Monday, May 01, 2006

Has Your Perception Been 'Socially Engineered'?

I've been busy with a lot of research and work, but now I'm back!  Anyway, I've found a great little article that goes into depth about the propaganda with which we are bombarded from virtually all mainstream media sources.  We are literally awash in a sea of propaganda!  If you want the entire story about the workings of the establishment, you need to read this work.  It is long, but it gets right to the process that has been developed over about a 60 year period.  The author explains the process that has been crafted, studied and perfected by experts in communications, psychology, biology, etc., to give the controllers of mass media (television, in particular) the power to create and control perception.  To make a long story short, the programmers of television now have the power to guide public opinion and basically do whatever they want to do while the hapless viewers go right along with it.  You can call it social programming, mind control, consensual reality programming, population control, brainwashing, etc., but the result is the same.  The 'Powers-That-Be' have startling, virtually unfettered control over society.  And it doesn't matter whether or not you actually believe everything that they tell you is truth!  This is because they manipulate the context of all discourse on television.  If I can control the context of any topic, I can create any perception of that topic that I choose.  So the television is a very subtle, but extremely powerful tool for social engineering and control.  In fact, it is the most powerful mind control tool ever devised to date.  You really owe it to yourself to read the essay.

I found the second part of the first article above, and it continues along the same lines.  In this article, the author (a Ph.D.) shows some of the methods being used in the media for social control purposes.  The old saying is, "Familiarity breeds contempt."  This is found to be the case with information.  I remember when secret societies were seen as non-existent by the masses, and people would think you were crazy for even mentioning anything related to it.  But now, it is an 'open secret', and is even mentioned in mainstream sources.  But the emotionally charged labels (i.e., conspiracy theory) allows a mind controlled victim to effortlessly dismiss whatever follows, regardless of the validity, justification, or evidence supporting the conclusion that may follow.  It appears to me to be 'the path of least resistance'.  Unfortunately, the path of least resistance usually leads to failure. 

On another note, I've found an article that demonstrates that Bush has challenged (i.e., violated) hundreds of laws as President.  Now when the average person violates the law, they are arrested.  The only difference between a normal person breaking the law, and a public official breaking the law is that the public official has actually taken an oath to uphold the law (specifically, the Constitution, as delineated in Article 6, Section 2).  So when a public official breaks his oath of office, they are open for impeachment, and then for charges of high treason.  But in my years, I've never seen a more blatant exercise of dictatorial power by a president than those committed by the present occupant.  This is a grave danger to this country.  If the president can do what he wants, regardless of the illegality, then doesn't that make him: 1) above the law; 2) an emperor; 3) a despot; 4) and it means that THE LAWS DON'T MATTER ANYMORE.  The Constitution was written as a contract in which government officials take an oath not to trespass on the rights of the People as protected in said Constitution.  The penalty for the trespass on the People's rights is impeachment, but it appears to me that there is collusion between the other 2 branches of government (judicial and legislative) to allow Bush to be the dictator/emperor of America.  Think it could never happen in America?  Well, it already has!

If you want to do something, if you're tired of the crap, start to join the ranks of the citizens who are working to fight this corruption.  I found an attorney who was fighting the power, and has suffered a lot, but he's making a difference.  If we all do our part, we can change things.  But sitting in front of the idiotbox is not a success strategy, and will not preserve any semblance of freedom for our posterity (our kids).  Americans need to get a bit tougher.  Freedom isn't free, and it won't hurt you nearly as much today if you fight than it will when America becomes Nazi America.  I'm not exaggerating here, as you can tell if you were paying attention to the information above.  Genocide has been a standard operating procedure for most governments.  So don't think that it is an aberration. Do your own research.  I don't ask you to believe anything I've said here.  Expend a bit of energy and do your own investigation.  Wake up and get outta that Laz-e-Boy chair...

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