Tuesday, July 19, 2005

We're Headed fot the End of the Road

John Kaminski wrote another scathing indictment of Western 'Civilization', and the world. It's another good one, but will probably be a bit controversial. I don't always agree with everything he says, but it's refreshing to see that somebody out there has some brain activity that isn't related to any Mainstream Media (MSM) drivel. It really gets to me when I turn on the television, and only see meaningless garbage being treated as valuable news. Most of that stuff is irrelevant garbage that is totally without any value. It's like a parade of trash. And you wonder why people can't think today? The media is purposely designed to reduce the level of thinking of its viewer/victims. They don't call it the Idiot Box for nothing! But if you're reading this, you're not an idiot... At least you're showing signs of brainwave activity.

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