Friday, March 16, 2007

Food Catastrophe In the Making?

I just found out that there is an epidemic of death passing through the honey bee population. This might sound like a big joke, but I assure you that the honey bee is one of the most important elements in food cultivation for humans. In fact, some people think that millions of people could be affected by the problems that would result if the honey bee were to become extinct.

The worst thing about this situation is that some people suspect that the massive honey bee die-0ff is the result of Genetically-Modified/Genetically Altered crops being heavily marketed by the likes of corporations like Monsanto. Another cause could possibly be the accumulation of mercury in the bees. It has been said that mercury contamination of the environment is increasing at an alarming rate. The article above states that mercury contamination has been found in just about all parts of the environment as well as in numerous wildlife species. It has already been found that Genetically Engineered corn may be toxic to humans in a recent study. The problem with this is that virtually all of the corn in America is genetically engineered!

Another problem that I see with this is that once the genes from the genetically altered plants are out 'in-the-wild', there is no way to control their spread, or remove them from the genetic makeup of the affected plants. In addition, these genes will continue to be spread throughout the environment, and also throughout the entire food chain. Can you say Pandora's Box? There is really no way to reliably forecast the extent of the damage that this may do. It is not out of the realm of possibility that it could lead to the extinction of all life on the planet. Who can say? What were these people thinking about? All I know for sure is that the entire push for genetically engineered genes being placed into the environment was premature, and was either done wrecklessly, or was done intentionally to create scourges and other severe problems on this planet. It was (and continues to be) a foolhardy plan, at best. It is the equivalent of playing Russian Roulette with the future of humanity.

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