Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Still Can't See the Writing on the Wall?

Just want to turn you on to a few tidbits that I found whilst scouring the web...

First, it seems that your Supreme Court just supported big government and big business by making a decision that goes against previous laws.  From what I know of the law, it is a violation for a public official (or an attorney) to fail to report a felony.  This is codified at 18 USC 4, and is called Misprision of Felony. But in this case, it appears that the court ruled that the D.A. was punished for blowing the whistle on a sheriff that falsified information in order to obtain a search warrant.  So it would seem that the Supreme Court says that it's ok for government officials to break the law, but still wants to enforce the same laws upon us.  How's that for hypocracy?

On a similar note, GW has been keeping more secrets than any other past president.  He has his minions reclassifying previously-declassified materials at an astonishing rate.  It would seem that he wants to erase history so that he can craft another perception.  This secrecy frenzy is very common in dictatorships and other oppressive forms of government.  This is a very ominous development.  The present administration seeks to severely curtail public access to government information.  Now, they always tell us that we have nothing to hide if we're innocent.  So what do they have to hide, IF they are as innocent as they claim to be???

And finally, we have another excellent article by a Jason Miller in reference to the illusion of benevolent Capitalism.  We've been indoctrinated to view Capitalism as the closest thing to Utopia.  But if you look at the results, they aren't much different from any of the other 'isms' that have been used to exploit, subjugate, and control the masses.  They just change the euphemisms and the ideology, but the results remain the same.  The tiny ruling class stacks the game so that they win, and the masses lose.  But in order for it to work, they have to promote the idea that everybody has an equal chance at reaching the top.  But the statistics tell a totally different story.  Communism, Fedualism, Democracy, Socialism, Fascism, Corporatism, etc., all add up to the 'Powers-That-Be' in control.  But in order for them to do it, they have to get the masses to swallow a story that explains away the income discrepancies.  I guess that it's a simple matter if you own all the mass media and the educational institutions of society.

Check out the articles and expand your mind a bit...

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