the top, unless the 'Powers-that-be' wanted that idiot to be in charge, of course, for their own nefarious purposes (witness GW Bush).  Anybody with any semblance of critical thinking skills can see that the American economy is headed for Great Depression II (if we're not there already), and the people that can't see it have been effectively socially engineered into complacency.  There is no other logical explanation.  In fact, in the article, there are many trillions of dollars that lawfully belong to American citizens, but is being kept from them because these secret cabals are working very hard to steal it and use it for more of their own selfish, sinister machinations.  The article goes on to go into more depth about Leo Wanta, the trustee of about $30 Trillion in USD which was originally to be used to save America, but is now in the sights of the 'Powers-that-be' so they can continue their scurrilous behavior.

The other article speaks of the dangers of the American public being so gullible.  Although I believe that many people are awake and conscious of the danger of tyranny in America, there are still a lot of people who believe the government/mass media propaganda, and are 'dead men walking' through the days of their lives.  Complacency and apathy are very easy to maintain if one believes the propaganda being meted out on the airwaves.  It tends to make people feel a part of something bigger, and to feel as if they belong to the group.  But they will not like the destination planned for them, or for the world.  The evidence of the end of freedom and the end of America is plain to see for those who wish to find the truth.  A little objectivity and intellectual honesty are the only requirements for awakening from the mass-media induced stupor.  It seems to me that many are too afraid to admit the truth of the situation, because if they do, then they are impelled and compelled to have to do something to fix the situation.  But most fear the government and what the price may entail.  To me, it would seem that it is better to fight while the odds are better, than to wait until the police state apparatus is complete.  You just won't be able to stop those American stormtroopers from shipping you and your family off to 'Camp Fed' once 20 of them are knocking on your door...

The last article I'll reference speaks of the lengths that the current presidential administration will go in order to silence dissent.  It is totally crazy to me for people to actually be able to reconcile totally divergent concepts simultaneously within their psyche.  How can Bush be protecting freedom by increasing surveillance?  How can he be upholding the law by breaking all of them?  How can a tactic of placing everyone under surveillance be good for America?  Only totalitarian states do such things. It would appear to me that WE are the enemy.  In addition, it is patently laughable that our trillion dollar security apparatus could be defeated by some guy on dialysis who can't use any electronic communications, with a team of 'pilots' who could barely fly Cessna prop planes, much less large commercial jets.  Fantasy has just been turned into 'reality' through incessant repetition and the staging of the context by 'authorities' provided to us by our 'leaders' who really aren't OUR leaders.  They are more like THE leaders that have been chosen for us to have.

Time to wake up and get with the program! Spread the word, pick your battles, and fight for our future.  Nobody can fight everything, all of the time.  If you don't fight and we get punked, you probably won't like the results.  There's an old saying,"If you won't make plans for yourself, then somebody else make your plans for you."  And I guarantee you that their plan will be for THEIR benefit, not yours.