Sunday, November 06, 2005

America turning into a Police State

Yes, I found another article that tells how the country is being rapidly converted into a police state. Our treasonous public servants are clandestinely working to nullify the Constitution and their oaths of office to uphold it. The article goes into depth and gives the goods on these people. It is time for people to wake up and work to defend our rights, or we will have none. They are dismantling freedom of speech, the right to petition for redress, the right to peaceably assemble (1st Amendment), warrantless searches and seizures (4th Amendment), right to life, liberty or property, protection against self-incrimination, (5th Amendment), right to due process and to face accusers, right to jury trial (6th Amendment), etc. Pick that Constitution up and read it! You can find it at this link if you want in-depth explanations of the elements of the Constitution. Remember: you can't defend your rights if you don't know what they are!

1 comment:

Dave Dye said...
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