Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The March Continues

Yes, I've found more informative, relevant articles that discuss the current progression (or what can be more aptly termed a regression) in the current State of the Union/World. I hate to sound like a perpetual pessimist, and I can truly see some people growing and learning and becoming more self-actualized. But it cannot be denied that the state of affairs in government and especially the economy of the United States/America is in a death spiral.

On the one hand, we can see how the economy has been destroyed. The bottom line is that the 'Powers-That-Be' are dead set on propelling the world towards Armageddon and a world government. There is a concerted attack upon the last sizeable middle class in the world--the one in America. But it would appear that this population has already been decimated and is virtually destroyed. On the bright side, there also appears to be a move towards a new economy. This appears to me to be an expression of human ingenuity, creativity, and the triumph of the spirit over the control of tyrants and despots who seek to impose their will over society. But while the creative people who refuse to be propelled into vagrancy and slavish dependence upon those who control society fight to build and maintain wealth, the controllers of society seek to corner and subjugate them. The critical fulcrum seems to be the control of the basic necessities of life (i.e., oil/energy, water, food, air, etc.). They are manipulating these elements, if not outright poisoning them or rationing them out. They ration out the oil and manipulate the price of it, ignoring the fact that 'Peak Oil' is a media-created myth; witness the poisoning of the food supply with such things as feeding cattle rendered meat and fecal wastes, genetically manipulated crops, the adulturation of the chemical properties of most foodstuffs, etc. So it would appear to me that the final battleground (and their point of control) will be over these necessities.

Of course, this does not take into account the other instrument of control that these elements use to control society. These elements would be the total control and debauchery of the financial system through the Federal Reserve/fiat 'money' system that is used to totally corrupt the leadership of the Nation-State. The critical element in this strategy is the mind control (control/manipulation of perception) that makes it all possible. Nobody can get people to voluntarily act to their own detriment without using deception on a regular basis. I have discussed these topics in depth in other posts, so I won't totally rehash those works. But you can check them out at your leisure when you get a chance. (Some Information on Suppressed Economics, The Media Social Engineering Apparatus, Prepackaged Reality, Deprogram Yourself, Has Your Perception Been 'Socially Engineered'?
You can also check out some of my other posts, as this is just a sampling of my writings on these topics.

I just seek to talk to those who wish to see what is occurring in society, or who wish to awaken from the media-induced slumber that most people get from being exposed to the mind control apparatus. It is almost impossible for anyone to not be affected by this massive, stealthily-crafted, ubiquitous element in our lives.

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