Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Is This Really How It's Going to Go Down?

I just read a sobering article by the indefatiguable John Kaminski. He was thinking of quitting writing, but I guess that plenty of people e-mailed him & told him that he should definitely continue. He is an excellent writer with a wonderful choice of descriptive words in his essays. He uses a lot of imagery, but can also be very scathing with his commentaries.

In his latest article, he sounds like he is fed up with things, but has realized that America is pretty much destined to become a Police State. For various reasons, people are too complacent and conditioned to turn off the television and begin to do something to change the omninous course that has been carefully laid out for us. The inertia of laziness and easy living, coupled with the memories of America's supremacy have worked like a powerful opiate on the American population. Just like the old, fat, out-of-shape athlete who lives on his accomplishments of years-gone-by, Americans are in the same predicament, oblivious to the massive erosion of substantive value in their beloved country.  Perception is created by the mass media, and it would appear that all is well if you merely accept the picture being crafted by the mass media outlets. But any cursory examination of the facts reveal that it is all a facade. The only thing left is for the props to be pulled away. Maybe the truth is too terrible for the average person to want to face. Unfortunately, truth has an existence independent of fiction, and has a powerful tendency to steamroll fantasy...

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