Monday, August 28, 2006

The Hoax of Water Fluoridation

Another one of the misconceptions floating around is the concept of water fluoridation. It is a huge hoax that serves multiple purposes, none of which are for the good of the victims. We must first realize that fluoride is a part of the halogen family on the periodic table. It is related to the other halogens, namely chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine. A characteristic of chemicals from the same period is that they are all very similar in their chemical and physical properties, since they all have the same outer electron shell. All of these elements are toxic. Chlorine, bromine and iodine are all known to be very toxic and reactive, hence their use as disinfectants and oxidizers. Fluorine is the most highly reactive element in this period because it has the smallest nucleus, which makes it the most electrophilic (electron hungry). So just from a cursory analysis of the freshman chemistry class, we can see that fluorine/fluoride is NOT a harmless chemical.

If we add on the fact that the fluoride being used for municipal water treatment is NOT simply sodium fluoride, but it actually a fluoride slurry of various waste products from the aluminum industry, we can see that we are being poisoned with toxic industrial chemicals in our drinking water. I could go on and on here, but there is a great article on this topic at this link. The other glaring logical error here is that even if the claims from the 'authorities' about fluoride being good for teeth (which is not true in any event), what sense does it make to mass medicate entire communities? From my understanding, it is the doctor who is supposed to determine the dosage of any prescription. Who has the right to medicate entire communities? There is NO WAY that a dosage can be controlled with mass medication from water supplies. In addition, if any food producer is using water from a fluoridated source, the fluoride will be in the food product, thereby overdosing those who happen to consume products from that company. Does this make any sense? What about if they were to place Prozac in the water supply? Or any other pharmaceutical or chemical substance? Can you see the fraud involved in the reasoning process and underlying assumptions in place that must provide any 'logical' support for this mass medication of the people? Other sites that cover some of this information are , , . You should do your research and see where that takes you. I'm not even asking you to believe me. Just check it out and let me know what you find...

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