Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Deprogram Yourself

The facts tell us that most of Americans (as well as others) have been the victims of a mass mind conditioning program.  I'm not as familiar with the programs that are active in other countries, but I'm pretty sure that they work in a similar fashion.  And remember, the person who is the most enslaved is the person who doesn't think or even consider the possibility that they have been enslaved! 

Why do I speak of enslavement?  If you look at the world situation, the entire world is being maligned and preyed upon by the ruling class.  Notice the attack upon all working people of the world.  Slave wages for pay.  Now, the last large middle class, the one in America, is being systematically destroyed right before our eyes.  The union movement was revolutionary when it began.  It actually began as a way for the small, average person of modest means to fight against the powerful, authoritarian, asset-rich people who owned the large companies.  But today, these same people have figured out a way to consolidate corporate power with government power to create the conditions that have led to the demise of the middle class.  This is evident in the way that virtually all of the productive capacity of America has been exported abroad to people who are more qualified, more educated, and more eager to work for a miniscule fraction of the pay that Americans were earning.  In addition, the country has been effectively gutted of all value.  The only thing left for them to do now is to announce the state of affairs!  The evidence is glaringly obvious.  How can it be any different?  The Dow Jones Industrial Average is hovering around 11,500, while we have had record bankruptcies, record home foreclosures, an expensive (and fraudulent) war, raging unemployment, skyrocketing prices for most of the necessities of life (a symptom of runaway inflation of the currency and credit systems), a real estate bubble about to explode, gross corruption and incompetence at the highest levels of government, etc.  But the most confounding part of it is that amidst all of these developments, there is no mass uprising or call to action from the masses.  The question is,"WHY?"

Some of the reasons for this are contained within this article that expounds upon some of the issues that I've discussed above.  It may sound like a 'conspiracy theory' to the uninitiated, but this term has been utilized in order to stop people from using their critical thinking skills to figure out what is really going on.  In the mind of a conditioned victim, once they hear that term, they automatically stop thinking about the content of the issue, and they then categorically dismiss the entire matter.  If this isn't brainwashing, then there is no such thing.  It is just a label they use to deflect serious inquiry into 'sensitive topics'.  Remember, these people have been vigorously studying the processes of psychology, mass psychology, motivation, operant and behavioral conditioning, mind control, persuasion, etc., for over 60 years!  They are experts at it, and the effects are right out in the open for all to see.  But you must deprogram yourself if you are not to succumb to it.  Media is carefully presented and constructed as to create a specific image to be perceived by the target population.  WE are that target population. 

I dare you to do your own research on the matter.  Jack Nicholson once said that "You can't handle the truth!", and it would appear that he would be correct about most people.  This is why we have mass murders, genocides, 'ethnic cleansings', tyranny, police states, totalitarianism, pogroms, holocausts, concentration camps, *add your favorite human calamity here*.  History repeats itself when we don't know what has happened before.  History repeats itself when we deny reality.  History repeats itself when we are too lazy to use our minds to discern for ourselves instead of letting somebody else do our thinking for us.  History repeats itself when we are more concerned with the next episode of Deal or No Deal than we are about the state of affairs in the country and the world.  Remember, resources and success always flow from the uniformed to the informed.  If you think that you are informed because you watch the 6 o'clock evening news or CNN, you're sadly mistaken, and you will learn this in due time.

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