Friday, October 06, 2006

More NWO Stuff

I saw a great article that describes how the final preparations for Gulags for American people are being made. They will probably be used to silence dissidents, as is standard operating procedure for fascist governments. I'm not surprised about this. It would seem that all countries eventually decay and decline into murderous organizations. The descent to barbarism seems to be a perpetual state of affairs. But the most surprising thing is that people seem to continue to fall for the very same con jobs that have been used throughout the ages. It seems to stem from the governmental promise that they can protect and take care of everybody. They already have a fake term (i.e.: Fifth Columnist) to label dissidents with so that they can be summarily stripped of their rights and shipped off to the torture camp/extermination facility. Don't think that this can't happen here in America because it has already been done (cf. Japanese Americans being interned during WWII, genocidal extermination of Native Americans, chattel slavery, to name a few). We buy in to the nationalistic propaganda so that it colors our perception of reality to the point where we can't see what is really happening in the country or the world. It's time to wake up and become conscious of the state of affairs in the country.

This is another article in which a former Army guy tells what he knows about current affairs. Capt. May accurately describes what is happening here in America. He has a particularly relevant report dealing with one of his mentors who has seen the result of the current activities of government. He has experienced it before, and shares his insight with us to show us what is happening and where it is headed. This isn't rocket science, but it does require open-mindedness and intellectual honesty. You might have to remove your preconceived notions before you can face the truth. It might be tough to face the fact that our perception is being manipulated, and our information is strictly controlled to manufacture our opinions. Knowledge of objective truth is the only thing that will help you survive the coming calamities.

Fascism was deemed to be a misnomer by a dictator who should know what he's doing (i.e., Mussolini). He said that what most call fascism could more properly be termed Corporatism, because it is really the combination/conspiracy between the government and the corporation(s). If you can't see the connection, you probably could use some smelling salts. Government and corporations are making obscene amounts of money, to the point where you could properly characterize government as a revenue-generating enterprise. In fact, virtually ALL of the levels of government HAVE been incorporated! We have our highest public officials who have intimate ties with the corporations making the most money in the biggest industries in the country. It would be funny if it wasn't so deadly serious. But most of the people are in a state of cognitive dissonance, and can't bring themselves to face the sordid truth. It would mean that they might actually have to fight the tyrants, a very scary proposition for most people. It just seems to me that the agenda they tell us they have is 100% different from the agenda that they really have. All you have to do is take a critical look at the results. We can see America being taken to the slaughter. If you can't see it, you are a victim of mind control/social conditioning/social engineering, and you need to release yourself from the grips of those who seek to subjugate you and use you, your family and your labor for their own self-aggrandizement.

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