Tuesday, February 21, 2006

It's an Incredible Era in Which We Live...

I've found a number of great articles, but unfortunately, they all point to the rapid deterioration of America. I guess that I'm so passionate about it because when I was young, America was truly great. It wasn't perfect, but it was the best country to live in. We had the most freedom of any country in the world. We had a real economy, and produced more tangible goods than any 5 nations in the world combined. The people were innovative, intelligent, industrious, and practical. But it seems to me that today, all of that is ancient history--a shadow that will never be seen again. Our alleged leaders seem to be working to destroy the country by allowing unchecked illegal immigration to proliferate. Don't get me wrong! I'm not against immigration. But the way that they are doing it is not good. It is pretty much being permitted by the powers-that-be. And you can be sure that it's not happening by coincidence. It is this strategy that they have used to turn America from a strong nation into just another banana republic.

Witness the destruction of the educational system. Now, the people (children and adults) coming out of the educational system, at virtually all levels, are woefully incompetent (on average). I have noticed an abundance of people at all educational levels who can't write grammatically-correct English. I've seen attorneys and people with graduate degrees who make obvious, consistent errors in writing. I've also noticed that people no longer want to read anymore, much less think. It is an epidemic. It's no wonder that our educational system is failing. An uneducated, miseducated, undereducated population is required in order to destroy a country's economy, while the highly-entertained population behaves as if nothing happened.

It seems to me that the current executive administration (i.e., the President and his cronies) is poised to implement the final stages in the installation of the totalitarian, fascist police state. They have congressmen already saying that it is high time for Homeland Security to start pursuing people who do not tow the government line. There are a LOT of behind-the-scenes developments that aren't making the TV news. It's easy to rationalize away these actions, but taken together and seen with a bird's-eye view, there's no denying that there are big changes being planned for America, and they don't seem to have anything to do with increasing anybody's freedom.

The same people who planned the Rex-84 plan to intern people here seem to be getting ready to build more 'internment camps' (euphemism for concentration camps) right here in the good old US of A. If you were thinking you were going to get a news flash on CNN that they were going to start building concentration camps, forget about that, but this is about as close as you can get without a congressional notice of what's going on. You'll have to connect the dots yourself. But that's the reason why they destroyed the educational system. They did it so that the people would be more interested in American Idol than in their own freedom and way of life...

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