Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The President

There is evidence that the president is not too bright, and I'm being very nice and generous in this characterization of his talent and skills. It is inconceivable that the president of the United States is a moron, but all the evidence seems to point in that direction. An honest observation of his behavior, his speech, his actions and his demeanor clearly shows that he is obviously incapable of being an effective leader of this country. Let's face it. He's never done anything of any significance in his life without it being given to him by Daddy Bush. In short, the man is a 'silver spoon' spoiled frat boy.  People like this commonly believe that they are much better than they really are, and that the world owes them all the good things, just because they are well-connected.  He is arrogant, self-centered, spoiled, selfish, crass, rude, brash, uncultured, shallow, clueless, immature, infantile and loutish. He is totally out of touch with reality, and actually expects reality to conform to his wishes.  He truly believes that he can do no wrong. Sounds something like a messiah complex. I don't think that he's really won any presidential election, but that he was selected and installed into the presidential office by the power behind the scenes. It is a very scary thought to actually believe that the American people actually elected this guy for president because that would be an indictment of the country as being unfit to have freedom.  Not even the American people are that ignorant!

I'm not sure if this country can survive 8 years of this ineptitude, incompetence, and ignorance at the highest levels.  Something has got to give, and from all appearances, it seems to be the American economy.  Falsified government statistics notwithstanding, you have to admit that America is not what it used to be. The substance of the economy is gone.  The unions have all been effectively broken, and corporate interests can now do whatever they please.  The debt situation is bordering on an emergency. There is no more production in this country, all of it being exported abroad.  We are on the brink of hyperinflation while the savings levels is actually negative, which signifies that we are consuming the remaining substance of the country in a cannibalistic frenzy.

Amidst all of this, the average American is content to be entertained into a drunken stupor. Maybe that is the reason that the leader is a drunken bozo who isn't taken seriously by any other world leaders.  They say that the leader is a reflection of the people he leads. If that is true, then this country is smack-dab in the middle of the danger zone. If you can't see this, you are a part of the problem.

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