Sunday, April 25, 2010

You Have to See These Videos

This is Ring of Power-Part 3, and is in 2 parts. They bring up a lot of good ideas on various topics. I don't agree with everything in this video, but a lot of it is very good information that you'll never see covered in MSM reports. It's good to stay informed and to get information from alternative sources. It helps you to be free and less socially-conditioned...

These videos are each about 2.5 hours, so make sure you set aside time to view them. This is critical information that you need to know.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Rich Get Richer While the "Little Guy" Gets the Bill

It is amazing to watch the controlled destruction of the American economy while most citizens just go about with their amusements. Although Detroit is obviously the most devastated large city in America, the news is now out that many of the other metropolitan areas of the country are now suffering the same fate. My contention has always been that Detroit was just hit by the first part of this destructive wave, but I knew that it was going to hit the rest of the country. It is just not possible for the heart of the manufacturing base to be destroyed and to maintain a healthy country. But this is what people were led to believe by the mainstream media. Such is the quality of thinking and reasoning of the masses.

And believe me, the mentioned cities in the report from Forbes at the link above are not the only cities being hit by this economic depression. We know that California is experiencing the biggest fiscal deficit of all the states, so it isn't a surprise that Los Angeles is having major problems as well.

The biggest surprise to me is the non stop march of money to the Military-Industrial Complex (as Eisenhower referred to it in his outgoing speech). This country spends TRILLIONS of dollars on guns, weapons and the 'War on Terrorism' like there is no other priority. Of course, this is to protect us from these legions of terrorists who are just lurking around, waiting to kill all of us.

So let me get this right: we spend more on weapons and defense than all other countries in the world COMBINED, but we can't stop terrorist attacks without spending even MORE money? And in spite of all these expenditures, we still had a terrorist attack (WTC-Pentagon). So now we are fighting 2 wars on the other side of the world to protect America? I wonder how we are protecting America by having the Army on the other side of the planet.

Ok, even if we leave that incredibly large expenditure out of the equation, we still have the banks and other financial interests who are getting large handouts from the government while paying ZERO taxes. So these guys have GREATLY profited from the NINJA loans and other financial shenanigans (like derivatives, high frequency trading, fraudulent financial reporting , etc.), and when they get busted for all of their misdeeds and assorted scurrilous behaviors , they get free government money with no strings attached! No jail time, but 'get-out-of-bankruptcy-free' passes and the biggest bonuses & profits in their history! I'm beginning to think that I went into the wrong occupation...

The bottom line is that we are paying for America to be destroyed, and we're paying top dollar for it, all while our real economy is being decimated. So the rich get richer, and the middle class gets the privilege of being reduced to peon status while receiving the bill for all of it. What a bargain.

We couldn't have destroyed America any better if we would have given the Communists, and any other enemy of the country free access to all of the control mechanisms of the country. If this wasn't the planned destruction of America, it is definitely the best imitation of a plan to destroy America. Unfortunately, by the time people wake up and see what has happened, it will be too late. If it isn't too late already, it is very close to that point.

The worst part of it is that most Americans are busy blaming other average citizens for their own demise while fighting over the crumbs that are left of the shrinking American Pie, the people who are actually doing this (i.e., high level government officials, corporations, lawmakers, lobbyists, globalists, etc.) are sauntering away with all of the money and power.

So what are we going to do about this?