Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Majority of Americans are Mentally Just Like Bush

As the result of 2 polls indicate, the majority of Americans are just as mentally incompetent as GW Bush.  This is the reason that him and his toady Mainstream Media can push pure garbage and faulty logic in justifying warrantless searches lacking court orders.  It is incomprehensible that people would even think that fighting alleged terrorism would be any more effective without following the law.  It just doesn't logically follow. 

How can destroying our freedom guarantee that we are going to be safe?  What good is being safe if you're not free enough to enjoy anything?  If we destroy our freedom, what good is being safe?  How can we defend our freedom by abandoning our freedom?   How can they 'hate us for our freedom' if we don't have it anymore? You can be sure that once we give away our freedom, it will not be coming back. Freedom is very fragile and easily lost.  It requires intelligence and eternal vigilence to preserve it.  It appears that Americans are no longer intelligent or perceptive enough to retain freedom.

The only thing that allows us to be free from government oppression is the Constitution and the diligence of the People in making sure that the government officials uphold their oaths to uphold said Constitution.  But now, we have blatant, brazen Constitutional violations being perpetrated by government officials.  There is no major public outcry, and whatever public dissent is out there is not being reported by the corporate-owned Mainstream Media.  It is truly a sad situation.  As America burns, the people are too busy being entertained by random trivialities to do anything to stop it.  You can ignore these words, but you won't be able to ignore the Police State as it rapidly approaches your neighborhood...

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