Monday, December 05, 2005

Look out for your PC!

The question is, "Is your PC a drug mule?" You might want to check out this article that tells us how the hackers are now using computers for increased cybercrime. It looks like organized crime is getting highly involved in cybercrime. You are going to have to protect yourself from these hackers, as they are using botnets and Trojan programs to take control of your computer to use it for nefarious purposes. Do not let them use you like this! I would recommend the best antivirus program that I've seen out there, and it's called NOD32, and you can find it at It costs about $40, but it's better than any of the other programs out there, including Norton and McAfee. The bottom line is that if these people can cause you a lot of problems if they steal your indentity or install viruses into your program that slow it down drastically. Protect yourself now!

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