I found more excellent articles that speak on the US economy. Most, if not all, of the news is bad, unfortunately. It's just a symptom of the economic policies that have been implemented by the US government. It is not the result of idiots or unqualified people because they aren't allowed to run things anywhere, unless they are placed there for a reason. Ignorance and lack of intelligence is not a prescription for success or influence.
The first article speaks on the conversion of the People of the United States from free to being debt slaves. The author speaks on the radical change that has gradually been implemented since the late 1960's. The bottom line is that credit cards and other types of debt instruments that used to be used sparsely have now become an endemic here. Just about all adults have some sort of debt. This means that the banking system has all of these people financial information at their disposal, which is also freely shared between businesses, thanks to the credit-reporting agencies and their ubiquitous presence. Even young students in college and even high school (!) are enticed to go into debt in just the same way that the experienced dope dealer tries to entice youngsters to try hard drugs so that they can make money on you for a long time. In addition, the banking system works hand-in-hand with the government so that they can both extract as much wealth from the people as possible. I know that I've covered that topic in depth in earlier writings. The bottom line is that this 'country' is operated as a for-profit corporation. We all should know (if we don't) that corporations have no morals, no code of ethics and no conscience. Its only purpose is to generate profits for the shareholder/owners, concepts of right and wrong be damned. This article is excellent, and is a short read.
The next article goes into depth about the insolvency of the United States. The bottom line is that the US is generating exponentially-increasing debt AND the trade deficit, while the income, manufacturing and assets of the country are shrinking. This sounds like a gourmet recipe for financial and economic disaster. But remember, the disaster is planned to hit the people because your fearless leaders understand exactly what they are doing and the results of it. Your fearless leaders have their contingency plans already mapped out, and they will not be affected as profoundly as the average person who is the victim of government-sponsored propaganda that is designed to keep you fat, ignorant and blissful in a babbling state of stupor. Just like the sheep that doesn't realize that it's about to be sheared and killed until it is much too late to stop it, the US citizen is being fattened up for the kill. All the hoopla about 5th grade-level television shows and other trivialities are engineered to be junk-food for the mind. The people are being entertained while the US burns.
Are you going to voluntarily walk to the slaughter, or are you going to work to save yourself, your family and/or friends from the clutches of disaster? It doesn't take a Ph.D. in economics to figure out that we're being duped, and that the present state of affairs is not sustainable. The country that we used to love and cherish has been put in a coma, waiting for the People to awaken and reclaim their country back from the swarms of foreign agents (also known as the government) that infest the land. Yes, freedom requires courage and intelligence, but it is so highly regarded as a prize that any struggle to attain and keep it is worth it. The alternative is a life of bondage, degradation, exploitation, victimization, and most other negative things that you probably don't want to experience. Remember the fable about the ant and the grasshopper? Connect the dots. You can do it.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Cheer Up and Remember What's Really Important
I know that a lot of the material that I reference and write on this site could be construed to be depressing "gloom-and-doom" ranting. I guess that it is somewhat cathartic to me to write on these neglected topics. It really infuriates me to see so many lies and misconceptions flying unbridled over the airways. From what I've learned over the years of my studies, it would appear that we (the good guys) win in the end. But the tough part is making it to the end. It helps to keep a good, bird's-eye perspective on things. That helps to keep you grounded, and also to keep you from self-pity, depression, and other signals of overwhelm.
With that in mind, I offer this article that speaks on the New World Order, but the author also offers some positive messages and concepts that I feel would help you to maintain your perspective on things. If the world is going to end, we mine as well party hardy, because things like this are out of our personal control. Eat, drink and be merry!
With that in mind, I offer this article that speaks on the New World Order, but the author also offers some positive messages and concepts that I feel would help you to maintain your perspective on things. If the world is going to end, we mine as well party hardy, because things like this are out of our personal control. Eat, drink and be merry!
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Prepackaged Reality
It appears that the 'Commander-In-Chief' of the United States is either in a severe state of denial, or is so obtuse and confused that he is stuck on the idea that the US Army can salvage anything positive out of the present military conflict in Iraq. This is wishful thinking at best, and a fall-guy just blindly following orders regardless of the effects to him or to the victims of these acts at the worst. Let's be real here: there is NO WAY that the United States will be able to come close to anything in the vicinity of a victory in Iraq! The US Army over there is getting its butt handed to it on a platter. The job of the military is to take over territory and kill people, not to perform police actions, or to train people, or any of the other inane excuses that we've been given by the government or the mass media news. The result of this mindless 'strategy' is the slaughter that we are seeing daily, of both Iraqis and of US soldiers.
It is blatantly obvious to me that there is no way that this military action in Iraq is the result of idiots making idiotic decisions. That's too ridiculous to believe, considering that the United States is the most powerful military country in the world. These actions are being taken because it is a part of an agenda that is being implemented by the power behind the scenes. Think about your job and about how thick and heavy the politics get there--for mere peanuts and a bit of ego. Now think about how much politics, control, dirty dealing and other crap has to be going on when we're talking about control of the planet and all of the resources on it. We're talking trillions of dollars and control of billions of people at stake here. You'd at least have to multiply the drama on your job by at least 1,000,000 to get close to the level of intrigue and deception at work in this arena.
You're going to also have to remember that you, your family, your friends, and just about everybody that you know have been victims of thought control and behavior modification. To think otherwise is to demonstrate the effectiveness of your mental conditioning, and is the height of naiveté. Remember, it was once said that no one is more hopelessly enslaved than the slave who vehemently argues that he is free. For most people, their range of thought is virtually 100% controlled, defined and manipulated by the same people who control the mass media and the major institutions in society. Don't listen to the honorable platitudes that are painted all over your TV screen. Look at the results, and you can easily discern the true motives, operation and morals of the rulers of the world and their plans for the plebeians.
"Go to sleep, stay asleep, don't question authority, don't worry about it because we'll do all your thinking for you, trust us because we're experts with Ph.D.s and have stamps of approval on our words, etc." But if you look at the results, the society is going down the tubes with an ever-increasing accelerating rate of speed. Just about everything is dumbed-down and the majority of people don't have the energy to read much more than the funny paper and pick up the remote for their daily fix of television-turned-opiate-of-the-people. It's almost impossible to get most people to turn off the television. There are only a few million people hooked on narcotics, but there has to be at least 150 million people addicted to television. At least the people on narcotics are under no illusions that their addiction is harmful to their lives. Can you live without the television for one day? How about one week? Did that thought just send a chill down your spine? If so, you're probably a TV addict. I don't ever recall there being a Television Viewer's Anonymous. There might not be enough facilitators to accommodate even a fraction of the total number of TV addicts. Boy, would it be great to be wrong about this, but I suspect that I'm right about this one.
It is blatantly obvious to me that there is no way that this military action in Iraq is the result of idiots making idiotic decisions. That's too ridiculous to believe, considering that the United States is the most powerful military country in the world. These actions are being taken because it is a part of an agenda that is being implemented by the power behind the scenes. Think about your job and about how thick and heavy the politics get there--for mere peanuts and a bit of ego. Now think about how much politics, control, dirty dealing and other crap has to be going on when we're talking about control of the planet and all of the resources on it. We're talking trillions of dollars and control of billions of people at stake here. You'd at least have to multiply the drama on your job by at least 1,000,000 to get close to the level of intrigue and deception at work in this arena.
You're going to also have to remember that you, your family, your friends, and just about everybody that you know have been victims of thought control and behavior modification. To think otherwise is to demonstrate the effectiveness of your mental conditioning, and is the height of naiveté. Remember, it was once said that no one is more hopelessly enslaved than the slave who vehemently argues that he is free. For most people, their range of thought is virtually 100% controlled, defined and manipulated by the same people who control the mass media and the major institutions in society. Don't listen to the honorable platitudes that are painted all over your TV screen. Look at the results, and you can easily discern the true motives, operation and morals of the rulers of the world and their plans for the plebeians.
"Go to sleep, stay asleep, don't question authority, don't worry about it because we'll do all your thinking for you, trust us because we're experts with Ph.D.s and have stamps of approval on our words, etc." But if you look at the results, the society is going down the tubes with an ever-increasing accelerating rate of speed. Just about everything is dumbed-down and the majority of people don't have the energy to read much more than the funny paper and pick up the remote for their daily fix of television-turned-opiate-of-the-people. It's almost impossible to get most people to turn off the television. There are only a few million people hooked on narcotics, but there has to be at least 150 million people addicted to television. At least the people on narcotics are under no illusions that their addiction is harmful to their lives. Can you live without the television for one day? How about one week? Did that thought just send a chill down your spine? If so, you're probably a TV addict. I don't ever recall there being a Television Viewer's Anonymous. There might not be enough facilitators to accommodate even a fraction of the total number of TV addicts. Boy, would it be great to be wrong about this, but I suspect that I'm right about this one.
behavior modification,
mind control,
United States
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Change is the Order of the Day
I've been away too long! Anyway, you know that there are more recent developments going on today. I just had to start off with a report that shows that American casualties in Iraq are being severely understated. This is being done for obvious political reasons. If Americans knew that there were over 15,000 dead young men lost in Iraq, there would be a major uprising and an extremely hostile sentiment against GW Bush and his lies concerning this 'war'. People who do their homework in history know that the first casualty in times of war is the truth, and it would appear that this is the case with the Iraq 'war' as well. I have 'war' in quotes because technically, this isn't a war because there was never any declaration of war generated or voted for by Congress as required for war according the the highest law of the land, the Constitution. The purpose of this was to prevent the armed forces being used by a single man acting despotically. I guess that theory has been torpedoed...
In a related story, it would appear that the lies of Bush and Blair have been confirmed as lies. I don't want to appear to be a 'know-it-all', but I highly suspected that this Iraq and Afghanistan military excursions have been based on incredulous falsehoods. Iraq was a country that was not really concerned with the United States, and most of the 'intelligence' that was used to justify attacks on it were invented. The true intelligence analysts in the various alphabet agencies were run out of their respective organizations, and replaced by stooges and yes-men to give the reports that would support these attacks. Studies by the Iraq Study Group and other experts and aware people have subsequently demonstrated that every reason that was given to the American people to justify these attacks have been total falsehoods. Most people in-the-know realized that Iraq has never been shown to be a threat to the United States. This idea is laughable on its face.
But the scariest story that I've seen in recent memory is one in which it is reported that China has decided to dump about $1 trillion US Dollars on the market so that they don't get stuck with them when the US Dollar collapses. The bottom line is that most people in the economic field know that the USD is analogous to a 'dead-man-walking', and that it's only a matter of time before it loses a significant portion of its value. The Chinese do not want to be burned when the dollar collapse accelerates. The fact is that the USD is already in a decline, but the crash is probably still ahead of us. The only reason that the average American doesn't recognize it is because of the incessant propaganda barrage of 'good news' in the mass media. This creates an image diametrically opposed to the reality of the American economy. Witness the decimation of manufacturing, the auto industry in a crash dive, and the indebtedness of the country on commercial and personal levels. In short, the country is drowning in debt with no way to stop it in sight.
A word to the wise is superfluous. This is definitely the calm before the storm. History cannot be swayed. Universal principles are called universal because it is impossible to break them without suffering the consequences. A lot of people are going to learn this lesson the hard, painful way.
In a related story, it would appear that the lies of Bush and Blair have been confirmed as lies. I don't want to appear to be a 'know-it-all', but I highly suspected that this Iraq and Afghanistan military excursions have been based on incredulous falsehoods. Iraq was a country that was not really concerned with the United States, and most of the 'intelligence' that was used to justify attacks on it were invented. The true intelligence analysts in the various alphabet agencies were run out of their respective organizations, and replaced by stooges and yes-men to give the reports that would support these attacks. Studies by the Iraq Study Group and other experts and aware people have subsequently demonstrated that every reason that was given to the American people to justify these attacks have been total falsehoods. Most people in-the-know realized that Iraq has never been shown to be a threat to the United States. This idea is laughable on its face.
But the scariest story that I've seen in recent memory is one in which it is reported that China has decided to dump about $1 trillion US Dollars on the market so that they don't get stuck with them when the US Dollar collapses. The bottom line is that most people in the economic field know that the USD is analogous to a 'dead-man-walking', and that it's only a matter of time before it loses a significant portion of its value. The Chinese do not want to be burned when the dollar collapse accelerates. The fact is that the USD is already in a decline, but the crash is probably still ahead of us. The only reason that the average American doesn't recognize it is because of the incessant propaganda barrage of 'good news' in the mass media. This creates an image diametrically opposed to the reality of the American economy. Witness the decimation of manufacturing, the auto industry in a crash dive, and the indebtedness of the country on commercial and personal levels. In short, the country is drowning in debt with no way to stop it in sight.
A word to the wise is superfluous. This is definitely the calm before the storm. History cannot be swayed. Universal principles are called universal because it is impossible to break them without suffering the consequences. A lot of people are going to learn this lesson the hard, painful way.
Tony Blair,
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Admission that Iraq 'War' Was a Big Mistake
Once again, me and other people who have been saying the things I've been saying about Iraq have turned out to be true, according to the Iraq Study Group. The whole thing was based on lies, and now the alleged 'war' (since there was never a true Declaration of War given by Congress) is a total failure and basically represents a 'tar baby' from which the US cannot extricate itself. Left holding the bag is GW Bush and his obtuse cabinet, as well as all the people who blindly and ignorantly followed the lead of this administration and the 'wag-the-dog' mass media news/infotainment outlets and 'right wing' talk show host sellouts.
So let me get this right... We were rushed off into an ill-advised, no-win military action based on total lies, and now all the people who had deep, probing, intelligent questions and doubts about this action, the same people who were labeled soft, supporters of terrorism, unpatriotic, etc. are now shown to have been 100% correct. No WMD found, no Iraqis waiting in the streets to greet US soldiers, no democracy for Iraq (even if it is known that all known democracies in history have led directly to fascism and totalitarianism--remember, the NAZIS were social democrats!), death and destruction for hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians and thousands of maimed and killed US soldiers are the only 'benefits' that we got for spending all of those billions of dollars on this war. And this is not even to mention that this entire 'terrorist' thingie was put into effect and was used to justify the mad curtailment of the Constitutional protections that we've experienced through such treasonous documents such as the PATRIOT Act and the creation of the Homeland Security gestapo/Waffen SS.
I'm not going to go as low as I can go and use the 'I/We told you so...' thingie, but after a while, it would appear that people would wake the hell up and stop believing high-paid liars, cheats, thugs and murderers in government! How many more useless wars for profit must we endure before people stop cosigning on this crap! Are people ever going to wake up from their media-induced stupors, or are we all just consigned to eternal fealty to elitists, globalists, New World Order sycophants and other popish persons? Do people ever learn, or is this just the normal state of affairs on this water planet?
So let me get this right... We were rushed off into an ill-advised, no-win military action based on total lies, and now all the people who had deep, probing, intelligent questions and doubts about this action, the same people who were labeled soft, supporters of terrorism, unpatriotic, etc. are now shown to have been 100% correct. No WMD found, no Iraqis waiting in the streets to greet US soldiers, no democracy for Iraq (even if it is known that all known democracies in history have led directly to fascism and totalitarianism--remember, the NAZIS were social democrats!), death and destruction for hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians and thousands of maimed and killed US soldiers are the only 'benefits' that we got for spending all of those billions of dollars on this war. And this is not even to mention that this entire 'terrorist' thingie was put into effect and was used to justify the mad curtailment of the Constitutional protections that we've experienced through such treasonous documents such as the PATRIOT Act and the creation of the Homeland Security gestapo/Waffen SS.
I'm not going to go as low as I can go and use the 'I/We told you so...' thingie, but after a while, it would appear that people would wake the hell up and stop believing high-paid liars, cheats, thugs and murderers in government! How many more useless wars for profit must we endure before people stop cosigning on this crap! Are people ever going to wake up from their media-induced stupors, or are we all just consigned to eternal fealty to elitists, globalists, New World Order sycophants and other popish persons? Do people ever learn, or is this just the normal state of affairs on this water planet?
Bush Administration,
constitution Iraq,
mass media,
Saturday, November 25, 2006
The Great Thanksgiving Hoax
I found an article that describes the truth behind the legend of Thanksgiving Day. It seems that we have been conditioned to believe that it was one way, but now, you can get the real story. No complex dissertations or information that will have your brain twisting up like a pretzel (this time)... I just thought it was an interesting article with some good information. I think that today's society needs to incorporate the moral of this story into everyday life and governance.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Another Rigged Election
Well, there were some changes of faces in the Congress and in some local elections, but I'm just wondering about how substantive these alleged 'changes' have been. Consider the fact that Democrats and Republicans have essentially hijacked the entire political apparatus here in the United States. Virtually all of the candidates are members of these two parties. Did you ever hear of the strategy called 'Good Cop-Bad Cop'?
For those of you who aren't familiar with this, it works like this. The cops catch the suspect and arrest him (usually in isolation away from anybody who might be able to assist him in defending his rights, i.e., a lawyer/advocate/counselor), and then they bring him in for questioning. One cop (the Bad Cop) acts like a steroid-crazed, psychotic, violent, never-saw-a-rule-I-wouldn't-break Dirty Harry who is just itching to inflict some serious Guantanamo Bay questioning tactics on the suspect. After a few moments of outbursts and some slapping around, the other cop (the Good Cop) rushes to restrain the Bad Cop and whisk him away to another room. Then the Good Cop comes back and tells the suspect that he doesn't support the actions of the Bad Cop, and he then goes on to implore the suspect to come clean so that he doesn't have to let the Bad Cop come back to conduct some more of the 'interrogation'. Out of sheer fear, the suspect usually confesses or tells the Good Cop whatever he wants to know. Unbeknownst to the suspect, the Good Cop and Bad Cop are actually on the same team, and the Bad Cop is just acting in concert with the Good Cop to break down the suspect's resistance to the interrogation.
The point is that the Republicans and Democrats work together to control this country! Don't be fooled into believing that the Democrats and Republicans are anything other than partners-in-crime who are working together in lockstep. The alleged party conflict and competition between them are nothing more than fairy tales, urban legend, trumped-up puffery, a folktale embedded in our propaganda-conditioned minds so that we will accept their absolute control of the political process without question. Think about it. What other party has had any substantial control over anything in this country besides these two political parties? So when you think about the deteriorating conditions that we have faced in this country, consider the fact that these two parties have had total control of the entire political and governmental apparatus for the last 100 years.
The old saying is that in politics, nothing happens by accident, and that if you observe an occurrence in politics, you can readily discern that it was planned to happen that way. I guess that all I'm trying to say is that if there is no real choice in elections, what is the value of voting? This question indicates that regardless of the rigged electronic voting machines, gerrymandering, inaccurate vote-counting, manipulated vote counts, discrepancies of voting results with exit polls, etc., how can the voting process be held to be honest and fair if virtually all of the candidates are preselected by the 'powers-that-be'? It would seem that the power of the vote is held by those who can determine what the choices are before there is even a vote to be considered. If the mob ran the only 2 candidates for a vacant position, could the result be characterized as anything other than a fixed election? This isn't astrophysics.
I found an article that goes into some depth about this very subject. Sometimes, I have a difficult time putting all my thoughts in discussions about voting, probably due to emotion. Voting is a very emotional subject with most people. It is most people's only direct involvement in the political process, even though the system cannot operate with integrity if people don't get more involved in the political process. Voting is just a small portion of the political system, and the only people that can police and monitor the government is 'We the People'. The corruption that we see embedded in government is a direct result of the minuscule levels of participation in the process by the People. When the dog's away, the cat will play, and when the people abdicate their responsibility and delegate their power to 'elected' officials, mass corruption is the highly predictable result. I'm not sure if there is any better system of government in existence on the planet, but just because one flawed system is 'the best' doesn't mean that there isn't any room for improvement. I remember a saying that tells that the room for improvement is the biggest room of all.
The situation seems to be that only the rich are truly represented by government since the election process selects for only those who have access to vast amounts of money. The greatest sources of money in this society is the Corporation. This is why we have so many corporate backers of election candidates. They finance them, and the golden rule is that 'he who has the gold makes the rules', meaning that the richest of the rich usually maintain (and work to expand) their power. The preceding article may seem to be incredible, but I can't think of any organization (or any group of organizations) that can even slightly approximate the wealth, power and knowledge of the Vatican. In my experience, truth is stranger than fiction, which is why most never come close to understanding the truth. We've been socialized to believe anything other than the truth. This is why words and policies never explain or justify the conditions in society that we observe.
Just some of my observations. Feel free to chime in with your own take on this situation. I implore you to do your own research. I don't put anything out there as fact, but only as information taken from a different perspective from the one you are being spoon fed from your favorite mass media sources.
For those of you who aren't familiar with this, it works like this. The cops catch the suspect and arrest him (usually in isolation away from anybody who might be able to assist him in defending his rights, i.e., a lawyer/advocate/counselor), and then they bring him in for questioning. One cop (the Bad Cop) acts like a steroid-crazed, psychotic, violent, never-saw-a-rule-I-wouldn't-break Dirty Harry who is just itching to inflict some serious Guantanamo Bay questioning tactics on the suspect. After a few moments of outbursts and some slapping around, the other cop (the Good Cop) rushes to restrain the Bad Cop and whisk him away to another room. Then the Good Cop comes back and tells the suspect that he doesn't support the actions of the Bad Cop, and he then goes on to implore the suspect to come clean so that he doesn't have to let the Bad Cop come back to conduct some more of the 'interrogation'. Out of sheer fear, the suspect usually confesses or tells the Good Cop whatever he wants to know. Unbeknownst to the suspect, the Good Cop and Bad Cop are actually on the same team, and the Bad Cop is just acting in concert with the Good Cop to break down the suspect's resistance to the interrogation.
The point is that the Republicans and Democrats work together to control this country! Don't be fooled into believing that the Democrats and Republicans are anything other than partners-in-crime who are working together in lockstep. The alleged party conflict and competition between them are nothing more than fairy tales, urban legend, trumped-up puffery, a folktale embedded in our propaganda-conditioned minds so that we will accept their absolute control of the political process without question. Think about it. What other party has had any substantial control over anything in this country besides these two political parties? So when you think about the deteriorating conditions that we have faced in this country, consider the fact that these two parties have had total control of the entire political and governmental apparatus for the last 100 years.
The old saying is that in politics, nothing happens by accident, and that if you observe an occurrence in politics, you can readily discern that it was planned to happen that way. I guess that all I'm trying to say is that if there is no real choice in elections, what is the value of voting? This question indicates that regardless of the rigged electronic voting machines, gerrymandering, inaccurate vote-counting, manipulated vote counts, discrepancies of voting results with exit polls, etc., how can the voting process be held to be honest and fair if virtually all of the candidates are preselected by the 'powers-that-be'? It would seem that the power of the vote is held by those who can determine what the choices are before there is even a vote to be considered. If the mob ran the only 2 candidates for a vacant position, could the result be characterized as anything other than a fixed election? This isn't astrophysics.
I found an article that goes into some depth about this very subject. Sometimes, I have a difficult time putting all my thoughts in discussions about voting, probably due to emotion. Voting is a very emotional subject with most people. It is most people's only direct involvement in the political process, even though the system cannot operate with integrity if people don't get more involved in the political process. Voting is just a small portion of the political system, and the only people that can police and monitor the government is 'We the People'. The corruption that we see embedded in government is a direct result of the minuscule levels of participation in the process by the People. When the dog's away, the cat will play, and when the people abdicate their responsibility and delegate their power to 'elected' officials, mass corruption is the highly predictable result. I'm not sure if there is any better system of government in existence on the planet, but just because one flawed system is 'the best' doesn't mean that there isn't any room for improvement. I remember a saying that tells that the room for improvement is the biggest room of all.
The situation seems to be that only the rich are truly represented by government since the election process selects for only those who have access to vast amounts of money. The greatest sources of money in this society is the Corporation. This is why we have so many corporate backers of election candidates. They finance them, and the golden rule is that 'he who has the gold makes the rules', meaning that the richest of the rich usually maintain (and work to expand) their power. The preceding article may seem to be incredible, but I can't think of any organization (or any group of organizations) that can even slightly approximate the wealth, power and knowledge of the Vatican. In my experience, truth is stranger than fiction, which is why most never come close to understanding the truth. We've been socialized to believe anything other than the truth. This is why words and policies never explain or justify the conditions in society that we observe.
Just some of my observations. Feel free to chime in with your own take on this situation. I implore you to do your own research. I don't put anything out there as fact, but only as information taken from a different perspective from the one you are being spoon fed from your favorite mass media sources.
election fraud,
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Radiation Treatment?
Just as I suspected, there is scientific evidence that radiation (of all forms) causes massive bone loss, even in small doses. I think that this is terrible, especially considering that radiation is one of the AMA-approved treatment modalities for cancer. I don't agree with this, as it just doesn't make sense to me that poisoning of the body is alleged to be a method to improve the health. If the procedure would make a healthy person sick, how in the world can this same 'treatment' be used to make a sick person healthy? If anybody has a logical explanation that can justify such fantasy, please impart this wisdom to me as soon as possible. But common sense (and a background in science) both tell me that this 'theory' is fallacious, at best.
It would make more sense to me to strengthen the immune system, detoxify the body, and work to improve the knowledge and understanding of the patient. The patient has to recognize that she has to take the initiative to become knowledgeable about their ailment. They also have to have faith in knowing that the cure is out there, and that all they have to do is exercise enough energy and interest to find it. If you need any help with something, drop me a note and I may be able to point you in the right direction.
It would make more sense to me to strengthen the immune system, detoxify the body, and work to improve the knowledge and understanding of the patient. The patient has to recognize that she has to take the initiative to become knowledgeable about their ailment. They also have to have faith in knowing that the cure is out there, and that all they have to do is exercise enough energy and interest to find it. If you need any help with something, drop me a note and I may be able to point you in the right direction.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Are You an "Unlawful Enemy Combatant"?
Once again, those people we call 'the government' are at it again. It seems that we are destined to create (or allow to be created) the most sinister, evil, repressive, technologically-advanced totalitarian state ever known on this planet. They have passed an act called the Military Commissions Act of 2006, but it appears to be a thinly veiled push for more totalitarian/police state powers to be wielded by alleged government against anyone who dares to question anything that these public officials do.
As we know, these alleged public officials feel that they are above the law, above reproach, and above the scrutiny of anyone, especially anyone who doesn't believe the official story on any topic. These topics would include (but are not limited to): the WTC-911 attacks, the War on Terror/Iraq/Afghanistan, graft and corruption at the highest levels in government and business, the PATRIOT Act, Homeland Security, legalized torture, the decimation of the Constitution, etc. Don't worry about your 'rights', since the only rights you are deemed to have are the ones that GW Bush and the Government decides that you have! Don't worry, as if you're innocent, you won't have anything to worry about. Just shut up and believe whatever they tell you, since they are the people with the power, and are obviously qualified to know who's naughty and who's nice. Constitutions, oaths of office, freedom of speech, and other antiquated concepts be damned into oblivion. Don't worry, as GW has your back...
Of course, me, along with a lot of other people who feel a need for critical thinking and truth, will probably be the target of the latest legislation. Now, bloggers like me are being equated with terrorists. I guess that they may have a point because freethinkers with ideas that aren't 'mainstream' often lead people to understand what is really happening in the world, and in the country. They've always said that the pen is mightier than the sword. Boy, I didn't know that my words could be that powerful, as to convert my typing into weapons more powerful than hijacked jets, thermonuclear warheads, depleted uranium, cluster bombs, death rays, and whatever other barbarous 'weapons of mass destruction' that you might be able to imagine! I really feel powerful now!
Of course, the idea that me and people like me are terrorists is not even worthy of intellectual consideration. I love freedom and independence. It just seems that we're running mighty low on both of these in this alleged 'modern era'. It appears to me that the fascism and totalitarianism remain the same, but the tactics and implementation just get updated and perpetrated with new methods. Bush, Caesar, Napoleon, Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, Robespierre, Machiavelli, "insert your favorite dictator/mass murder here" all seem to have the same goal--unbridled control and power. "Vilify the people who disagree with you" seems to be the strategy here. It also seems to be true that when they do this, the majority of people will just 'go along to get along'. But one day, the totalitarian state will come to your front door. What will you do then? You will either fight now to stop this madness, or you will be enslaved along with the rest of the people. Don't worry about me because it's looking like people like me won't be around to continue to spit out information and observations that aren't in step with government-approved propaganda and lies. They even have academia (who should know better) to back them up and join in with the witch hunt. So don't wonder how the German people allowed tyranny, totalitarianism, fascism, etc., to thrive as they watched it happen before their eyes because all you have to do is watch what happens here in Amerikkka, comrade. I guess that everyone will get their just desserts...
As we know, these alleged public officials feel that they are above the law, above reproach, and above the scrutiny of anyone, especially anyone who doesn't believe the official story on any topic. These topics would include (but are not limited to): the WTC-911 attacks, the War on Terror/Iraq/Afghanistan, graft and corruption at the highest levels in government and business, the PATRIOT Act, Homeland Security, legalized torture, the decimation of the Constitution, etc. Don't worry about your 'rights', since the only rights you are deemed to have are the ones that GW Bush and the Government decides that you have! Don't worry, as if you're innocent, you won't have anything to worry about. Just shut up and believe whatever they tell you, since they are the people with the power, and are obviously qualified to know who's naughty and who's nice. Constitutions, oaths of office, freedom of speech, and other antiquated concepts be damned into oblivion. Don't worry, as GW has your back...
Of course, me, along with a lot of other people who feel a need for critical thinking and truth, will probably be the target of the latest legislation. Now, bloggers like me are being equated with terrorists. I guess that they may have a point because freethinkers with ideas that aren't 'mainstream' often lead people to understand what is really happening in the world, and in the country. They've always said that the pen is mightier than the sword. Boy, I didn't know that my words could be that powerful, as to convert my typing into weapons more powerful than hijacked jets, thermonuclear warheads, depleted uranium, cluster bombs, death rays, and whatever other barbarous 'weapons of mass destruction' that you might be able to imagine! I really feel powerful now!
Of course, the idea that me and people like me are terrorists is not even worthy of intellectual consideration. I love freedom and independence. It just seems that we're running mighty low on both of these in this alleged 'modern era'. It appears to me that the fascism and totalitarianism remain the same, but the tactics and implementation just get updated and perpetrated with new methods. Bush, Caesar, Napoleon, Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, Robespierre, Machiavelli, "insert your favorite dictator/mass murder here" all seem to have the same goal--unbridled control and power. "Vilify the people who disagree with you" seems to be the strategy here. It also seems to be true that when they do this, the majority of people will just 'go along to get along'. But one day, the totalitarian state will come to your front door. What will you do then? You will either fight now to stop this madness, or you will be enslaved along with the rest of the people. Don't worry about me because it's looking like people like me won't be around to continue to spit out information and observations that aren't in step with government-approved propaganda and lies. They even have academia (who should know better) to back them up and join in with the witch hunt. So don't wonder how the German people allowed tyranny, totalitarianism, fascism, etc., to thrive as they watched it happen before their eyes because all you have to do is watch what happens here in Amerikkka, comrade. I guess that everyone will get their just desserts...
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
More Signs of the Times
You just know that I found some more articles that are demonstrative of the times in which we find ourselves. The first article deals with the way that many of us cower in fear and servitude to our governmental nobles. It just seems that the majority of people in this country will support the government and its officials, no matter how much they transgress upon our rights or their oaths of office in which they swear and affirm that they won't impinge upon. Even when others from abroad have the guts to call out our treasonous, duplicitious, corrupt officials, we have the audacity to attack the bearer of truth instead of the malfeasant officeholder! It is probably the result of government brainwashing through the public 'school' system and the propaganda that is incessantly spouted from the major media outlets. But the final denouement will not spare anyone from its wrath. Actions have consequences, and truth exists outside of our perception. Just because you choose to perceive something other than truth doesn't mean that it doesn't exist! If you don't perceive the truth, it may come back to bite you, as it usually does. Remember, the people that are selling this country down the river aren't going to stick around to deal with the crumbled, broke, failure of a country that will be left. YOU will be the fall-guy for their treasonous antics!
The next article that I will speak on covers the election and how it isn't what we've been led to think. The democrats and republicans together have taken total control of the political process in the United States. They have basically shut off the political process for any other rival party that may pose a threat to their power and control. I remember when they arrested 2 presidential candidates from even entering the venue where they were having the so-called Presidential Debate! Mind you, these men were on the presidential ballots in all 50 states!!! The article also discusses a lot of other issues that are very pertinent to people that want to hear about topics that aren't regularly covered in the controlled mass media. The bottom line is that voting for 'the lesser of two evils' still yields an evil result! We have an illegal, unfounded war of imperialism, fiscal and monetary insanity, private interests that run the country, erosion of constitutional protections, the sanction of torture, etc. The time to vote for non-incumbents is upon us.
The next article speaks on the police state experiment going on in Great Britain. It's basically the prototype for how the police state is to be orchestrated all over the world, from all appearances. The sad fact of the situation is that virtually none of the citizens are even fighting against this totalitarian government action. It amounts to government intruding upon the everyday lives of the people; the enactment of the so-called 'Nanny State', since they believe that they can monitor us 24-7.
The last article speaks on Dialectical Philosophy, and how it is used by the oligarchs to control the masses. Not one man in a 100 million understands this process. It is very sinister, but virtually undetectible by most indoctrinated people of this planet. It is a very sad state of affairs, but the results of the use of this tactic can not be denied. The common people are virtual putty in the hands of these control freaks who decide how society shall exist. It is scary, but necessary information for those who want to understand the world in which we live, and how it really works. Not the lies and garbage that we are fed in school or on television. Study it well.
The next article that I will speak on covers the election and how it isn't what we've been led to think. The democrats and republicans together have taken total control of the political process in the United States. They have basically shut off the political process for any other rival party that may pose a threat to their power and control. I remember when they arrested 2 presidential candidates from even entering the venue where they were having the so-called Presidential Debate! Mind you, these men were on the presidential ballots in all 50 states!!! The article also discusses a lot of other issues that are very pertinent to people that want to hear about topics that aren't regularly covered in the controlled mass media. The bottom line is that voting for 'the lesser of two evils' still yields an evil result! We have an illegal, unfounded war of imperialism, fiscal and monetary insanity, private interests that run the country, erosion of constitutional protections, the sanction of torture, etc. The time to vote for non-incumbents is upon us.
The next article speaks on the police state experiment going on in Great Britain. It's basically the prototype for how the police state is to be orchestrated all over the world, from all appearances. The sad fact of the situation is that virtually none of the citizens are even fighting against this totalitarian government action. It amounts to government intruding upon the everyday lives of the people; the enactment of the so-called 'Nanny State', since they believe that they can monitor us 24-7.
The last article speaks on Dialectical Philosophy, and how it is used by the oligarchs to control the masses. Not one man in a 100 million understands this process. It is very sinister, but virtually undetectible by most indoctrinated people of this planet. It is a very sad state of affairs, but the results of the use of this tactic can not be denied. The common people are virtual putty in the hands of these control freaks who decide how society shall exist. It is scary, but necessary information for those who want to understand the world in which we live, and how it really works. Not the lies and garbage that we are fed in school or on television. Study it well.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Rigged Elections Revisited
I've found another article that expounds on the proven fact that (at the bare minimum) the last 2 presidential elections were rigged. Of course, you realize that this information has been hidden and/or not covered in any major American media outlets. It is the duty of all people to learn about this state of affairs in this country because the integrity, and even the very survival of the United States could depend on this knowledge being widely disseminated.
Most people don't want to confront issues like this because they go straight to the very core of people's belief systems. The ramifications of the truth of rigged elections would pull away the facade of democracy, republic, freedom, fairness, honesty, fair play, "government of the people, for the people, and by the people". Most people cling to the ideas of freedom and honesty, even in the face of powerful evidence that shows that American government is 100% corrupt, especially at the national level.
This type of information makes the average person feel as if they have lived their entire life based on a lie. Even though it is probably true that the average person has lived their life based on lies, propaganda and gross misconceptions, they are more comfortable with the lies because they are familiar, and do not require any new or different action(s) to be taken, or new risks to be taken. The most unfortunate part of this specious logic is that society will have to face the results of this corruption.
It appears to be the 'easy way out' by going along with the lies and propaganda, but we still suffer from the effects of the corruption. Witness the continuing destruction of America on all levels. The country continues to plunge to new depths of depravity, poverty, erosion, predatory practices in business, parasitism, oppression of all forms, etc. Just 30 years ago, America was a leader in all facets of business and manufacturing. This is no longer the case, with the total hollowing-out of the substance of the US economy. We don't produce anything (besides debt) these days. Do you really think this is happening by chance??? Please don't be that naive.
The 'powers-that-be' are banking on you remaining naive, innocent and gullible as newborn babies. A lie or oligopoly based on fraud cannot stand the light of day. This is the reason that they try their best to dissuade people from doing any type of critical analysis of present-day events. Notice that their answers to pointed questions never address, muchless refute, the questions. They use every fallacious attack on sound questioning that they can muster to keep the people distracted and ensconed in the comfort of the familiar. But meanwhile, the country continues to crumble and slide down into the abyss.
Do yourself and your posterity a favor. Always ask questions, demand on-point, credible answers, and question alleged authority.
Most people don't want to confront issues like this because they go straight to the very core of people's belief systems. The ramifications of the truth of rigged elections would pull away the facade of democracy, republic, freedom, fairness, honesty, fair play, "government of the people, for the people, and by the people". Most people cling to the ideas of freedom and honesty, even in the face of powerful evidence that shows that American government is 100% corrupt, especially at the national level.
This type of information makes the average person feel as if they have lived their entire life based on a lie. Even though it is probably true that the average person has lived their life based on lies, propaganda and gross misconceptions, they are more comfortable with the lies because they are familiar, and do not require any new or different action(s) to be taken, or new risks to be taken. The most unfortunate part of this specious logic is that society will have to face the results of this corruption.
It appears to be the 'easy way out' by going along with the lies and propaganda, but we still suffer from the effects of the corruption. Witness the continuing destruction of America on all levels. The country continues to plunge to new depths of depravity, poverty, erosion, predatory practices in business, parasitism, oppression of all forms, etc. Just 30 years ago, America was a leader in all facets of business and manufacturing. This is no longer the case, with the total hollowing-out of the substance of the US economy. We don't produce anything (besides debt) these days. Do you really think this is happening by chance??? Please don't be that naive.
The 'powers-that-be' are banking on you remaining naive, innocent and gullible as newborn babies. A lie or oligopoly based on fraud cannot stand the light of day. This is the reason that they try their best to dissuade people from doing any type of critical analysis of present-day events. Notice that their answers to pointed questions never address, muchless refute, the questions. They use every fallacious attack on sound questioning that they can muster to keep the people distracted and ensconed in the comfort of the familiar. But meanwhile, the country continues to crumble and slide down into the abyss.
Do yourself and your posterity a favor. Always ask questions, demand on-point, credible answers, and question alleged authority.
election fraud,
Friday, October 06, 2006
More NWO Stuff
I saw a great article that describes how the final preparations for Gulags for American people are being made. They will probably be used to silence dissidents, as is standard operating procedure for fascist governments. I'm not surprised about this. It would seem that all countries eventually decay and decline into murderous organizations. The descent to barbarism seems to be a perpetual state of affairs. But the most surprising thing is that people seem to continue to fall for the very same con jobs that have been used throughout the ages. It seems to stem from the governmental promise that they can protect and take care of everybody. They already have a fake term (i.e.: Fifth Columnist) to label dissidents with so that they can be summarily stripped of their rights and shipped off to the torture camp/extermination facility. Don't think that this can't happen here in America because it has already been done (cf. Japanese Americans being interned during WWII, genocidal extermination of Native Americans, chattel slavery, to name a few). We buy in to the nationalistic propaganda so that it colors our perception of reality to the point where we can't see what is really happening in the country or the world. It's time to wake up and become conscious of the state of affairs in the country.
This is another article in which a former Army guy tells what he knows about current affairs. Capt. May accurately describes what is happening here in America. He has a particularly relevant report dealing with one of his mentors who has seen the result of the current activities of government. He has experienced it before, and shares his insight with us to show us what is happening and where it is headed. This isn't rocket science, but it does require open-mindedness and intellectual honesty. You might have to remove your preconceived notions before you can face the truth. It might be tough to face the fact that our perception is being manipulated, and our information is strictly controlled to manufacture our opinions. Knowledge of objective truth is the only thing that will help you survive the coming calamities.
Fascism was deemed to be a misnomer by a dictator who should know what he's doing (i.e., Mussolini). He said that what most call fascism could more properly be termed Corporatism, because it is really the combination/conspiracy between the government and the corporation(s). If you can't see the connection, you probably could use some smelling salts. Government and corporations are making obscene amounts of money, to the point where you could properly characterize government as a revenue-generating enterprise. In fact, virtually ALL of the levels of government HAVE been incorporated! We have our highest public officials who have intimate ties with the corporations making the most money in the biggest industries in the country. It would be funny if it wasn't so deadly serious. But most of the people are in a state of cognitive dissonance, and can't bring themselves to face the sordid truth. It would mean that they might actually have to fight the tyrants, a very scary proposition for most people. It just seems to me that the agenda they tell us they have is 100% different from the agenda that they really have. All you have to do is take a critical look at the results. We can see America being taken to the slaughter. If you can't see it, you are a victim of mind control/social conditioning/social engineering, and you need to release yourself from the grips of those who seek to subjugate you and use you, your family and your labor for their own self-aggrandizement.
This is another article in which a former Army guy tells what he knows about current affairs. Capt. May accurately describes what is happening here in America. He has a particularly relevant report dealing with one of his mentors who has seen the result of the current activities of government. He has experienced it before, and shares his insight with us to show us what is happening and where it is headed. This isn't rocket science, but it does require open-mindedness and intellectual honesty. You might have to remove your preconceived notions before you can face the truth. It might be tough to face the fact that our perception is being manipulated, and our information is strictly controlled to manufacture our opinions. Knowledge of objective truth is the only thing that will help you survive the coming calamities.
Fascism was deemed to be a misnomer by a dictator who should know what he's doing (i.e., Mussolini). He said that what most call fascism could more properly be termed Corporatism, because it is really the combination/conspiracy between the government and the corporation(s). If you can't see the connection, you probably could use some smelling salts. Government and corporations are making obscene amounts of money, to the point where you could properly characterize government as a revenue-generating enterprise. In fact, virtually ALL of the levels of government HAVE been incorporated! We have our highest public officials who have intimate ties with the corporations making the most money in the biggest industries in the country. It would be funny if it wasn't so deadly serious. But most of the people are in a state of cognitive dissonance, and can't bring themselves to face the sordid truth. It would mean that they might actually have to fight the tyrants, a very scary proposition for most people. It just seems to me that the agenda they tell us they have is 100% different from the agenda that they really have. All you have to do is take a critical look at the results. We can see America being taken to the slaughter. If you can't see it, you are a victim of mind control/social conditioning/social engineering, and you need to release yourself from the grips of those who seek to subjugate you and use you, your family and your labor for their own self-aggrandizement.
cognitive dissonance,
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
911 Revisited
That infamous day (also my birthday) was yesterday. It's also the anniversary of the 911/WTC/Pentagon attacks. From my perspective, it would appear that there is one 'conspiracy theory' that is well-distributed. And that 'conspiracy theory' would be the Official Account of what happened as portrayed by the US Government! There are numerous inconsistencies, impossibilities, improbabilities and fairy tales that are being used to 'support' this rendition of the events on that tragic day. The importance of this event is considerable because it is the justification for all of the unconstitutional actions and other things being done to damage the American people, and the people of the world.
The alleged 'War on Terror' is a direct result of this. How a war can be won against 'terror' is an exercise in futility. How can 'Terror' be defeated, considering that it is an abstract (non-tangible, not sentient) item??? The Department of Homeland Security (i.e., the new American Gestapo) is based on this event as well. The PATRIOT Act (obviously written in advance of the 911 attacks), which is an attempt to erode the Constitutional prohibitions and limits on government power, is also a direct result from 911. I can't understand how a government that was given its franchise and legitimacy BY the Constitution can now nullify it. In short, the Constitution is what ALL government officials (on all levels--State, County, Local, and Federal) must swear to uphold and defend (cf. Art. 6, Sections 2-3) before they can officially act as government officials. It is their oath and contract to protect us and the country. The 'Wars' in Iraq and Afghanistan (not technically wars because there was no Declaration of War given, as constitutionally mandated, by Congress) are a direct result of 911 as well. I don't even have to mention the incessant barrage of threats, reports, and claims by government officials of 'the terrorists' lurking behind every bush, tree, dark alley, just waiting to get us. Mind you, no terrorist has been found or convicted of doing anything.
On that note, I have found a few articles that provide critical information in reference to 911. Information that you won't find on CNN or Fox News. What they call 'news' could more properly be called 'propaganda', considering the extremely slanted and biased information that they provide. A great article that investigates the evidence and the stories being disseminated in the press is at this link. A simple, logical, level-headed approach to all the information out there seems to indicate to me that there is NO WAY that OBL or Saddam Hussein had anything to do with the 911 attacks.
One extremely glaring item shows me that 911 had to be an inside job. If it was such a failing of the US Defense grid, WHY WASN'T ANYBODY REPRIMANDED, FIRED, CONVICTED OR PUNISHED FOR IT?????? Think about your job for a minute. I know that if I make a stupid mistake that merely causes a violation to occur, people get punished and/or reprimanded. If it's serious enough (mind you, doesn't even cause anybody to die), YOU GET FIRED! Now you mean to tell me that the people responsible for protecting the ENTIRE country TOTALLY FAIL in their duty, and NOBODY gets ANYTHING???? The inference is that they were all in on it and were following orders! Is there any other plausible explanation? Please contact me if you can find one anywhere in the realm of sanity. To this day, nobody has ever been punished for this. In fact, I think that people have actually been promoted after this incident.
I'm not sure what's going on with the 'Powers-that-be' but now the mainstream media is reporting on more 'conspiracy theory' material. Are they done with GW Bush and his nonsense? It would appear that they have to be in 'saving face' mode because even mainstream people are beginning to severely question the official explanation of the 911 event. It doesn't take a Ph.D. in Astrophysics to figure out that kerosene can't melt fortified steel. You may also want to check out this article that describes the present situation 5 years after the 911 event. It's good information to know. I don't agree with everything in the article, but still wanted to share it with you. Just go wherever the facts, truth and your deductive and inductive reasoning take you...
The alleged 'War on Terror' is a direct result of this. How a war can be won against 'terror' is an exercise in futility. How can 'Terror' be defeated, considering that it is an abstract (non-tangible, not sentient) item??? The Department of Homeland Security (i.e., the new American Gestapo) is based on this event as well. The PATRIOT Act (obviously written in advance of the 911 attacks), which is an attempt to erode the Constitutional prohibitions and limits on government power, is also a direct result from 911. I can't understand how a government that was given its franchise and legitimacy BY the Constitution can now nullify it. In short, the Constitution is what ALL government officials (on all levels--State, County, Local, and Federal) must swear to uphold and defend (cf. Art. 6, Sections 2-3) before they can officially act as government officials. It is their oath and contract to protect us and the country. The 'Wars' in Iraq and Afghanistan (not technically wars because there was no Declaration of War given, as constitutionally mandated, by Congress) are a direct result of 911 as well. I don't even have to mention the incessant barrage of threats, reports, and claims by government officials of 'the terrorists' lurking behind every bush, tree, dark alley, just waiting to get us. Mind you, no terrorist has been found or convicted of doing anything.
On that note, I have found a few articles that provide critical information in reference to 911. Information that you won't find on CNN or Fox News. What they call 'news' could more properly be called 'propaganda', considering the extremely slanted and biased information that they provide. A great article that investigates the evidence and the stories being disseminated in the press is at this link. A simple, logical, level-headed approach to all the information out there seems to indicate to me that there is NO WAY that OBL or Saddam Hussein had anything to do with the 911 attacks.
One extremely glaring item shows me that 911 had to be an inside job. If it was such a failing of the US Defense grid, WHY WASN'T ANYBODY REPRIMANDED, FIRED, CONVICTED OR PUNISHED FOR IT?????? Think about your job for a minute. I know that if I make a stupid mistake that merely causes a violation to occur, people get punished and/or reprimanded. If it's serious enough (mind you, doesn't even cause anybody to die), YOU GET FIRED! Now you mean to tell me that the people responsible for protecting the ENTIRE country TOTALLY FAIL in their duty, and NOBODY gets ANYTHING???? The inference is that they were all in on it and were following orders! Is there any other plausible explanation? Please contact me if you can find one anywhere in the realm of sanity. To this day, nobody has ever been punished for this. In fact, I think that people have actually been promoted after this incident.
I'm not sure what's going on with the 'Powers-that-be' but now the mainstream media is reporting on more 'conspiracy theory' material. Are they done with GW Bush and his nonsense? It would appear that they have to be in 'saving face' mode because even mainstream people are beginning to severely question the official explanation of the 911 event. It doesn't take a Ph.D. in Astrophysics to figure out that kerosene can't melt fortified steel. You may also want to check out this article that describes the present situation 5 years after the 911 event. It's good information to know. I don't agree with everything in the article, but still wanted to share it with you. Just go wherever the facts, truth and your deductive and inductive reasoning take you...
conspiracy theory,
US Government,
War on Terror
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Your life is an open book...
...if you use any of the search engines. I just found an article that describes how Google and the other search engine companies catalog all of your web searches and then make the data available to anyone who can get the specialized software to determine who you are and what you searched for online. It is just another terrible fact of doing business-as-usual online. It's really not even doing business. It's amazing how much information they can accumulate on us without our knowledge. It would appear that the more we depend upon technology, the more that we are made victims from its use. There's no such thing as a free lunch. Just another assault on our privacy rights.
Monday, August 28, 2006
The Hoax of Water Fluoridation
Another one of the misconceptions floating around is the concept of water fluoridation. It is a huge hoax that serves multiple purposes, none of which are for the good of the victims. We must first realize that fluoride is a part of the halogen family on the periodic table. It is related to the other halogens, namely chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine. A characteristic of chemicals from the same period is that they are all very similar in their chemical and physical properties, since they all have the same outer electron shell. All of these elements are toxic. Chlorine, bromine and iodine are all known to be very toxic and reactive, hence their use as disinfectants and oxidizers. Fluorine is the most highly reactive element in this period because it has the smallest nucleus, which makes it the most electrophilic (electron hungry). So just from a cursory analysis of the freshman chemistry class, we can see that fluorine/fluoride is NOT a harmless chemical.
If we add on the fact that the fluoride being used for municipal water treatment is NOT simply sodium fluoride, but it actually a fluoride slurry of various waste products from the aluminum industry, we can see that we are being poisoned with toxic industrial chemicals in our drinking water. I could go on and on here, but there is a great article on this topic at this link. The other glaring logical error here is that even if the claims from the 'authorities' about fluoride being good for teeth (which is not true in any event), what sense does it make to mass medicate entire communities? From my understanding, it is the doctor who is supposed to determine the dosage of any prescription. Who has the right to medicate entire communities? There is NO WAY that a dosage can be controlled with mass medication from water supplies. In addition, if any food producer is using water from a fluoridated source, the fluoride will be in the food product, thereby overdosing those who happen to consume products from that company. Does this make any sense? What about if they were to place Prozac in the water supply? Or any other pharmaceutical or chemical substance? Can you see the fraud involved in the reasoning process and underlying assumptions in place that must provide any 'logical' support for this mass medication of the people? Other sites that cover some of this information are http://www.nofluoride.com/ , http://www.fluoridealert.org/ , http://www.fluoride-history.de/ . You should do your research and see where that takes you. I'm not even asking you to believe me. Just check it out and let me know what you find...
If we add on the fact that the fluoride being used for municipal water treatment is NOT simply sodium fluoride, but it actually a fluoride slurry of various waste products from the aluminum industry, we can see that we are being poisoned with toxic industrial chemicals in our drinking water. I could go on and on here, but there is a great article on this topic at this link. The other glaring logical error here is that even if the claims from the 'authorities' about fluoride being good for teeth (which is not true in any event), what sense does it make to mass medicate entire communities? From my understanding, it is the doctor who is supposed to determine the dosage of any prescription. Who has the right to medicate entire communities? There is NO WAY that a dosage can be controlled with mass medication from water supplies. In addition, if any food producer is using water from a fluoridated source, the fluoride will be in the food product, thereby overdosing those who happen to consume products from that company. Does this make any sense? What about if they were to place Prozac in the water supply? Or any other pharmaceutical or chemical substance? Can you see the fraud involved in the reasoning process and underlying assumptions in place that must provide any 'logical' support for this mass medication of the people? Other sites that cover some of this information are http://www.nofluoride.com/ , http://www.fluoridealert.org/ , http://www.fluoride-history.de/ . You should do your research and see where that takes you. I'm not even asking you to believe me. Just check it out and let me know what you find...
aluminum industry,
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
The "Unsinkable" Bush Administration is the Titanic
The Bush Administration is dangerous to the people of America, and also a menace to the peace and safety of the world. It's the same old story, with these people doing their dastardly deeds behind closed doors, and then the entire country gets blamed for the actions of the corrupt, blood-thirsty, profiteering leaders. Take the situation in the Middle East for a big example. It would appear that Bush was instrumental in convincing Israel to attack Lebanon. I'm not surprised at all at this revelation. It appears to be the modus operandi of this fascistic government. I recall a recommendation from one of the founders of this country that advises that we steer clear of foreign entanglements. That seems to have been thrown out of the door a long time ago.
As I've said before, wars aren't desired by average people. The governments and other alleged leaders are the ones who give the orders, and the average people are the ones who do the dying. This current presidential administration has harmed me and this country much more than Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, or any other contrived 'threat' to me and this country! I haven't seen Osama trying to destroy the Constitution in the way that Bush & Co. has. Saddam never had the means to build concentration camps for people in this country who won't go along with the lies spewed by the corporate-controlled, propaganda-spewing 'news' stations. Zarquawi never did anything to me, or threatened me or my family in the way that Bush and his government has.
For more idiotic travails, see this article. How much longer are we going to allow these 'public servants' to trample upon our backs like we are autistic sheep???
As I've said before, wars aren't desired by average people. The governments and other alleged leaders are the ones who give the orders, and the average people are the ones who do the dying. This current presidential administration has harmed me and this country much more than Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, or any other contrived 'threat' to me and this country! I haven't seen Osama trying to destroy the Constitution in the way that Bush & Co. has. Saddam never had the means to build concentration camps for people in this country who won't go along with the lies spewed by the corporate-controlled, propaganda-spewing 'news' stations. Zarquawi never did anything to me, or threatened me or my family in the way that Bush and his government has.
For more idiotic travails, see this article. How much longer are we going to allow these 'public servants' to trample upon our backs like we are autistic sheep???
Bush Administration,
Middle East,
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
What is the world coming to?
It would appear that the world is headed towards an ominous destination. We have another holocaust happening right now (the latest being in Lebanon) with the complicity of the mainstream media. They only report what they are told to report by the 'powers-that-be'. It would appear that America is the fulcrum for the determination of who will take control of the world. An international cabal of oligarchs have almost completed their plan to incite World War 3 and plunge the world into another war. It would seem that the goal of this war is to facilitate the implementation of the One-World Government through the destruction of all national sovereignty of every country in the world.
These people have always spoken of 'order out of chaos'. The image of a world in chaos is consistently presented through the use of disjointed reporting by mainstream news sources. The true connection and relative strategies at work in the world are never explained to the masses. The masses have actually been conditioned to accept whatever the 'authorities' tell them is fact. Many people do not believe anything that isn't presented by mainstream media sources. The control of context is the method that mainstream media uses to corral the perception of the masses. People have been conditioned by public schools to avoid critical thought, independent perception, deductive and inductive reasoning, the use of logic, or the drawing of inferences from given data. Unfortunately, control of the mass media in America has been consolidated into the hands of a few people. Mass media has always been controlled, but nowhere near as completely as it is being controlled today. The version of truth given to the masses today (i.e., news reporting) is equivalent to propaganda designed to evoke beliefs and conclusions that support the goals of the oligarchs who control the planet. These controllers do not have the best interests of the People in mind. They are very different from us in their philosophy towards life.
All of the above information is a mini-preface to an incredible article that I came across that deals with the imperial pursuits of those in control of the US Government. The apparent goals of these oligarchs is world totalitarianism, iron-fist control over all institutions of society, a fascistic/communistic economic system, and the brutal crushing of all dissent by the use of a great world government army large enough to defeat any group or country that may oppose it. Many think that the government in D.C. is their own government, but that concept is untrue. The government in D.C. is actually foreign to the United States in which most Americans live (i.e., the 50 states). Why do you think that they constantly, consistently extract money from the people at every turn? No, they don't need your 'Federal Reserve Notes' (a.k.a., dollars) because they can print as many of them as they may ever want. Their object is control. As I used to explain to people, "It can't be about the money for them because they can print as much of it as they want!" The above referenced article is very thorough, very logical, and calmly explains the situation that we face without the rose-colored glasses that we usually wear when confronted with the truth. The bottom line is that if the government will kill people half way across the world in imperialist campaigns, don't expect them to stop their brutality inside the United States because of any law written on paper. They will kill people abroad today, but will kill people domestically tomorrow. Their savagery abroad is only the dry run for their brutality to be meted upon Americans in the very near future. Don't be fooled by their sophistry on television! Why do you think they are ignoring the US Constitution and Bill of Rights in such a brazen fashion? There's no way to get freedom by allowing government to trample on the rights of the People. People in government are notorious for using their official offices and the color of authority to exploit, subjugate, and murder people for their own reasons. Do some study on history and open your eyes.
These people have always spoken of 'order out of chaos'. The image of a world in chaos is consistently presented through the use of disjointed reporting by mainstream news sources. The true connection and relative strategies at work in the world are never explained to the masses. The masses have actually been conditioned to accept whatever the 'authorities' tell them is fact. Many people do not believe anything that isn't presented by mainstream media sources. The control of context is the method that mainstream media uses to corral the perception of the masses. People have been conditioned by public schools to avoid critical thought, independent perception, deductive and inductive reasoning, the use of logic, or the drawing of inferences from given data. Unfortunately, control of the mass media in America has been consolidated into the hands of a few people. Mass media has always been controlled, but nowhere near as completely as it is being controlled today. The version of truth given to the masses today (i.e., news reporting) is equivalent to propaganda designed to evoke beliefs and conclusions that support the goals of the oligarchs who control the planet. These controllers do not have the best interests of the People in mind. They are very different from us in their philosophy towards life.
All of the above information is a mini-preface to an incredible article that I came across that deals with the imperial pursuits of those in control of the US Government. The apparent goals of these oligarchs is world totalitarianism, iron-fist control over all institutions of society, a fascistic/communistic economic system, and the brutal crushing of all dissent by the use of a great world government army large enough to defeat any group or country that may oppose it. Many think that the government in D.C. is their own government, but that concept is untrue. The government in D.C. is actually foreign to the United States in which most Americans live (i.e., the 50 states). Why do you think that they constantly, consistently extract money from the people at every turn? No, they don't need your 'Federal Reserve Notes' (a.k.a., dollars) because they can print as many of them as they may ever want. Their object is control. As I used to explain to people, "It can't be about the money for them because they can print as much of it as they want!" The above referenced article is very thorough, very logical, and calmly explains the situation that we face without the rose-colored glasses that we usually wear when confronted with the truth. The bottom line is that if the government will kill people half way across the world in imperialist campaigns, don't expect them to stop their brutality inside the United States because of any law written on paper. They will kill people abroad today, but will kill people domestically tomorrow. Their savagery abroad is only the dry run for their brutality to be meted upon Americans in the very near future. Don't be fooled by their sophistry on television! Why do you think they are ignoring the US Constitution and Bill of Rights in such a brazen fashion? There's no way to get freedom by allowing government to trample on the rights of the People. People in government are notorious for using their official offices and the color of authority to exploit, subjugate, and murder people for their own reasons. Do some study on history and open your eyes.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Tragedy in Lebanon
I have been following the Israeli situation in general in reference to the NWO and related topics. But lately, the attacks on Lebanon have been making the front page news. I know that this is being orchestrated for hidden purposes and agendas, which is normally the case. The issue appears to be about Hezbollah and it's alleged terror attacks (which may also possibly be identified as a weak people fighting a leviathan in the only way that they can) that have culminated in their taking of 2 or 3 Israeli soldiers hostage. But to me, the response seems to be: 1) extremely disproportional to the threat, and 2) like it would have to have been planned in advance. I don't claim to be an expert on Middle Eastern affairs, but I'm not sure how big a threat Hezbollah and other alleged threats can be to mighty Israel, a country that is armed to the teeth, as well as possessing a large number of nuclear weapons. I believe that Israel has the 4th or 5th largest military on the planet, far more than what any of its neighboring countries would possess. It's like Mike Tyson cowering before Pee Wee Herman in fear. It just doesn't add up, and doesn't make sense.
I found a few articles that go into more depth about this complex situation. It would appear that the situation in the Middle East is worsening rapidly. It is obvious that the US government is working in conjunction with Israel and Britain. The first article speaks about how the Lebanese population is being devastated by aerial attacks. They are destroying civilian targets in response to this alleged perceived threat from Hezbollah, even though this organization (as far as I can tell) has no ties or official standing with the Lebanese government. If I remember correctly, the acts of bombing civilian targets and critical infrastructure locations are both war crimes. I thought that soldiers that are captured were not kidnapped, but were 'prisoners of war'. Soldiers can't be kidnapped, but civilians can. I also don't remember their being any declaration of war upon Lebanon by Israel, but I could be wrong about that. It just seems that Israel can do no wrong, no matter how many civilians they may happen to kill.
The second article speaks more on the geopolitical situation in the Middle East. This is not a topic with which I am the most familiar, but I felt that I should address this because it is a very important topic. In fact, some believe that it could affect the entire world, possibly initiating World War 3. Although I do not agree with everything the author says (especially the unproven 'conspiracy theory' assertion that 19 hijackers flew planes into the WTC and the Pentagon that is not backed up by any facts upon critical examination, especially when at least 7 of them are reportedly alive and well), I do believe that he makes some valid points and gives some pertinent background information about this Middle Eastern situation. There is an extreme Israeli bias in the reporting of the events occurring in this region. How could the reporters possibly know the motivations of the people who are acting in these battles? It is patently subjective. It would appear that forces are working to destabilize the entire region for their own purposes. Another great question is why the Israeli army is targeting Lebanese army positions when there is no connection between Hezbollah and the Lebanese government.
The third article is more of a potpourri of different snippets, opinions, and parts of articles that are placed together in a flowing fashion. The obvious effect of the Israeli strikes is to destabilize Lebanon and to inflame the Arabic population of the Middle East. How could any Arabic person not be enraged with the wholesale targeting, destruction and murder of innocent civilians? There is obviously a lot more going on behind the scenes than what we are being offered in the mainstream media 'news' sources. They are murdering scores of innocent people in Lebanon, no matter how vehemently stooge reporters claim that Israeli actions are merely 'self-defense'. Since when are women and children such a huge threat that bombs must be dropped on their heads while they are at home? There has to be more than meets the eye at work here. More intrigue in operation, as usual.
I found a few articles that go into more depth about this complex situation. It would appear that the situation in the Middle East is worsening rapidly. It is obvious that the US government is working in conjunction with Israel and Britain. The first article speaks about how the Lebanese population is being devastated by aerial attacks. They are destroying civilian targets in response to this alleged perceived threat from Hezbollah, even though this organization (as far as I can tell) has no ties or official standing with the Lebanese government. If I remember correctly, the acts of bombing civilian targets and critical infrastructure locations are both war crimes. I thought that soldiers that are captured were not kidnapped, but were 'prisoners of war'. Soldiers can't be kidnapped, but civilians can. I also don't remember their being any declaration of war upon Lebanon by Israel, but I could be wrong about that. It just seems that Israel can do no wrong, no matter how many civilians they may happen to kill.
The second article speaks more on the geopolitical situation in the Middle East. This is not a topic with which I am the most familiar, but I felt that I should address this because it is a very important topic. In fact, some believe that it could affect the entire world, possibly initiating World War 3. Although I do not agree with everything the author says (especially the unproven 'conspiracy theory' assertion that 19 hijackers flew planes into the WTC and the Pentagon that is not backed up by any facts upon critical examination, especially when at least 7 of them are reportedly alive and well), I do believe that he makes some valid points and gives some pertinent background information about this Middle Eastern situation. There is an extreme Israeli bias in the reporting of the events occurring in this region. How could the reporters possibly know the motivations of the people who are acting in these battles? It is patently subjective. It would appear that forces are working to destabilize the entire region for their own purposes. Another great question is why the Israeli army is targeting Lebanese army positions when there is no connection between Hezbollah and the Lebanese government.
The third article is more of a potpourri of different snippets, opinions, and parts of articles that are placed together in a flowing fashion. The obvious effect of the Israeli strikes is to destabilize Lebanon and to inflame the Arabic population of the Middle East. How could any Arabic person not be enraged with the wholesale targeting, destruction and murder of innocent civilians? There is obviously a lot more going on behind the scenes than what we are being offered in the mainstream media 'news' sources. They are murdering scores of innocent people in Lebanon, no matter how vehemently stooge reporters claim that Israeli actions are merely 'self-defense'. Since when are women and children such a huge threat that bombs must be dropped on their heads while they are at home? There has to be more than meets the eye at work here. More intrigue in operation, as usual.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
The President
There is evidence that the president is not too bright, and I'm being very nice and generous in this characterization of his talent and skills. It is inconceivable that the president of the United States is a moron, but all the evidence seems to point in that direction. An honest observation of his behavior, his speech, his actions and his demeanor clearly shows that he is obviously incapable of being an effective leader of this country. Let's face it. He's never done anything of any significance in his life without it being given to him by Daddy Bush. In short, the man is a 'silver spoon' spoiled frat boy. People like this commonly believe that they are much better than they really are, and that the world owes them all the good things, just because they are well-connected. He is arrogant, self-centered, spoiled, selfish, crass, rude, brash, uncultured, shallow, clueless, immature, infantile and loutish. He is totally out of touch with reality, and actually expects reality to conform to his wishes. He truly believes that he can do no wrong. Sounds something like a messiah complex. I don't think that he's really won any presidential election, but that he was selected and installed into the presidential office by the power behind the scenes. It is a very scary thought to actually believe that the American people actually elected this guy for president because that would be an indictment of the country as being unfit to have freedom. Not even the American people are that ignorant!
I'm not sure if this country can survive 8 years of this ineptitude, incompetence, and ignorance at the highest levels. Something has got to give, and from all appearances, it seems to be the American economy. Falsified government statistics notwithstanding, you have to admit that America is not what it used to be. The substance of the economy is gone. The unions have all been effectively broken, and corporate interests can now do whatever they please. The debt situation is bordering on an emergency. There is no more production in this country, all of it being exported abroad. We are on the brink of hyperinflation while the savings levels is actually negative, which signifies that we are consuming the remaining substance of the country in a cannibalistic frenzy.
Amidst all of this, the average American is content to be entertained into a drunken stupor. Maybe that is the reason that the leader is a drunken bozo who isn't taken seriously by any other world leaders. They say that the leader is a reflection of the people he leads. If that is true, then this country is smack-dab in the middle of the danger zone. If you can't see this, you are a part of the problem.
I'm not sure if this country can survive 8 years of this ineptitude, incompetence, and ignorance at the highest levels. Something has got to give, and from all appearances, it seems to be the American economy. Falsified government statistics notwithstanding, you have to admit that America is not what it used to be. The substance of the economy is gone. The unions have all been effectively broken, and corporate interests can now do whatever they please. The debt situation is bordering on an emergency. There is no more production in this country, all of it being exported abroad. We are on the brink of hyperinflation while the savings levels is actually negative, which signifies that we are consuming the remaining substance of the country in a cannibalistic frenzy.
Amidst all of this, the average American is content to be entertained into a drunken stupor. Maybe that is the reason that the leader is a drunken bozo who isn't taken seriously by any other world leaders. They say that the leader is a reflection of the people he leads. If that is true, then this country is smack-dab in the middle of the danger zone. If you can't see this, you are a part of the problem.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Is There a Cure for Cancer?
Do you believe that after many billions (maybe even trillions) have been spent on cancer research, after numerous Ph.D. scientists, the finest minds in academia, have been studying this disease for at least 3-4 decades, that they are now no closer to a cure for cancer than when they started? I find it incredulous, an insult to my intelligence. Is it really possible that microorganisms are smarter than all the medical scientists of modern civilization? Our advanced knowledge and technology is unable to stop a disease like cancer? Or is it the result of obfuscation of the true nature of this malady? With all of the celebrated advancements in medical science, are we supposed to just accept as fact that the only effective treatments for this disease are:
A) toxic chemotherapy, which is known to use highly poisonous compounds that are lethal to perfectly healthy people,
B) toxic radiation exposure, which is also known to have extremely deleterious effects upon all people (even healthy people),
C) surgery, which can be characterized as butchery, similar to some sort of medieval torture.
The most curious aspect of this situation is that these have been the only American Medical Association (AMA)-approved treatments for cancer for at least the last 30 years! Does this fact really fall in line with all of the scientific advancements that have (allegedly) been made in medical science? We do not have any better response to this disease besides poison and butchery. I find this to be laughable and grossly ridiculous.
In my experience, I haven't seen any serious efforts by the AMA to explore any other treatment modalities. If we are to believe the 'truth' as given by AMA and the medical establishment here in America, there is no other valid approach to disease treatment besides the allopathic (i.e., M.D.) philosophy. I find this to be an untenable holding, given the nature of the Scientific Method that is (allegedly) utilized in all science to find truth and to get the best results from our efforts in all scientific endeavors. I chose science as a field of study because I once believed that it was less inclined to be affected by politics and other forms of corruption and intrigue, but I was mistaken. I have uncovered a lot of fraud, corruption, intrigue and politics in science and medicine in my research. Here, I will share with you some links to information that you may examine as your time permits.
The article that brought me back to this topic was an article that was written by an alternative medical researcher named Dr. Alan Cantwell who has written a few books on AIDS and the microbe that is said to cause cancer. He spoke about one physician named Dr. Virginia Livingston-Wheeler who used various 'non-mainstream' methods to characterize a microbe that has been shown to be found in all tumor tissue that has been examined. Dr. Livingston-Wheeler was not the first researcher to find this ubiquitous microbe. There are reports of researchers finding this microbe in cancerous tissue as early as the late 1800's using what is termed dark-field microscopy. Most microbiologist do not use this form of microscopy in their studies.
On this topic, the most prolific researchers that I have learned about on this topic are Dr. Raymond Royal Rife and Gaston Naessens. Dr. Rife was a genius researcher who identified the cancer microbe with a special microscope that he designed and built, found its resonant frequency and destroyed it with his frequency instrument. He was working with some of the most esteemed researchers from the best universities in that era. You can do a Google search for him online.
Gaston Naessens was another researcher who had actually identified the 16-stage life cycle of the pleomorphic (multiple forms with a life cycle) cancer organism. He could predict the stage of development of disease in people, and could tell whether or not they would become cancerous over a year before the symptoms and disease would manifest. His findings confirm the theories of Antoine Béchamp, a proponent of the pleomorphic theory of microbiology, in contradistinction to Louis Pasteur's theory of monomorphism (one microbe-one disease). Even on his deathbed, Pasteur admitted that Béchamp was correct, and that he was wrong about the pleomorphism of microbes.
I would implore you to do your own study of the topic. It probably won't be easy, as it does take effort and a knowledge of the language of science and medicine. It appears to me that the various disciplines use language and technical language to keep outsiders from understanding what they say and what they do. But you can take some time to learn their language and then understand what they are really saying. If you are a medical professional, you will need to remove the preconceived notions that you have in your mind from previous indoctrination. Be open to the possibility that the things you believe to be true may be wrong. This is the only way that progress is made in life. You cannot embrace truth if you do not examine your beliefs rigorously and completely. Just because something sounds outlandish or ridiculous does not mean that it isn't true. Remember, sense perception assured many people that the Sun revolved around the Earth.. It was 100% self-evident, and 100% wrong! Remember, the life you save may be your own or the life of a loved one. We owe it to ourselves to take control of our lives and to take back our own personal power! You can do it.
A) toxic chemotherapy, which is known to use highly poisonous compounds that are lethal to perfectly healthy people,
B) toxic radiation exposure, which is also known to have extremely deleterious effects upon all people (even healthy people),
C) surgery, which can be characterized as butchery, similar to some sort of medieval torture.
The most curious aspect of this situation is that these have been the only American Medical Association (AMA)-approved treatments for cancer for at least the last 30 years! Does this fact really fall in line with all of the scientific advancements that have (allegedly) been made in medical science? We do not have any better response to this disease besides poison and butchery. I find this to be laughable and grossly ridiculous.
In my experience, I haven't seen any serious efforts by the AMA to explore any other treatment modalities. If we are to believe the 'truth' as given by AMA and the medical establishment here in America, there is no other valid approach to disease treatment besides the allopathic (i.e., M.D.) philosophy. I find this to be an untenable holding, given the nature of the Scientific Method that is (allegedly) utilized in all science to find truth and to get the best results from our efforts in all scientific endeavors. I chose science as a field of study because I once believed that it was less inclined to be affected by politics and other forms of corruption and intrigue, but I was mistaken. I have uncovered a lot of fraud, corruption, intrigue and politics in science and medicine in my research. Here, I will share with you some links to information that you may examine as your time permits.
The article that brought me back to this topic was an article that was written by an alternative medical researcher named Dr. Alan Cantwell who has written a few books on AIDS and the microbe that is said to cause cancer. He spoke about one physician named Dr. Virginia Livingston-Wheeler who used various 'non-mainstream' methods to characterize a microbe that has been shown to be found in all tumor tissue that has been examined. Dr. Livingston-Wheeler was not the first researcher to find this ubiquitous microbe. There are reports of researchers finding this microbe in cancerous tissue as early as the late 1800's using what is termed dark-field microscopy. Most microbiologist do not use this form of microscopy in their studies.
On this topic, the most prolific researchers that I have learned about on this topic are Dr. Raymond Royal Rife and Gaston Naessens. Dr. Rife was a genius researcher who identified the cancer microbe with a special microscope that he designed and built, found its resonant frequency and destroyed it with his frequency instrument. He was working with some of the most esteemed researchers from the best universities in that era. You can do a Google search for him online.
Gaston Naessens was another researcher who had actually identified the 16-stage life cycle of the pleomorphic (multiple forms with a life cycle) cancer organism. He could predict the stage of development of disease in people, and could tell whether or not they would become cancerous over a year before the symptoms and disease would manifest. His findings confirm the theories of Antoine Béchamp, a proponent of the pleomorphic theory of microbiology, in contradistinction to Louis Pasteur's theory of monomorphism (one microbe-one disease). Even on his deathbed, Pasteur admitted that Béchamp was correct, and that he was wrong about the pleomorphism of microbes.
I would implore you to do your own study of the topic. It probably won't be easy, as it does take effort and a knowledge of the language of science and medicine. It appears to me that the various disciplines use language and technical language to keep outsiders from understanding what they say and what they do. But you can take some time to learn their language and then understand what they are really saying. If you are a medical professional, you will need to remove the preconceived notions that you have in your mind from previous indoctrination. Be open to the possibility that the things you believe to be true may be wrong. This is the only way that progress is made in life. You cannot embrace truth if you do not examine your beliefs rigorously and completely. Just because something sounds outlandish or ridiculous does not mean that it isn't true. Remember, sense perception assured many people that the Sun revolved around the Earth.. It was 100% self-evident, and 100% wrong! Remember, the life you save may be your own or the life of a loved one. We owe it to ourselves to take control of our lives and to take back our own personal power! You can do it.
medical professionals,
scientific method
Monday, July 03, 2006
Intrigue is 'Business as usual'...
It seems as if there is no end to the lies, façades, subterfuge, propaganda, and outright lies that we are fed by our self-appointed leaders. They say that they do it for the good of the public, but I am very suspicious of this. In my experience, lies and deception are used to subjugate, manipulate, and steal resources from victims of said deception. Human nature being what it is, it is extremely difficult for people to pass up easy money and power. When I studied the background and hidden, suppressed history of government and power, I discovered that these alleged leaders are some of the most greedy, bloodthirsty, avaricious, self-aggrandizing, power-hungry, sociopathic, criminal minds known to man.
It is human nature to think of others in the same way that we think of ourselves. We tend to attribute qualities that we have to all other people. Most people have been socialized to be decent, caring, loving, self-effacing, modest, and concerned for the welfare of others. They think that our self-appointed leaders are just 'ordinary people', just like us. In fact, the media is utilized to create the same image of these leaders. They are portrayed to be just like our next-door neighbor, having the same needs, wants and goals that most of us share. But this is a gross misrepresentation of the facts...
I won't go into the details about all the secret societies out there. They are fact, and are not a 'conspiracy theory'. A theory is not supported by facts. The Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, Skull and Bones, Knights of the Round Circle, Freemasonry, Rosicrucians, the Jesuits, the Illuminati, the Royal Institute for International Affairs, ad nauseum, are not fiction. A logical analysis by thinking minds reveals that world events do not happen randomly. They can't be random, as the Law of Entropy states that disorder is the result of random events. But the world is too organized to be the result of random events. It is naive to think that the most powerful people on the planet would allow their wealth to be dissipated or taken from them without force. In fact, my research has shown that they will do just about anything to preserve their power and wealth, morals and ethics notwithstanding. The facts (although hidden and never reported by the mainstream media due to ownership being in the same category as the leaders) show that these leaders have a goal of turning the world into a slave camp beholden to them, the newest iteration of Caesar and his 'Pax Romana', the modern form of which could be characterized as 'Pax Americana', or 'Pax United Nations'. It seems to be a great aspiration of these types. Napoleon, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Alexander, etc., all seem to want to be the next Caesar of the world. This idea is foreign to average people, but there are even reports of GW Bush stating in an interview that things would be easier in America if it was a dictatorship, but just as long as he was the dictator. The people in the upper echelons of society are not like us. They have world domination as one of their goals. And you thought Pinky and the Brain was comedy...
With all of this background, I hope that you can relate to the following articles that have come to my attention. The first one speaks about how our beloved leaders have orchestrated this state of economic chaos so that they can emerge from it with increased, more concentrated powers over the people. They always feign confusion, ineptitude, laziness, sloth, etc., but these excuses are too convenient, too ridiculous, too infantile to be realistic. The people that rise to power in government and the institutions of society are too calculating, too intelligent, too cunning, and the competition is so stiff as to preclude an idiot from rising to the top, unless the 'Powers-that-be' wanted that idiot to be in charge, of course, for their own nefarious purposes (witness GW Bush). Anybody with any semblance of critical thinking skills can see that the American economy is headed for Great Depression II (if we're not there already), and the people that can't see it have been effectively socially engineered into complacency. There is no other logical explanation. In fact, in the article, there are many trillions of dollars that lawfully belong to American citizens, but is being kept from them because these secret cabals are working very hard to steal it and use it for more of their own selfish, sinister machinations. The article goes on to go into more depth about Leo Wanta, the trustee of about $30 Trillion in USD which was originally to be used to save America, but is now in the sights of the 'Powers-that-be' so they can continue their scurrilous behavior.
The other article speaks of the dangers of the American public being so gullible. Although I believe that many people are awake and conscious of the danger of tyranny in America, there are still a lot of people who believe the government/mass media propaganda, and are 'dead men walking' through the days of their lives. Complacency and apathy are very easy to maintain if one believes the propaganda being meted out on the airwaves. It tends to make people feel a part of something bigger, and to feel as if they belong to the group. But they will not like the destination planned for them, or for the world. The evidence of the end of freedom and the end of America is plain to see for those who wish to find the truth. A little objectivity and intellectual honesty are the only requirements for awakening from the mass-media induced stupor. It seems to me that many are too afraid to admit the truth of the situation, because if they do, then they are impelled and compelled to have to do something to fix the situation. But most fear the government and what the price may entail. To me, it would seem that it is better to fight while the odds are better, than to wait until the police state apparatus is complete. You just won't be able to stop those American stormtroopers from shipping you and your family off to 'Camp Fed' once 20 of them are knocking on your door...
The last article I'll reference speaks of the lengths that the current presidential administration will go in order to silence dissent. It is totally crazy to me for people to actually be able to reconcile totally divergent concepts simultaneously within their psyche. How can Bush be protecting freedom by increasing surveillance? How can he be upholding the law by breaking all of them? How can a tactic of placing everyone under surveillance be good for America? Only totalitarian states do such things. It would appear to me that WE are the enemy. In addition, it is patently laughable that our trillion dollar security apparatus could be defeated by some guy on dialysis who can't use any electronic communications, with a team of 'pilots' who could barely fly Cessna prop planes, much less large commercial jets. Fantasy has just been turned into 'reality' through incessant repetition and the staging of the context by 'authorities' provided to us by our 'leaders' who really aren't OUR leaders. They are more like THE leaders that have been chosen for us to have.
Time to wake up and get with the program! Spread the word, pick your battles, and fight for our future. Nobody can fight everything, all of the time. If you don't fight and we get punked, you probably won't like the results. There's an old saying,"If you won't make plans for yourself, then somebody else make your plans for you." And I guarantee you that their plan will be for THEIR benefit, not yours.
It is human nature to think of others in the same way that we think of ourselves. We tend to attribute qualities that we have to all other people. Most people have been socialized to be decent, caring, loving, self-effacing, modest, and concerned for the welfare of others. They think that our self-appointed leaders are just 'ordinary people', just like us. In fact, the media is utilized to create the same image of these leaders. They are portrayed to be just like our next-door neighbor, having the same needs, wants and goals that most of us share. But this is a gross misrepresentation of the facts...
I won't go into the details about all the secret societies out there. They are fact, and are not a 'conspiracy theory'. A theory is not supported by facts. The Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, Skull and Bones, Knights of the Round Circle, Freemasonry, Rosicrucians, the Jesuits, the Illuminati, the Royal Institute for International Affairs, ad nauseum, are not fiction. A logical analysis by thinking minds reveals that world events do not happen randomly. They can't be random, as the Law of Entropy states that disorder is the result of random events. But the world is too organized to be the result of random events. It is naive to think that the most powerful people on the planet would allow their wealth to be dissipated or taken from them without force. In fact, my research has shown that they will do just about anything to preserve their power and wealth, morals and ethics notwithstanding. The facts (although hidden and never reported by the mainstream media due to ownership being in the same category as the leaders) show that these leaders have a goal of turning the world into a slave camp beholden to them, the newest iteration of Caesar and his 'Pax Romana', the modern form of which could be characterized as 'Pax Americana', or 'Pax United Nations'. It seems to be a great aspiration of these types. Napoleon, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Alexander, etc., all seem to want to be the next Caesar of the world. This idea is foreign to average people, but there are even reports of GW Bush stating in an interview that things would be easier in America if it was a dictatorship, but just as long as he was the dictator. The people in the upper echelons of society are not like us. They have world domination as one of their goals. And you thought Pinky and the Brain was comedy...
With all of this background, I hope that you can relate to the following articles that have come to my attention. The first one speaks about how our beloved leaders have orchestrated this state of economic chaos so that they can emerge from it with increased, more concentrated powers over the people. They always feign confusion, ineptitude, laziness, sloth, etc., but these excuses are too convenient, too ridiculous, too infantile to be realistic. The people that rise to power in government and the institutions of society are too calculating, too intelligent, too cunning, and the competition is so stiff as to preclude an idiot from rising to the top, unless the 'Powers-that-be' wanted that idiot to be in charge, of course, for their own nefarious purposes (witness GW Bush). Anybody with any semblance of critical thinking skills can see that the American economy is headed for Great Depression II (if we're not there already), and the people that can't see it have been effectively socially engineered into complacency. There is no other logical explanation. In fact, in the article, there are many trillions of dollars that lawfully belong to American citizens, but is being kept from them because these secret cabals are working very hard to steal it and use it for more of their own selfish, sinister machinations. The article goes on to go into more depth about Leo Wanta, the trustee of about $30 Trillion in USD which was originally to be used to save America, but is now in the sights of the 'Powers-that-be' so they can continue their scurrilous behavior.
The other article speaks of the dangers of the American public being so gullible. Although I believe that many people are awake and conscious of the danger of tyranny in America, there are still a lot of people who believe the government/mass media propaganda, and are 'dead men walking' through the days of their lives. Complacency and apathy are very easy to maintain if one believes the propaganda being meted out on the airwaves. It tends to make people feel a part of something bigger, and to feel as if they belong to the group. But they will not like the destination planned for them, or for the world. The evidence of the end of freedom and the end of America is plain to see for those who wish to find the truth. A little objectivity and intellectual honesty are the only requirements for awakening from the mass-media induced stupor. It seems to me that many are too afraid to admit the truth of the situation, because if they do, then they are impelled and compelled to have to do something to fix the situation. But most fear the government and what the price may entail. To me, it would seem that it is better to fight while the odds are better, than to wait until the police state apparatus is complete. You just won't be able to stop those American stormtroopers from shipping you and your family off to 'Camp Fed' once 20 of them are knocking on your door...
The last article I'll reference speaks of the lengths that the current presidential administration will go in order to silence dissent. It is totally crazy to me for people to actually be able to reconcile totally divergent concepts simultaneously within their psyche. How can Bush be protecting freedom by increasing surveillance? How can he be upholding the law by breaking all of them? How can a tactic of placing everyone under surveillance be good for America? Only totalitarian states do such things. It would appear to me that WE are the enemy. In addition, it is patently laughable that our trillion dollar security apparatus could be defeated by some guy on dialysis who can't use any electronic communications, with a team of 'pilots' who could barely fly Cessna prop planes, much less large commercial jets. Fantasy has just been turned into 'reality' through incessant repetition and the staging of the context by 'authorities' provided to us by our 'leaders' who really aren't OUR leaders. They are more like THE leaders that have been chosen for us to have.
Time to wake up and get with the program! Spread the word, pick your battles, and fight for our future. Nobody can fight everything, all of the time. If you don't fight and we get punked, you probably won't like the results. There's an old saying,"If you won't make plans for yourself, then somebody else make your plans for you." And I guarantee you that their plan will be for THEIR benefit, not yours.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Here Comes the Police State
For those who are still in a state of denial, here's the news clip from ABC News showing troops on American streets, talking about shooting Americans. There it is, troops quartering in homes and churches without compensation, troops breaking and entering into private homes, troops disarming law-abiding Americans. It is not pretty. Can you see what is happening with this country now? Let me know..
Monday, June 12, 2006
Police State USA
I've found a 2 part set of articles that demonstrate how America is rapidly being converted into an overt police state. These articles are a MUST-READ. The first part of the article describes the general approach, philosophy and tactics being used to destroy all of the old tradition that made America great. In its place is the philosophy of the government being the supreme ruler, and the people being the subjects/slaves. It used to be the case that the people were the sovereigns, and the government and its officials are the subjects (i.e., public servants). That day is over, and the 'powers-that-be' have conspired to turn America from a Republic (as required by Art. 4, sec. 4 of the Constitution) to just another fascist/totalitarian/feudalistic economic system. The ideology is installed into the minds of the American population through the educational system and the mainstream media, and they only see reality through *Uncle Sam Colored Glasses*, regardless of how different the reality is from the ideology.
In addition, the article goes over some of the tracking technology that is planned to be unleashed on the unsuspecting public. Big Brother wants to have an electronic leash on everybody. This goes against all the rights and freedoms that are inherent with being a man or woman. But we are not seen as men and women, but as property/chattel, who can be treated as cattle or inventory in a warehouse. It is incredible that a group of people would want to treat others in this way, but it is the framework and rationale of those who would be our leaders. Can anyone say 'treason'?
The second part of the article examines the ramifications of this impending 'Nanny State'. In fact, we are already inundated in a sea of microwave and RF(radio frequency) energy. The author shows the research and results of microwave bombardment upon living things, and it is not good. The truth of the matter is that the Russians experimented with the irradiation of humans with RF energy, and it rapidly destroys the health of people. The worst part of the experiment upon the Americans at the Russian embassy was that the intensity of the RF energy used was 100's of times less intense than what is being unleashed on the people of America today. So it would appear that even if there were no more proliferation of RF energy sources, the existing RF emissions would be more than enough to insure the future sickness and death of a majority of the American population. But the telecom industries and the government have plans to increase the use of instruments that are dependent upon the emission of RF energy. Wi-Fi, cell phones, wireless routers, walkie-talkies, cell phone towers, microwave towers, computers, pagers, wireless phones, MP3 players, microwave ovens, etc., are all emitting hazardous RF energies that are being absorbed by our bodies 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. The deleterious effects are already being observed on our youth, who are most sensitive (and susceptible) to RF energy.
I could go on and on, but I'll leave it for you to read the articles, as the author does a much better job of covering these topics. He has an extensive bibliography with a lot of references. You really owe it to yourself to read the articles. Don't spend your time being a walking zombie, oblivious to the closing of the pincers around the neck of America. Time is short. In order for evil to flourish, good men must do nothing! Don't forfeit your freedom without a fight. You've got to learn for yourself before you can enlighten and inform others of the dire situation in which we find ourselves. This is the most important issue facing humanity. You owe it to yourself and your kids to get in the game instead of watching Survivor or American Idol...
In addition, the article goes over some of the tracking technology that is planned to be unleashed on the unsuspecting public. Big Brother wants to have an electronic leash on everybody. This goes against all the rights and freedoms that are inherent with being a man or woman. But we are not seen as men and women, but as property/chattel, who can be treated as cattle or inventory in a warehouse. It is incredible that a group of people would want to treat others in this way, but it is the framework and rationale of those who would be our leaders. Can anyone say 'treason'?
The second part of the article examines the ramifications of this impending 'Nanny State'. In fact, we are already inundated in a sea of microwave and RF(radio frequency) energy. The author shows the research and results of microwave bombardment upon living things, and it is not good. The truth of the matter is that the Russians experimented with the irradiation of humans with RF energy, and it rapidly destroys the health of people. The worst part of the experiment upon the Americans at the Russian embassy was that the intensity of the RF energy used was 100's of times less intense than what is being unleashed on the people of America today. So it would appear that even if there were no more proliferation of RF energy sources, the existing RF emissions would be more than enough to insure the future sickness and death of a majority of the American population. But the telecom industries and the government have plans to increase the use of instruments that are dependent upon the emission of RF energy. Wi-Fi, cell phones, wireless routers, walkie-talkies, cell phone towers, microwave towers, computers, pagers, wireless phones, MP3 players, microwave ovens, etc., are all emitting hazardous RF energies that are being absorbed by our bodies 24 hours/day, 7 days/week. The deleterious effects are already being observed on our youth, who are most sensitive (and susceptible) to RF energy.
I could go on and on, but I'll leave it for you to read the articles, as the author does a much better job of covering these topics. He has an extensive bibliography with a lot of references. You really owe it to yourself to read the articles. Don't spend your time being a walking zombie, oblivious to the closing of the pincers around the neck of America. Time is short. In order for evil to flourish, good men must do nothing! Don't forfeit your freedom without a fight. You've got to learn for yourself before you can enlighten and inform others of the dire situation in which we find ourselves. This is the most important issue facing humanity. You owe it to yourself and your kids to get in the game instead of watching Survivor or American Idol...
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
A Nation of Clowns
It would appear from the state of affairs that the United States is a nation of clowns. I found an article that expounds on this theme, and it is the Cliffs' Notes version of what is wrong here. It's bad when people have zero enthusiasm for anything besides mindless, pointless, irrelevant entertainment and trivia when the problems and issues of the day are miles beyond the critical stage. In short, we are speeding down the proverbial 'Road to Hell', drunk, blind, and happy, like the 'Good Times' are going to continue forever. But the final denouement is near.
Where is the real news? It doesn't seem to be anywhere near the pages of the controlled media newspapers or propaganda outlets and mind control programming masquerading as newscasts. What about our newest CIA director/fascist pig who is poised to destroy what is left of the 4th and 6th Amendments of the Constitution? He's already made it clear that he is ready to monitor all Americans, 24/7, and to hell with Probable Cause or lawful search warrants. And your sellout Congress confirmed this future Nazi of America's version of the Waffen SS. When will people wake up? It's too late when they have the troops outside of your home to take you to a 'Re-education Center', or a 'Detention Facility' with free heat.
I've also included this article which speaks to the economic element of the destruction of America. The bottom line is that you won't be able to run or hide from the coming debacle. Preparation is what the intelligent do. If you don't want to fight while the odds are the best they will be, you mine as well go ahead and butter and season your own booty for the coming barbecue. Just don't say that you weren't notified about it. The Bushwacker doesn't ever warn the victim of his impending doom...
Where is the real news? It doesn't seem to be anywhere near the pages of the controlled media newspapers or propaganda outlets and mind control programming masquerading as newscasts. What about our newest CIA director/fascist pig who is poised to destroy what is left of the 4th and 6th Amendments of the Constitution? He's already made it clear that he is ready to monitor all Americans, 24/7, and to hell with Probable Cause or lawful search warrants. And your sellout Congress confirmed this future Nazi of America's version of the Waffen SS. When will people wake up? It's too late when they have the troops outside of your home to take you to a 'Re-education Center', or a 'Detention Facility' with free heat.
I've also included this article which speaks to the economic element of the destruction of America. The bottom line is that you won't be able to run or hide from the coming debacle. Preparation is what the intelligent do. If you don't want to fight while the odds are the best they will be, you mine as well go ahead and butter and season your own booty for the coming barbecue. Just don't say that you weren't notified about it. The Bushwacker doesn't ever warn the victim of his impending doom...
United States
Still Can't See the Writing on the Wall?
Just want to turn you on to a few tidbits that I found whilst scouring the web...
First, it seems that your Supreme Court just supported big government and big business by making a decision that goes against previous laws. From what I know of the law, it is a violation for a public official (or an attorney) to fail to report a felony. This is codified at 18 USC 4, and is called Misprision of Felony. But in this case, it appears that the court ruled that the D.A. was punished for blowing the whistle on a sheriff that falsified information in order to obtain a search warrant. So it would seem that the Supreme Court says that it's ok for government officials to break the law, but still wants to enforce the same laws upon us. How's that for hypocracy?
On a similar note, GW has been keeping more secrets than any other past president. He has his minions reclassifying previously-declassified materials at an astonishing rate. It would seem that he wants to erase history so that he can craft another perception. This secrecy frenzy is very common in dictatorships and other oppressive forms of government. This is a very ominous development. The present administration seeks to severely curtail public access to government information. Now, they always tell us that we have nothing to hide if we're innocent. So what do they have to hide, IF they are as innocent as they claim to be???
And finally, we have another excellent article by a Jason Miller in reference to the illusion of benevolent Capitalism. We've been indoctrinated to view Capitalism as the closest thing to Utopia. But if you look at the results, they aren't much different from any of the other 'isms' that have been used to exploit, subjugate, and control the masses. They just change the euphemisms and the ideology, but the results remain the same. The tiny ruling class stacks the game so that they win, and the masses lose. But in order for it to work, they have to promote the idea that everybody has an equal chance at reaching the top. But the statistics tell a totally different story. Communism, Fedualism, Democracy, Socialism, Fascism, Corporatism, etc., all add up to the 'Powers-That-Be' in control. But in order for them to do it, they have to get the masses to swallow a story that explains away the income discrepancies. I guess that it's a simple matter if you own all the mass media and the educational institutions of society.
Check out the articles and expand your mind a bit...
First, it seems that your Supreme Court just supported big government and big business by making a decision that goes against previous laws. From what I know of the law, it is a violation for a public official (or an attorney) to fail to report a felony. This is codified at 18 USC 4, and is called Misprision of Felony. But in this case, it appears that the court ruled that the D.A. was punished for blowing the whistle on a sheriff that falsified information in order to obtain a search warrant. So it would seem that the Supreme Court says that it's ok for government officials to break the law, but still wants to enforce the same laws upon us. How's that for hypocracy?
On a similar note, GW has been keeping more secrets than any other past president. He has his minions reclassifying previously-declassified materials at an astonishing rate. It would seem that he wants to erase history so that he can craft another perception. This secrecy frenzy is very common in dictatorships and other oppressive forms of government. This is a very ominous development. The present administration seeks to severely curtail public access to government information. Now, they always tell us that we have nothing to hide if we're innocent. So what do they have to hide, IF they are as innocent as they claim to be???
And finally, we have another excellent article by a Jason Miller in reference to the illusion of benevolent Capitalism. We've been indoctrinated to view Capitalism as the closest thing to Utopia. But if you look at the results, they aren't much different from any of the other 'isms' that have been used to exploit, subjugate, and control the masses. They just change the euphemisms and the ideology, but the results remain the same. The tiny ruling class stacks the game so that they win, and the masses lose. But in order for it to work, they have to promote the idea that everybody has an equal chance at reaching the top. But the statistics tell a totally different story. Communism, Fedualism, Democracy, Socialism, Fascism, Corporatism, etc., all add up to the 'Powers-That-Be' in control. But in order for them to do it, they have to get the masses to swallow a story that explains away the income discrepancies. I guess that it's a simple matter if you own all the mass media and the educational institutions of society.
Check out the articles and expand your mind a bit...
Big Brother,
Big Business,
government official,
mass media,
Supreme Court
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
The March to the Brink Continues
I must be crazy, but I continue to read and study the world's situation. It would appear that things are rapidly sliding down the proverbial tubes. I've heard that there have always been the gloom-and-doomers, those who constantly rave about 'The End of the World', Chicken Littles (the sky is falling!), etc. And the world has never been a perfect place. There have always been atrocities and other evil acts that have been perpetrated against the innocent. It could be said that human history is replete with reports of murder and exploitation.
So what makes today any different than any of the previous eras in human history? From my perspective, it would appear that this is the first time that man has had the scientific and technological ability to make world fascism possible. In previous periods, there were no mass media technologies with which governments could mentally condition or define the perception of their subjects. They didn't have a ubiquitous world economic system that was interconnected, interlocked, and woven throughout all of the societies of the world. They did not have advanced degreed scientists who were able to do exhaustive studies and experiments upon target populations (for decades) so that they could precisely determine the optimum methods of guiding, crafting, and engineering human behavior through the use of advanced technology (i.e., television, radio, etc.) and techniques (i.e., behavioral conditioning, operant conditioning, paradigm manipulation, educational indoctrination, etc.). The average person in society has no idea or conception of the detail and massive efforts that have been expended upon these strategies. In fact, the mention of these facts to the average person is usually not well-received. They say that the person who is the most brainwashed is the one who believes that she is totally free. That speaks to the success of the brainwashing technique. In similar fashion, the best place to hide a secret is in plain view. It is always the last place that anyone would think to look.
With all of the above said, this would appear to be the time to bring the theoretical down to Earth and to share some more information and articles with you. The first people I would like to take issue with are the GW Bush apologists and supporters. It would seem to me that it is very obvious that Mr. Bush is a major hazard to this country. Even though it is very evident that he is not the orchestrator or designer of his actions or his agenda, he is the symbol for it. There is no way that Bush has the ability to think, much less the ability to think strategically. He is merely a tool for the true power-behind-the-throne. What is amazing to me is how the Congress is virtually 100% compliant with anything that Bush does, no matter how blatantly illegal it is, or how much any of his actions are obviously unconstitutional. It could have to do with the fact that most of those in Congress are under heavy blackmail pressure, for various reasons. Check out some of the sites that I recommend on my blog for resources.
This thing is much bigger than GW Bush. There is a lot at stake here. The entire United States, and the world both hang in the balance. Americans have been conditioned to be myopic and are basically 'dead men walking', and are totally oblivious to the import of the present situation. All of the rest of the countries of the world have already been legally disarmed. Only in the US do the people still have their own personal weapons. This is a big problem for the New World Order types, who want all the people of the world disarmed so that they will be able to wage war against anyone, uncontested. What better way to guarantee victory and total control over your victims? Most of your 'government public servants' are incentivized to betray us. This is why they (the government people and the mass media) make sure that they vilify guns in order to get the people to voluntarily relinquish their guns. Guns have been around for a long time. Historically, governments that seek to enslave, persecute, exploit and mass murder their own populations ALWAYS disarm the people first! Can't have the victims fighting back when you go to steal from them or kill them, now can you?
The police state/totalitarian apparatus is being implemented right before your very eyes. The reason is because they know that people are going to really get angry about being systematically impoverished by our trusty public officials. The powers-behind-the-throne have known that they must destroy America before they can implement their total domination of the world. They know that they must do it gradually, and this is what they have done. When I was a kid, America was the richest, most powerful country in the world. But then, the slide down the tubes was initiated. The biggest symbol of that in my mind was when Reagan took the country from being the largest creditor nation in the world to the largest debtor nation in the world, all manifested in his first term in office. Remember, the debtor is always at the mercy of the creditor. When (or if) people ever wake up to what has happened to America, they will be very angry, and may rise against the government. Average people may not have any idea about the probability of this happening, but your so-called public servants know this well, as historically, most countries have experienced bloody uprisings, coup d'etat's, revolutions, rebellions, etc. Remember your history? They don't want to be killed, so they have become more sophisticated in their strategy for the subjugation of the masses. Government has always been the most powerful weapon that is used to exploit and enslave the common people. Where is the best place to hide the fascists, the power mongers, the criminals? In plain view, as mentioned above. What is more visible in the United States than the US government? So the fascist police apparatus is being prepared now, so that when (if) people wake up and get 'hoppin' mad', the armed forces will be used against them, and it will be justified in the controlled media as a suppression of the 'hooligans', who will be characterized as kooks, weirdos, terrorists, hippies, or any other derisive term that they can invent. But even in the Declaration of Independence, it says that the people have the right and the duty to change the government when it abuses the people, and if they fight back, we have the power and right to abolish it. Hence, the true intent behind the 2nd Amendment. Can't throw out the fascists, war criminals and tyrants with marches, demonstrations, and voting in rigged elections with preselected sellout fake candidates...
If you don't believe this, you just haven't done your homework. You have been indoctrinated and conditioned to see what your controllers want you to see and perceive. You have been mentally enslaved, and don't even realize it. How else could people be induced to accept the erosion of their rights, to their own detriment? For instance, most do not realize that the Constitution was written as a contract between the government officials and the people. The government officials take an oath to uphold the Constitution, and not to abrogate the rights of the people. The requirement of the oath of office is noted in Article 6, Section 2 of the Constitution. The President is specifically required to take the oath of office in Article 2, Section 1. If you read and study the Constitution, it is basically a list of well-defined, specific, enumerated powers that government has. The rest are (supposed) to be reserved to the States and/or the People. The Constitution does not grant anyone rights, for all rights are from God. The government officials are merely there to protect the rights of the people. It would appear that this is not their primary motivation anymore. The People have allowed them to infringe on their rights, to fail to uphold the Constitution, and now allow the government to exercise the sovereign power, and government has relegated the People to the status of subjects and servants of the government. Where in the Constitution does it say that government has the power to regulate your every action? The right to take one half of all your earnings? The right to take your children away from you? The right to control you against your will when you have injured no one? The right to create fiat money? The right to monitor your private communications without probable cause? Find any of that stuff in the Constitution... I dare you to try.
We're in endgame now. It's later than you think. Wake up now. Think of your kids and the type of world that we're leaving them. Are we going to willingly accept fascism, or are we going to stand up for freedom? Freedom isn't free, but it is worth any price that you might have to pay for it. There is no honor or benefit of living as a slave/subject/serf/peon. Turn off that television and start learning how you can get your freedom back!
So what makes today any different than any of the previous eras in human history? From my perspective, it would appear that this is the first time that man has had the scientific and technological ability to make world fascism possible. In previous periods, there were no mass media technologies with which governments could mentally condition or define the perception of their subjects. They didn't have a ubiquitous world economic system that was interconnected, interlocked, and woven throughout all of the societies of the world. They did not have advanced degreed scientists who were able to do exhaustive studies and experiments upon target populations (for decades) so that they could precisely determine the optimum methods of guiding, crafting, and engineering human behavior through the use of advanced technology (i.e., television, radio, etc.) and techniques (i.e., behavioral conditioning, operant conditioning, paradigm manipulation, educational indoctrination, etc.). The average person in society has no idea or conception of the detail and massive efforts that have been expended upon these strategies. In fact, the mention of these facts to the average person is usually not well-received. They say that the person who is the most brainwashed is the one who believes that she is totally free. That speaks to the success of the brainwashing technique. In similar fashion, the best place to hide a secret is in plain view. It is always the last place that anyone would think to look.
With all of the above said, this would appear to be the time to bring the theoretical down to Earth and to share some more information and articles with you. The first people I would like to take issue with are the GW Bush apologists and supporters. It would seem to me that it is very obvious that Mr. Bush is a major hazard to this country. Even though it is very evident that he is not the orchestrator or designer of his actions or his agenda, he is the symbol for it. There is no way that Bush has the ability to think, much less the ability to think strategically. He is merely a tool for the true power-behind-the-throne. What is amazing to me is how the Congress is virtually 100% compliant with anything that Bush does, no matter how blatantly illegal it is, or how much any of his actions are obviously unconstitutional. It could have to do with the fact that most of those in Congress are under heavy blackmail pressure, for various reasons. Check out some of the sites that I recommend on my blog for resources.
This thing is much bigger than GW Bush. There is a lot at stake here. The entire United States, and the world both hang in the balance. Americans have been conditioned to be myopic and are basically 'dead men walking', and are totally oblivious to the import of the present situation. All of the rest of the countries of the world have already been legally disarmed. Only in the US do the people still have their own personal weapons. This is a big problem for the New World Order types, who want all the people of the world disarmed so that they will be able to wage war against anyone, uncontested. What better way to guarantee victory and total control over your victims? Most of your 'government public servants' are incentivized to betray us. This is why they (the government people and the mass media) make sure that they vilify guns in order to get the people to voluntarily relinquish their guns. Guns have been around for a long time. Historically, governments that seek to enslave, persecute, exploit and mass murder their own populations ALWAYS disarm the people first! Can't have the victims fighting back when you go to steal from them or kill them, now can you?
The police state/totalitarian apparatus is being implemented right before your very eyes. The reason is because they know that people are going to really get angry about being systematically impoverished by our trusty public officials. The powers-behind-the-throne have known that they must destroy America before they can implement their total domination of the world. They know that they must do it gradually, and this is what they have done. When I was a kid, America was the richest, most powerful country in the world. But then, the slide down the tubes was initiated. The biggest symbol of that in my mind was when Reagan took the country from being the largest creditor nation in the world to the largest debtor nation in the world, all manifested in his first term in office. Remember, the debtor is always at the mercy of the creditor. When (or if) people ever wake up to what has happened to America, they will be very angry, and may rise against the government. Average people may not have any idea about the probability of this happening, but your so-called public servants know this well, as historically, most countries have experienced bloody uprisings, coup d'etat's, revolutions, rebellions, etc. Remember your history? They don't want to be killed, so they have become more sophisticated in their strategy for the subjugation of the masses. Government has always been the most powerful weapon that is used to exploit and enslave the common people. Where is the best place to hide the fascists, the power mongers, the criminals? In plain view, as mentioned above. What is more visible in the United States than the US government? So the fascist police apparatus is being prepared now, so that when (if) people wake up and get 'hoppin' mad', the armed forces will be used against them, and it will be justified in the controlled media as a suppression of the 'hooligans', who will be characterized as kooks, weirdos, terrorists, hippies, or any other derisive term that they can invent. But even in the Declaration of Independence, it says that the people have the right and the duty to change the government when it abuses the people, and if they fight back, we have the power and right to abolish it. Hence, the true intent behind the 2nd Amendment. Can't throw out the fascists, war criminals and tyrants with marches, demonstrations, and voting in rigged elections with preselected sellout fake candidates...
If you don't believe this, you just haven't done your homework. You have been indoctrinated and conditioned to see what your controllers want you to see and perceive. You have been mentally enslaved, and don't even realize it. How else could people be induced to accept the erosion of their rights, to their own detriment? For instance, most do not realize that the Constitution was written as a contract between the government officials and the people. The government officials take an oath to uphold the Constitution, and not to abrogate the rights of the people. The requirement of the oath of office is noted in Article 6, Section 2 of the Constitution. The President is specifically required to take the oath of office in Article 2, Section 1. If you read and study the Constitution, it is basically a list of well-defined, specific, enumerated powers that government has. The rest are (supposed) to be reserved to the States and/or the People. The Constitution does not grant anyone rights, for all rights are from God. The government officials are merely there to protect the rights of the people. It would appear that this is not their primary motivation anymore. The People have allowed them to infringe on their rights, to fail to uphold the Constitution, and now allow the government to exercise the sovereign power, and government has relegated the People to the status of subjects and servants of the government. Where in the Constitution does it say that government has the power to regulate your every action? The right to take one half of all your earnings? The right to take your children away from you? The right to control you against your will when you have injured no one? The right to create fiat money? The right to monitor your private communications without probable cause? Find any of that stuff in the Constitution... I dare you to try.
We're in endgame now. It's later than you think. Wake up now. Think of your kids and the type of world that we're leaving them. Are we going to willingly accept fascism, or are we going to stand up for freedom? Freedom isn't free, but it is worth any price that you might have to pay for it. There is no honor or benefit of living as a slave/subject/serf/peon. Turn off that television and start learning how you can get your freedom back!
GW Bush,
scientific method,
Friday, May 19, 2006
Cover-Ups Abound
Yes, I've found some more articles dealing with the important issues of our era. The first article deals with the coverups and duplicity in government actions related to the 911 attacks. It appears that there is a flurry of media activity on various topics, but they appear to be mere trivia and junk-food for the mind. This is because there is no serious discussion of any of the critical issues surrounding the events of 911. The media circus is specifically designed to deflect the public's attention away from substantive issues, and towards triviality and insignificant minutia. The strategy appears to be succeeding with the masses, even though inquiring minds and more sophisticated people remain focused on the critical issues.
The second article deals with another admission by the 'powers-that-be' of their absolute power over the average people. It is along the lines of the Harold Rosenthal interview, the Iron Mountain Report, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and other such information. If this work is a forgery or is fake, it definitely demonstrates what is happening in the world today. But it seems to be too uncanny in its accuracy. It is a blatant, "Yea, we run things. What are you going to do about it?" statement to the world. Most people think that it's some kind of joke. Only by using powerful brainwashing and conditioning can they actually flaunt the truth to the people and get away with it. It is a very depressing thing to see them have the ability to put the truth out there, and have the masses view it as some sort of joke. What is to become of the world when the truth is viewed as a joke, and the irrational, ludicrous lies that comprise popular culture are seen as fact? I'll leave that exercise for you to do on your own, if you dare...
The second article deals with another admission by the 'powers-that-be' of their absolute power over the average people. It is along the lines of the Harold Rosenthal interview, the Iron Mountain Report, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and other such information. If this work is a forgery or is fake, it definitely demonstrates what is happening in the world today. But it seems to be too uncanny in its accuracy. It is a blatant, "Yea, we run things. What are you going to do about it?" statement to the world. Most people think that it's some kind of joke. Only by using powerful brainwashing and conditioning can they actually flaunt the truth to the people and get away with it. It is a very depressing thing to see them have the ability to put the truth out there, and have the masses view it as some sort of joke. What is to become of the world when the truth is viewed as a joke, and the irrational, ludicrous lies that comprise popular culture are seen as fact? I'll leave that exercise for you to do on your own, if you dare...
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Deprogram Yourself
The facts tell us that most of Americans (as well as others) have been the victims of a mass mind conditioning program. I'm not as familiar with the programs that are active in other countries, but I'm pretty sure that they work in a similar fashion. And remember, the person who is the most enslaved is the person who doesn't think or even consider the possibility that they have been enslaved!
Why do I speak of enslavement? If you look at the world situation, the entire world is being maligned and preyed upon by the ruling class. Notice the attack upon all working people of the world. Slave wages for pay. Now, the last large middle class, the one in America, is being systematically destroyed right before our eyes. The union movement was revolutionary when it began. It actually began as a way for the small, average person of modest means to fight against the powerful, authoritarian, asset-rich people who owned the large companies. But today, these same people have figured out a way to consolidate corporate power with government power to create the conditions that have led to the demise of the middle class. This is evident in the way that virtually all of the productive capacity of America has been exported abroad to people who are more qualified, more educated, and more eager to work for a miniscule fraction of the pay that Americans were earning. In addition, the country has been effectively gutted of all value. The only thing left for them to do now is to announce the state of affairs! The evidence is glaringly obvious. How can it be any different? The Dow Jones Industrial Average is hovering around 11,500, while we have had record bankruptcies, record home foreclosures, an expensive (and fraudulent) war, raging unemployment, skyrocketing prices for most of the necessities of life (a symptom of runaway inflation of the currency and credit systems), a real estate bubble about to explode, gross corruption and incompetence at the highest levels of government, etc. But the most confounding part of it is that amidst all of these developments, there is no mass uprising or call to action from the masses. The question is,"WHY?"
Some of the reasons for this are contained within this article that expounds upon some of the issues that I've discussed above. It may sound like a 'conspiracy theory' to the uninitiated, but this term has been utilized in order to stop people from using their critical thinking skills to figure out what is really going on. In the mind of a conditioned victim, once they hear that term, they automatically stop thinking about the content of the issue, and they then categorically dismiss the entire matter. If this isn't brainwashing, then there is no such thing. It is just a label they use to deflect serious inquiry into 'sensitive topics'. Remember, these people have been vigorously studying the processes of psychology, mass psychology, motivation, operant and behavioral conditioning, mind control, persuasion, etc., for over 60 years! They are experts at it, and the effects are right out in the open for all to see. But you must deprogram yourself if you are not to succumb to it. Media is carefully presented and constructed as to create a specific image to be perceived by the target population. WE are that target population.
I dare you to do your own research on the matter. Jack Nicholson once said that "You can't handle the truth!", and it would appear that he would be correct about most people. This is why we have mass murders, genocides, 'ethnic cleansings', tyranny, police states, totalitarianism, pogroms, holocausts, concentration camps, *add your favorite human calamity here*. History repeats itself when we don't know what has happened before. History repeats itself when we deny reality. History repeats itself when we are too lazy to use our minds to discern for ourselves instead of letting somebody else do our thinking for us. History repeats itself when we are more concerned with the next episode of Deal or No Deal than we are about the state of affairs in the country and the world. Remember, resources and success always flow from the uniformed to the informed. If you think that you are informed because you watch the 6 o'clock evening news or CNN, you're sadly mistaken, and you will learn this in due time.
Why do I speak of enslavement? If you look at the world situation, the entire world is being maligned and preyed upon by the ruling class. Notice the attack upon all working people of the world. Slave wages for pay. Now, the last large middle class, the one in America, is being systematically destroyed right before our eyes. The union movement was revolutionary when it began. It actually began as a way for the small, average person of modest means to fight against the powerful, authoritarian, asset-rich people who owned the large companies. But today, these same people have figured out a way to consolidate corporate power with government power to create the conditions that have led to the demise of the middle class. This is evident in the way that virtually all of the productive capacity of America has been exported abroad to people who are more qualified, more educated, and more eager to work for a miniscule fraction of the pay that Americans were earning. In addition, the country has been effectively gutted of all value. The only thing left for them to do now is to announce the state of affairs! The evidence is glaringly obvious. How can it be any different? The Dow Jones Industrial Average is hovering around 11,500, while we have had record bankruptcies, record home foreclosures, an expensive (and fraudulent) war, raging unemployment, skyrocketing prices for most of the necessities of life (a symptom of runaway inflation of the currency and credit systems), a real estate bubble about to explode, gross corruption and incompetence at the highest levels of government, etc. But the most confounding part of it is that amidst all of these developments, there is no mass uprising or call to action from the masses. The question is,"WHY?"
Some of the reasons for this are contained within this article that expounds upon some of the issues that I've discussed above. It may sound like a 'conspiracy theory' to the uninitiated, but this term has been utilized in order to stop people from using their critical thinking skills to figure out what is really going on. In the mind of a conditioned victim, once they hear that term, they automatically stop thinking about the content of the issue, and they then categorically dismiss the entire matter. If this isn't brainwashing, then there is no such thing. It is just a label they use to deflect serious inquiry into 'sensitive topics'. Remember, these people have been vigorously studying the processes of psychology, mass psychology, motivation, operant and behavioral conditioning, mind control, persuasion, etc., for over 60 years! They are experts at it, and the effects are right out in the open for all to see. But you must deprogram yourself if you are not to succumb to it. Media is carefully presented and constructed as to create a specific image to be perceived by the target population. WE are that target population.
I dare you to do your own research on the matter. Jack Nicholson once said that "You can't handle the truth!", and it would appear that he would be correct about most people. This is why we have mass murders, genocides, 'ethnic cleansings', tyranny, police states, totalitarianism, pogroms, holocausts, concentration camps, *add your favorite human calamity here*. History repeats itself when we don't know what has happened before. History repeats itself when we deny reality. History repeats itself when we are too lazy to use our minds to discern for ourselves instead of letting somebody else do our thinking for us. History repeats itself when we are more concerned with the next episode of Deal or No Deal than we are about the state of affairs in the country and the world. Remember, resources and success always flow from the uniformed to the informed. If you think that you are informed because you watch the 6 o'clock evening news or CNN, you're sadly mistaken, and you will learn this in due time.
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