Sunday, October 08, 2006

Rigged Elections Revisited

I've found another article that expounds on the proven fact that (at the bare minimum) the last 2 presidential elections were rigged. Of course, you realize that this information has been hidden and/or not covered in any major American media outlets. It is the duty of all people to learn about this state of affairs in this country because the integrity, and even the very survival of the United States could depend on this knowledge being widely disseminated.

Most people don't want to confront issues like this because they go straight to the very core of people's belief systems. The ramifications of the truth of rigged elections would pull away the facade of democracy, republic, freedom, fairness, honesty, fair play, "government of the people, for the people, and by the people". Most people cling to the ideas of freedom and honesty, even in the face of powerful evidence that shows that American government is 100% corrupt, especially at the national level.

This type of information makes the average person feel as if they have lived their entire life based on a lie. Even though it is probably true that the average person has lived their life based on lies, propaganda and gross misconceptions, they are more comfortable with the lies because they are familiar, and do not require any new or different action(s) to be taken, or new risks to be taken. The most unfortunate part of this specious logic is that society will have to face the results of this corruption.

It appears to be the 'easy way out' by going along with the lies and propaganda, but we still suffer from the effects of the corruption. Witness the continuing destruction of America on all levels. The country continues to plunge to new depths of depravity, poverty, erosion, predatory practices in business, parasitism, oppression of all forms, etc. Just 30 years ago, America was a leader in all facets of business and manufacturing. This is no longer the case, with the total hollowing-out of the substance of the US economy. We don't produce anything (besides debt) these days. Do you really think this is happening by chance??? Please don't be that naive.

The 'powers-that-be' are banking on you remaining naive, innocent and gullible as newborn babies. A lie or oligopoly based on fraud cannot stand the light of day. This is the reason that they try their best to dissuade people from doing any type of critical analysis of present-day events. Notice that their answers to pointed questions never address, muchless refute, the questions. They use every fallacious attack on sound questioning that they can muster to keep the people distracted and ensconed in the comfort of the familiar. But meanwhile, the country continues to crumble and slide down into the abyss.

Do yourself and your posterity a favor. Always ask questions, demand on-point, credible answers, and question alleged authority.

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