Tuesday, December 13, 2005

They thought they were free...

This is another excellent article, but also has some good insights that serve as a good preface to the main article. I must say that the preface is very good. I can personally verify the effects of orgone generators, as I have constructed some myself, and they definitely work, even though many of the effects are of a subjective nature. It is imperative that people take action, regardless of how small or large. If we do not resist tyranny, we are destined to be subjected to it, and to be victims of it. Maybe it is in the nature of humans to be victims of tyranny, as it appears to be a historic cycle. Maybe I am wrong, or am a part of a minority of people that just can't accept the 'go along to get along' failure strategy for living in society. But to me, living as a victim of tyranny is not living. It is more like merely existing.

It would appear to me that America has declined considerably since my childhood days. The value of the US Dollar has plummeted markedly. I remember when a decent new car was $3000. Now they are $30,000. Tha would represent an inflation rate of 1000% in about 30 years. When I was a kid, the US was the world's greatest creditor nation, and led the world in production. Today, we are the world's greatest debtor nation, and Japan and China lead the world in production. In fact, the productive capacity of this country has been virtually eliminated and/or exported out of the country.

Just some of my observations. Hopefully, I can wake up and see that it was all just a bad dream. But I appear to be wide awake with eyes wide open. Unfortunately, most of my fellow people appear to be fast asleep with eyes-wide-shut. There are consequences to both of these conditions. I'll let you contemplate them on your own.

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