Monday, February 27, 2006

It's Obvious if you're awake...

...that we're being prepped for the meat grinder. It's that simple.  It is critical information, unless you have no problem with fascism, police state totalitarianism, and a total lack of freedom of thought or action.  The average person in America today has been a victim of concentrated, persistent mental conditioning.  This is how people can complacently sit around, unaffected, while their entire way of life is being rapidly destroyed. There is no other explanation.

With that in mind, it is no surprise about how government officials can purge the presidential administration of people who tell the truth about the Plame-CIA leak investigation.  This is a blatant attempt to place complacent lackeys in the organization who will not dare divulge any information that could be construed to be negative about the illegal actions of the administration.  These actions are clearly designed to punish the people who spoke the truth to federal investigators.  In short, elements in this administration divulged the identity of an active CIA operative to the public without any punishment being meted upon those who authorized it. It was done with complicity at the highest levels of this administration.

In addition to this, witness the present adminstration telling us already that they are planning 'new programs' that will be used to silence, intimidate, and round up dissidents in America. So this is, in effect, a bare-faced attack on the 1st Amendment of the Constitution, and free speech.  What criteria will be used to judge who is a 'Fifth Column' activist?  Are you now free to support anything that Bush or the next Commander-in-Chief says that you must support?  Now, we are supposed to trust the same people that allowed the 911-WTC-Pentagon attacks to protect us from the next set of attacks.  They have already proven to be too inept to protect the country from natural disasters, but want to use the next 'terror attack' as an excuse to forget about Posse Comitatus, and use the military inside the country, all without any oversight from any other part of the government.  The old saying is ,"Absolute power corrupts absolutely." And for the record, you can bet your life savings on the fact that there will be another 'terrorist attack' so that they can use the military inside the country.  Guaranteed.

If these people really cared about us, they would follow the laws as written.  But they openly defy the law, using the excuse that they're working to protect us. It seems to me that we haven't been protected at all.  The laws were written to protect us from treason and tyranny brought about by those in government. Now, the majority of people do not seem to understand this.  The biggest threat to the people in America is not from Osama or Saddam, but seems to be from those inside the government.  If they mean us no harm, why won't they follow the laws that they swore to uphold???  Answer that question, if you can...

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