Monday, March 06, 2006

The Quickening...

Now, it appears that Bush is working to unleash Attorney General Alberto Gonzales on the journalists. He has given Gonzales orders to actively pursue, harass, monitor, and search the homes and personal effects of journalists who dare to report anything that Bush and Cabal would not like for them to report. He wants to use the journalists as examples in the 'war on terror'. They are trying to use the recent re-passed PATRIOT Act to justify these blatant Constitutional violations. It is also alleged that the FBI has issued hundreds of 'National Security letters' to various organizations (i.e., banks, credit card companies, libraries, etc.) to surrender information on reporters. This is just a Bush ploy (albeit VERY heavy-handed) that is designed to intimidate reporters so that they won't make Americans and the world aware of government duplicity and criminality. It is also designed to stop the people in government from upholding their oaths of office by stopping them from making public treasonous activity that is being done in secret.

Yes, today it will be the journalists who will be targeted, tomorrow another group. It might not even be a group, but might just be something you decide to do, innocently, that will land you in the targeting reticle of 'Big Brother.' But be sure that one day, YOU will be targeted. It's just a matter of time.

This is like a very bad joke that you just keep trying to wake yourself up out of, but then you discover that you are awake. Been warning people about this for a long time, but now the day is finally here. What will you do to fight tyranny? Will you fight, or will you willingly accept your slavery? If you don't understand what is going on, or you just can't make yourself believe that what is occurring is the destruction of freedom in America, you need to inform yourself quickly by reading this e-work. Time is short, and there is no time to waste. The lives of your family and posterity (i.e., your offspring) could lie in the balance. If you can't wake up now, you might one day wake up in a concentration camp (if you're lucky), or you will wake up at home one day and realize that you're not in Kansas anymore, and that you are a government slave with the right to do just like you are told, and to think what you have been told you can think. Think it can't happen here in America? It's happening right now, as you are reading this...

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