Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Cheer Up and Remember What's Really Important

I know that a lot of the material that I reference and write on this site could be construed to be depressing "gloom-and-doom" ranting. I guess that it is somewhat cathartic to me to write on these neglected topics. It really infuriates me to see so many lies and misconceptions flying unbridled over the airways. From what I've learned over the years of my studies, it would appear that we (the good guys) win in the end. But the tough part is making it to the end. It helps to keep a good, bird's-eye perspective on things. That helps to keep you grounded, and also to keep you from self-pity, depression, and other signals of overwhelm.

With that in mind, I offer this article that speaks on the New World Order, but the author also offers some positive messages and concepts that I feel would help you to maintain your perspective on things. If the world is going to end, we mine as well party hardy, because things like this are out of our personal control. Eat, drink and be merry!

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