Friday, March 30, 2007

New Developments-Same Old Stuff

I found a few great articles that describe the present state of affairs. The first article deals with trying to find solace in trying times. The author talks about the New Thought Movement and how it relates to the blockbuster book and video, The Secret. It is a bit long, but entertaining and makes for light, but relevant reading.

The next article speaks about the growth of the Nanny State and how our freedoms are under intense attack. I myself hate the TSA, all enabled by the 911 attacks being used as an excuse to take away our freedoms. It is really irritating to me. I remember when you could travel freely, but now, we are presumed guilty when trying to fly. It infuriates me to have to submit to being searched, and the absence of respect that these people have for us. I highly value my privacy, but it appears that the government wants all privacy rights (as well as other rights) destroyed.

The third article deals with the imminent collapse of the American Empire. Chalmers Johnson, author of the book Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic, goes over the progression of the transformation of America from a republic to an empire. It's pretty evident that the United States is on the road to destruction. In fact, it appears that the destruction of the United States is already a fait accompli, and that we're only waiting for the public announcement of such. It's very evident to people who aren't awake that these are the end days in which we are living.

I hate to sound like a broken record, but to truly be aware of what is occurring in the world would make most intelligent people very concerned. This is not to instill fear in people, but just to show the problems and the likely outcome of the elements that we observe in today's world society. It seems to me that there is a plan in effect that is designed to cause a lot of pain and destruction in the world, and most people appear to be oblivious to it. This isn't a good thing! But then again, it doesn't have to be. It may just be our destiny...

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