Thursday, December 28, 2006

Dire Economic Calamity in Store for America?

I found more excellent articles that speak on the US economy. Most, if not all, of the news is bad, unfortunately. It's just a symptom of the economic policies that have been implemented by the US government. It is not the result of idiots or unqualified people because they aren't allowed to run things anywhere, unless they are placed there for a reason. Ignorance and lack of intelligence is not a prescription for success or influence.

The first article speaks on the conversion of the People of the United States from free to being debt slaves. The author speaks on the radical change that has gradually been implemented since the late 1960's. The bottom line is that credit cards and other types of debt instruments that used to be used sparsely have now become an endemic here. Just about all adults have some sort of debt. This means that the banking system has all of these people financial information at their disposal, which is also freely shared between businesses, thanks to the credit-reporting agencies and their ubiquitous presence. Even young students in college and even high school (!) are enticed to go into debt in just the same way that the experienced dope dealer tries to entice youngsters to try hard drugs so that they can make money on you for a long time. In addition, the banking system works hand-in-hand with the government so that they can both extract as much wealth from the people as possible. I know that I've covered that topic in depth in earlier writings. The bottom line is that this 'country' is operated as a for-profit corporation. We all should know (if we don't) that corporations have no morals, no code of ethics and no conscience. Its only purpose is to generate profits for the shareholder/owners, concepts of right and wrong be damned. This article is excellent, and is a short read.

The next article goes into depth about the insolvency of the United States. The bottom line is that the US is generating exponentially-increasing debt AND the trade deficit, while the income, manufacturing and assets of the country are shrinking. This sounds like a gourmet recipe for financial and economic disaster. But remember, the disaster is planned to hit the people because your fearless leaders understand exactly what they are doing and the results of it. Your fearless leaders have their contingency plans already mapped out, and they will not be affected as profoundly as the average person who is the victim of government-sponsored propaganda that is designed to keep you fat, ignorant and blissful in a babbling state of stupor. Just like the sheep that doesn't realize that it's about to be sheared and killed until it is much too late to stop it, the US citizen is being fattened up for the kill. All the hoopla about 5th grade-level television shows and other trivialities are engineered to be junk-food for the mind. The people are being entertained while the US burns.

Are you going to voluntarily walk to the slaughter, or are you going to work to save yourself, your family and/or friends from the clutches of disaster? It doesn't take a Ph.D. in economics to figure out that we're being duped, and that the present state of affairs is not sustainable. The country that we used to love and cherish has been put in a coma, waiting for the People to awaken and reclaim their country back from the swarms of foreign agents (also known as the government) that infest the land. Yes, freedom requires courage and intelligence, but it is so highly regarded as a prize that any struggle to attain and keep it is worth it. The alternative is a life of bondage, degradation, exploitation, victimization, and most other negative things that you probably don't want to experience. Remember the fable about the ant and the grasshopper? Connect the dots. You can do it.

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