Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The War on Vitamins

Your friendly elected sellout government congressmen are serving the 'Big Pharma' interests by trying to legislate HR 3156, which will basically villify and regulate harmless dietary supplements. This is because people are finally getting sick and tired of being poisoned by the expensive, side-effect-laden pharmaceutical chemicals that doctors are so quick to dispense. Now, over 50% of people now dabble in natural treatments for diseases. It is affecting the exorbitant profits being made by the Big Pharma interests. Of course, the government is in bed with the big corporations. Our interests are not being addressed. Why else would the government work to regulate vitamins and nutritional supplements when an infintesimal percentage of people who use them have been injured? Literally hundreds of millions of people have been injured and/or killed by pharmaceutical drugs, many of which have never been the subject of any studies proving that they are safe for human consumption. Vioxx is just one of the debacles brought to us by Big Pharma. The list could go on for quite some time. The basic deal is that the 'Powers-That-Be' do not want us to be healthy. If they did, they would not permit the AMA cartel to single-handedly control the administration of health care in America. It's time for us to fight for our right to supplement our diets in any way we want! We are NOT the property of the state, regardless of how much they want to control us! They don't have our best interests at heart. Do something now to preserve our rights!

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