Wednesday, May 31, 2006

A Nation of Clowns

It would appear from the state of affairs that the United States is a nation of clowns. I found an article that expounds on this theme, and it is the Cliffs' Notes version of what is wrong here. It's bad when people have zero enthusiasm for anything besides mindless, pointless, irrelevant entertainment and trivia when the problems and issues of the day are miles beyond the critical stage. In short, we are speeding down the proverbial 'Road to Hell', drunk, blind, and happy, like the 'Good Times' are going to continue forever. But the final denouement is near.

Where is the real news? It doesn't seem to be anywhere near the pages of the controlled media newspapers or propaganda outlets and mind control programming masquerading as newscasts. What about our newest CIA director/fascist pig who is poised to destroy what is left of the 4th and 6th Amendments of the Constitution? He's already made it clear that he is ready to monitor all Americans, 24/7, and to hell with Probable Cause or lawful search warrants. And your sellout Congress confirmed this future Nazi of America's version of the Waffen SS. When will people wake up? It's too late when they have the troops outside of your home to take you to a 'Re-education Center', or a 'Detention Facility' with free heat.

I've also included this article which speaks to the economic element of the destruction of America. The bottom line is that you won't be able to run or hide from the coming debacle. Preparation is what the intelligent do. If you don't want to fight while the odds are the best they will be, you mine as well go ahead and butter and season your own booty for the coming barbecue. Just don't say that you weren't notified about it. The Bushwacker doesn't ever warn the victim of his impending doom...

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