Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The March to the Brink Continues

I must be crazy, but I continue to read and study the world's situation.  It would appear that things are rapidly sliding down the proverbial tubes.  I've heard that there have always been the gloom-and-doomers, those who constantly rave about 'The End of the World', Chicken Littles (the sky is falling!), etc.  And the world has never been a perfect place.  There have always been atrocities and other evil acts that have been perpetrated against the innocent.  It could be said that human history is replete with reports of murder and exploitation.

So what makes today any different than any of the previous eras in human history?  From my perspective, it would appear that this is the first time that man has had the scientific and technological ability to make world fascism possible.  In previous periods, there were no mass media technologies with which governments could mentally condition or define the perception of their subjects.  They didn't have a ubiquitous world economic system that was interconnected, interlocked, and woven throughout all of the societies of the world.  They did not have advanced degreed scientists who were able to do exhaustive studies and experiments upon target populations (for decades) so that they could precisely determine the optimum methods of guiding, crafting, and engineering human behavior through the use of advanced technology (i.e., television, radio, etc.) and techniques (i.e., behavioral conditioning, operant conditioning, paradigm manipulation, educational indoctrination, etc.).  The average person in society has no idea or conception of the detail and massive efforts that have been expended upon these strategies.  In fact, the mention of these facts to the average person is usually not well-received.  They say that the person who is the most brainwashed is the one who believes that she is totally free.  That speaks to the success of the brainwashing technique.  In similar fashion, the best place to hide a secret is in plain view.  It is always the last place that anyone would think to look.

With all of the above said, this would appear to be the time to bring the theoretical down to Earth and to share some more information and articles with you.  The first people I would like to take issue with are the GW Bush apologists and supporters.  It would seem to me that it is very obvious that Mr. Bush is a major hazard to this country. Even though it is very evident that he is not the orchestrator or designer of his actions or his agenda, he is the symbol for it.  There is no way that Bush has the ability to think, much less the ability to think strategically.  He is merely a tool for the true power-behind-the-throne.  What is amazing to me is how the Congress is virtually 100% compliant with anything that Bush does, no matter how blatantly illegal it is, or how much any of his actions are obviously unconstitutional.  It could have to do with the fact that most of those in Congress are under heavy blackmail pressure, for various reasons.  Check out some of the sites that I recommend on my blog for resources. 

This thing is much bigger than GW Bush.  There is a lot at stake here.  The entire United States, and the world both hang in the balance.  Americans have been conditioned to be myopic and are basically 'dead men walking', and are totally oblivious to the import of the present situation.  All of the rest of the countries of the world have already been legally disarmed.  Only in the US do the people still have their own personal weapons.  This is a big problem for the New World Order types, who want all the people of the world disarmed so that they will be able to wage war against anyone, uncontested.  What better way to guarantee victory and total control over your victims?  Most of your 'government public servants' are incentivized to betray us. This is why they (the government people and the mass media) make sure that they vilify guns in order to get the people to voluntarily relinquish their guns.  Guns have been around for a long time.  Historically, governments that seek to enslave, persecute, exploit and mass murder their own populations ALWAYS disarm the people first!  Can't have the victims fighting back when you go to steal from them or kill them, now can you?

The police state/totalitarian apparatus is being implemented right before your very eyes.  The reason is because they know that people are going to really get angry about being systematically impoverished by our trusty public officials.  The powers-behind-the-throne have known that they must destroy America before they can implement their total domination of the world.  They know that they must do it gradually, and this is what they have done.  When I was a kid, America was the richest, most powerful country in the world.  But then, the slide down the tubes was initiated.  The biggest symbol of that in my mind was when Reagan took the country from being the largest creditor nation in the world to the largest debtor nation in the world, all manifested in his first term in office.  Remember, the debtor is always at the mercy of the creditor.  When (or if) people ever wake up to what has happened to America, they will be very angry, and may rise against the government.  Average people may not have any idea about the probability of this happening, but your so-called public servants know this well, as historically, most countries have experienced bloody uprisings,  coup d'etat's, revolutions, rebellions, etc.  Remember your history?  They don't want to be killed, so they have become more sophisticated in their strategy for the subjugation of the masses.  Government has always been the most powerful weapon that is used to exploit and enslave the common people.  Where is the best place to hide the fascists, the power mongers, the criminals?  In plain view, as mentioned above.  What is more visible in the United States than the US government?  So the fascist police apparatus is being prepared now, so that when (if) people wake up and get 'hoppin' mad', the armed forces will be used against them, and it will be justified in the controlled media as a suppression of the 'hooligans', who will be characterized as kooks, weirdos, terrorists, hippies, or any other derisive term that they can invent.  But even in the Declaration of Independence, it says that the people have the right and the duty to change the government when it abuses the people, and if they fight back, we have the power and right to abolish it.  Hence, the true intent behind the 2nd Amendment.  Can't throw out the fascists, war criminals and tyrants with marches, demonstrations, and voting in rigged elections with preselected sellout fake candidates...

If you don't believe this, you just haven't done your homework.  You have been indoctrinated and conditioned to see what your controllers want you to see and perceive.  You have been mentally enslaved, and don't even realize it.  How else could people be induced to accept the erosion of their rights, to their own detriment?  For instance, most do not realize that the Constitution was written as a contract between the government officials and the people.  The government officials take an oath to uphold the Constitution, and not to abrogate the rights of the people.  The requirement of the oath of office is noted in Article 6, Section 2 of the Constitution.  The President is specifically required to take the oath of office in Article 2, Section 1.  If you read and study the Constitution, it is basically a list of well-defined, specific, enumerated powers that government has.  The rest are (supposed) to be reserved to the States and/or the People.  The Constitution does not grant anyone rights, for all rights are from God.  The government officials are merely there to protect the rights of the people.  It would appear that this is not their primary motivation anymore.  The People have allowed them to infringe on their rights, to fail to uphold the Constitution, and now allow the government to exercise the sovereign power, and government has relegated the People to the status of subjects and servants of the government.  Where in the Constitution does it say that government has the power to regulate your every action?  The right to take one half of all your earnings?  The right to take your children away from you?  The right to control you against your will when you have injured no one?  The right to create fiat money?  The right to monitor your private communications without probable cause?  Find any of that stuff in the Constitution...  I dare you to try.

We're in endgame now.  It's later than you think.  Wake up now.  Think of your kids and the type of world that we're leaving them.  Are we going to willingly accept fascism, or are we going to stand up for freedom?  Freedom isn't free, but it is worth any price that you might have to pay for it.  There is no honor or benefit of living as a slave/subject/serf/peon.  Turn off that television and start learning how you can get your freedom back!

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