Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Stand up today, or wear your chains quietly...

I just found a great article that discusses a lot of things that need to be discussed. You will never see any of these issues on any mainstream media source. If you hadn't noticed, things are changing rapidly in the world today. This is not the time to be sleeping or wasting your time with the propaganda that passes for news. I call that stuff infotainment because it is information, but has little value in your life. What can you really do with that stuff they feed to you? If we don't start to stand up for what is right, we're all going to go down the drain. The plan is to destroy America, and I hope that you can see that they have almost finished us off! Don't stand by and remain in your coma! Get up and do something, if not for yourself, then do it for your children! What do we have to lose? The plan is to take us to being a 3rd World country. I don't like that plan. Do you? If not, then get active and take immediate action.

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