It would appear from the state of affairs that the United States is a nation of clowns. I found an article that expounds on this theme, and it is the Cliffs' Notes version of what is wrong here. It's bad when people have zero enthusiasm for anything besides mindless, pointless, irrelevant entertainment and trivia when the problems and issues of the day are miles beyond the critical stage. In short, we are speeding down the proverbial 'Road to Hell', drunk, blind, and happy, like the 'Good Times' are going to continue forever. But the final denouement is near.
Where is the real news? It doesn't seem to be anywhere near the pages of the controlled media newspapers or propaganda outlets and mind control programming masquerading as newscasts. What about our newest CIA director/fascist pig who is poised to destroy what is left of the 4th and 6th Amendments of the Constitution? He's already made it clear that he is ready to monitor all Americans, 24/7, and to hell with Probable Cause or lawful search warrants. And your sellout Congress confirmed this future Nazi of America's version of the Waffen SS. When will people wake up? It's too late when they have the troops outside of your home to take you to a 'Re-education Center', or a 'Detention Facility' with free heat.
I've also included this article which speaks to the economic element of the destruction of America. The bottom line is that you won't be able to run or hide from the coming debacle. Preparation is what the intelligent do. If you don't want to fight while the odds are the best they will be, you mine as well go ahead and butter and season your own booty for the coming barbecue. Just don't say that you weren't notified about it. The Bushwacker doesn't ever warn the victim of his impending doom...
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Still Can't See the Writing on the Wall?
Just want to turn you on to a few tidbits that I found whilst scouring the web...
First, it seems that your Supreme Court just supported big government and big business by making a decision that goes against previous laws. From what I know of the law, it is a violation for a public official (or an attorney) to fail to report a felony. This is codified at 18 USC 4, and is called Misprision of Felony. But in this case, it appears that the court ruled that the D.A. was punished for blowing the whistle on a sheriff that falsified information in order to obtain a search warrant. So it would seem that the Supreme Court says that it's ok for government officials to break the law, but still wants to enforce the same laws upon us. How's that for hypocracy?
On a similar note, GW has been keeping more secrets than any other past president. He has his minions reclassifying previously-declassified materials at an astonishing rate. It would seem that he wants to erase history so that he can craft another perception. This secrecy frenzy is very common in dictatorships and other oppressive forms of government. This is a very ominous development. The present administration seeks to severely curtail public access to government information. Now, they always tell us that we have nothing to hide if we're innocent. So what do they have to hide, IF they are as innocent as they claim to be???
And finally, we have another excellent article by a Jason Miller in reference to the illusion of benevolent Capitalism. We've been indoctrinated to view Capitalism as the closest thing to Utopia. But if you look at the results, they aren't much different from any of the other 'isms' that have been used to exploit, subjugate, and control the masses. They just change the euphemisms and the ideology, but the results remain the same. The tiny ruling class stacks the game so that they win, and the masses lose. But in order for it to work, they have to promote the idea that everybody has an equal chance at reaching the top. But the statistics tell a totally different story. Communism, Fedualism, Democracy, Socialism, Fascism, Corporatism, etc., all add up to the 'Powers-That-Be' in control. But in order for them to do it, they have to get the masses to swallow a story that explains away the income discrepancies. I guess that it's a simple matter if you own all the mass media and the educational institutions of society.
Check out the articles and expand your mind a bit...
First, it seems that your Supreme Court just supported big government and big business by making a decision that goes against previous laws. From what I know of the law, it is a violation for a public official (or an attorney) to fail to report a felony. This is codified at 18 USC 4, and is called Misprision of Felony. But in this case, it appears that the court ruled that the D.A. was punished for blowing the whistle on a sheriff that falsified information in order to obtain a search warrant. So it would seem that the Supreme Court says that it's ok for government officials to break the law, but still wants to enforce the same laws upon us. How's that for hypocracy?
On a similar note, GW has been keeping more secrets than any other past president. He has his minions reclassifying previously-declassified materials at an astonishing rate. It would seem that he wants to erase history so that he can craft another perception. This secrecy frenzy is very common in dictatorships and other oppressive forms of government. This is a very ominous development. The present administration seeks to severely curtail public access to government information. Now, they always tell us that we have nothing to hide if we're innocent. So what do they have to hide, IF they are as innocent as they claim to be???
And finally, we have another excellent article by a Jason Miller in reference to the illusion of benevolent Capitalism. We've been indoctrinated to view Capitalism as the closest thing to Utopia. But if you look at the results, they aren't much different from any of the other 'isms' that have been used to exploit, subjugate, and control the masses. They just change the euphemisms and the ideology, but the results remain the same. The tiny ruling class stacks the game so that they win, and the masses lose. But in order for it to work, they have to promote the idea that everybody has an equal chance at reaching the top. But the statistics tell a totally different story. Communism, Fedualism, Democracy, Socialism, Fascism, Corporatism, etc., all add up to the 'Powers-That-Be' in control. But in order for them to do it, they have to get the masses to swallow a story that explains away the income discrepancies. I guess that it's a simple matter if you own all the mass media and the educational institutions of society.
Check out the articles and expand your mind a bit...
Big Brother,
Big Business,
government official,
mass media,
Supreme Court
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
The March to the Brink Continues
I must be crazy, but I continue to read and study the world's situation. It would appear that things are rapidly sliding down the proverbial tubes. I've heard that there have always been the gloom-and-doomers, those who constantly rave about 'The End of the World', Chicken Littles (the sky is falling!), etc. And the world has never been a perfect place. There have always been atrocities and other evil acts that have been perpetrated against the innocent. It could be said that human history is replete with reports of murder and exploitation.
So what makes today any different than any of the previous eras in human history? From my perspective, it would appear that this is the first time that man has had the scientific and technological ability to make world fascism possible. In previous periods, there were no mass media technologies with which governments could mentally condition or define the perception of their subjects. They didn't have a ubiquitous world economic system that was interconnected, interlocked, and woven throughout all of the societies of the world. They did not have advanced degreed scientists who were able to do exhaustive studies and experiments upon target populations (for decades) so that they could precisely determine the optimum methods of guiding, crafting, and engineering human behavior through the use of advanced technology (i.e., television, radio, etc.) and techniques (i.e., behavioral conditioning, operant conditioning, paradigm manipulation, educational indoctrination, etc.). The average person in society has no idea or conception of the detail and massive efforts that have been expended upon these strategies. In fact, the mention of these facts to the average person is usually not well-received. They say that the person who is the most brainwashed is the one who believes that she is totally free. That speaks to the success of the brainwashing technique. In similar fashion, the best place to hide a secret is in plain view. It is always the last place that anyone would think to look.
With all of the above said, this would appear to be the time to bring the theoretical down to Earth and to share some more information and articles with you. The first people I would like to take issue with are the GW Bush apologists and supporters. It would seem to me that it is very obvious that Mr. Bush is a major hazard to this country. Even though it is very evident that he is not the orchestrator or designer of his actions or his agenda, he is the symbol for it. There is no way that Bush has the ability to think, much less the ability to think strategically. He is merely a tool for the true power-behind-the-throne. What is amazing to me is how the Congress is virtually 100% compliant with anything that Bush does, no matter how blatantly illegal it is, or how much any of his actions are obviously unconstitutional. It could have to do with the fact that most of those in Congress are under heavy blackmail pressure, for various reasons. Check out some of the sites that I recommend on my blog for resources.
This thing is much bigger than GW Bush. There is a lot at stake here. The entire United States, and the world both hang in the balance. Americans have been conditioned to be myopic and are basically 'dead men walking', and are totally oblivious to the import of the present situation. All of the rest of the countries of the world have already been legally disarmed. Only in the US do the people still have their own personal weapons. This is a big problem for the New World Order types, who want all the people of the world disarmed so that they will be able to wage war against anyone, uncontested. What better way to guarantee victory and total control over your victims? Most of your 'government public servants' are incentivized to betray us. This is why they (the government people and the mass media) make sure that they vilify guns in order to get the people to voluntarily relinquish their guns. Guns have been around for a long time. Historically, governments that seek to enslave, persecute, exploit and mass murder their own populations ALWAYS disarm the people first! Can't have the victims fighting back when you go to steal from them or kill them, now can you?
The police state/totalitarian apparatus is being implemented right before your very eyes. The reason is because they know that people are going to really get angry about being systematically impoverished by our trusty public officials. The powers-behind-the-throne have known that they must destroy America before they can implement their total domination of the world. They know that they must do it gradually, and this is what they have done. When I was a kid, America was the richest, most powerful country in the world. But then, the slide down the tubes was initiated. The biggest symbol of that in my mind was when Reagan took the country from being the largest creditor nation in the world to the largest debtor nation in the world, all manifested in his first term in office. Remember, the debtor is always at the mercy of the creditor. When (or if) people ever wake up to what has happened to America, they will be very angry, and may rise against the government. Average people may not have any idea about the probability of this happening, but your so-called public servants know this well, as historically, most countries have experienced bloody uprisings, coup d'etat's, revolutions, rebellions, etc. Remember your history? They don't want to be killed, so they have become more sophisticated in their strategy for the subjugation of the masses. Government has always been the most powerful weapon that is used to exploit and enslave the common people. Where is the best place to hide the fascists, the power mongers, the criminals? In plain view, as mentioned above. What is more visible in the United States than the US government? So the fascist police apparatus is being prepared now, so that when (if) people wake up and get 'hoppin' mad', the armed forces will be used against them, and it will be justified in the controlled media as a suppression of the 'hooligans', who will be characterized as kooks, weirdos, terrorists, hippies, or any other derisive term that they can invent. But even in the Declaration of Independence, it says that the people have the right and the duty to change the government when it abuses the people, and if they fight back, we have the power and right to abolish it. Hence, the true intent behind the 2nd Amendment. Can't throw out the fascists, war criminals and tyrants with marches, demonstrations, and voting in rigged elections with preselected sellout fake candidates...
If you don't believe this, you just haven't done your homework. You have been indoctrinated and conditioned to see what your controllers want you to see and perceive. You have been mentally enslaved, and don't even realize it. How else could people be induced to accept the erosion of their rights, to their own detriment? For instance, most do not realize that the Constitution was written as a contract between the government officials and the people. The government officials take an oath to uphold the Constitution, and not to abrogate the rights of the people. The requirement of the oath of office is noted in Article 6, Section 2 of the Constitution. The President is specifically required to take the oath of office in Article 2, Section 1. If you read and study the Constitution, it is basically a list of well-defined, specific, enumerated powers that government has. The rest are (supposed) to be reserved to the States and/or the People. The Constitution does not grant anyone rights, for all rights are from God. The government officials are merely there to protect the rights of the people. It would appear that this is not their primary motivation anymore. The People have allowed them to infringe on their rights, to fail to uphold the Constitution, and now allow the government to exercise the sovereign power, and government has relegated the People to the status of subjects and servants of the government. Where in the Constitution does it say that government has the power to regulate your every action? The right to take one half of all your earnings? The right to take your children away from you? The right to control you against your will when you have injured no one? The right to create fiat money? The right to monitor your private communications without probable cause? Find any of that stuff in the Constitution... I dare you to try.
We're in endgame now. It's later than you think. Wake up now. Think of your kids and the type of world that we're leaving them. Are we going to willingly accept fascism, or are we going to stand up for freedom? Freedom isn't free, but it is worth any price that you might have to pay for it. There is no honor or benefit of living as a slave/subject/serf/peon. Turn off that television and start learning how you can get your freedom back!
So what makes today any different than any of the previous eras in human history? From my perspective, it would appear that this is the first time that man has had the scientific and technological ability to make world fascism possible. In previous periods, there were no mass media technologies with which governments could mentally condition or define the perception of their subjects. They didn't have a ubiquitous world economic system that was interconnected, interlocked, and woven throughout all of the societies of the world. They did not have advanced degreed scientists who were able to do exhaustive studies and experiments upon target populations (for decades) so that they could precisely determine the optimum methods of guiding, crafting, and engineering human behavior through the use of advanced technology (i.e., television, radio, etc.) and techniques (i.e., behavioral conditioning, operant conditioning, paradigm manipulation, educational indoctrination, etc.). The average person in society has no idea or conception of the detail and massive efforts that have been expended upon these strategies. In fact, the mention of these facts to the average person is usually not well-received. They say that the person who is the most brainwashed is the one who believes that she is totally free. That speaks to the success of the brainwashing technique. In similar fashion, the best place to hide a secret is in plain view. It is always the last place that anyone would think to look.
With all of the above said, this would appear to be the time to bring the theoretical down to Earth and to share some more information and articles with you. The first people I would like to take issue with are the GW Bush apologists and supporters. It would seem to me that it is very obvious that Mr. Bush is a major hazard to this country. Even though it is very evident that he is not the orchestrator or designer of his actions or his agenda, he is the symbol for it. There is no way that Bush has the ability to think, much less the ability to think strategically. He is merely a tool for the true power-behind-the-throne. What is amazing to me is how the Congress is virtually 100% compliant with anything that Bush does, no matter how blatantly illegal it is, or how much any of his actions are obviously unconstitutional. It could have to do with the fact that most of those in Congress are under heavy blackmail pressure, for various reasons. Check out some of the sites that I recommend on my blog for resources.
This thing is much bigger than GW Bush. There is a lot at stake here. The entire United States, and the world both hang in the balance. Americans have been conditioned to be myopic and are basically 'dead men walking', and are totally oblivious to the import of the present situation. All of the rest of the countries of the world have already been legally disarmed. Only in the US do the people still have their own personal weapons. This is a big problem for the New World Order types, who want all the people of the world disarmed so that they will be able to wage war against anyone, uncontested. What better way to guarantee victory and total control over your victims? Most of your 'government public servants' are incentivized to betray us. This is why they (the government people and the mass media) make sure that they vilify guns in order to get the people to voluntarily relinquish their guns. Guns have been around for a long time. Historically, governments that seek to enslave, persecute, exploit and mass murder their own populations ALWAYS disarm the people first! Can't have the victims fighting back when you go to steal from them or kill them, now can you?
The police state/totalitarian apparatus is being implemented right before your very eyes. The reason is because they know that people are going to really get angry about being systematically impoverished by our trusty public officials. The powers-behind-the-throne have known that they must destroy America before they can implement their total domination of the world. They know that they must do it gradually, and this is what they have done. When I was a kid, America was the richest, most powerful country in the world. But then, the slide down the tubes was initiated. The biggest symbol of that in my mind was when Reagan took the country from being the largest creditor nation in the world to the largest debtor nation in the world, all manifested in his first term in office. Remember, the debtor is always at the mercy of the creditor. When (or if) people ever wake up to what has happened to America, they will be very angry, and may rise against the government. Average people may not have any idea about the probability of this happening, but your so-called public servants know this well, as historically, most countries have experienced bloody uprisings, coup d'etat's, revolutions, rebellions, etc. Remember your history? They don't want to be killed, so they have become more sophisticated in their strategy for the subjugation of the masses. Government has always been the most powerful weapon that is used to exploit and enslave the common people. Where is the best place to hide the fascists, the power mongers, the criminals? In plain view, as mentioned above. What is more visible in the United States than the US government? So the fascist police apparatus is being prepared now, so that when (if) people wake up and get 'hoppin' mad', the armed forces will be used against them, and it will be justified in the controlled media as a suppression of the 'hooligans', who will be characterized as kooks, weirdos, terrorists, hippies, or any other derisive term that they can invent. But even in the Declaration of Independence, it says that the people have the right and the duty to change the government when it abuses the people, and if they fight back, we have the power and right to abolish it. Hence, the true intent behind the 2nd Amendment. Can't throw out the fascists, war criminals and tyrants with marches, demonstrations, and voting in rigged elections with preselected sellout fake candidates...
If you don't believe this, you just haven't done your homework. You have been indoctrinated and conditioned to see what your controllers want you to see and perceive. You have been mentally enslaved, and don't even realize it. How else could people be induced to accept the erosion of their rights, to their own detriment? For instance, most do not realize that the Constitution was written as a contract between the government officials and the people. The government officials take an oath to uphold the Constitution, and not to abrogate the rights of the people. The requirement of the oath of office is noted in Article 6, Section 2 of the Constitution. The President is specifically required to take the oath of office in Article 2, Section 1. If you read and study the Constitution, it is basically a list of well-defined, specific, enumerated powers that government has. The rest are (supposed) to be reserved to the States and/or the People. The Constitution does not grant anyone rights, for all rights are from God. The government officials are merely there to protect the rights of the people. It would appear that this is not their primary motivation anymore. The People have allowed them to infringe on their rights, to fail to uphold the Constitution, and now allow the government to exercise the sovereign power, and government has relegated the People to the status of subjects and servants of the government. Where in the Constitution does it say that government has the power to regulate your every action? The right to take one half of all your earnings? The right to take your children away from you? The right to control you against your will when you have injured no one? The right to create fiat money? The right to monitor your private communications without probable cause? Find any of that stuff in the Constitution... I dare you to try.
We're in endgame now. It's later than you think. Wake up now. Think of your kids and the type of world that we're leaving them. Are we going to willingly accept fascism, or are we going to stand up for freedom? Freedom isn't free, but it is worth any price that you might have to pay for it. There is no honor or benefit of living as a slave/subject/serf/peon. Turn off that television and start learning how you can get your freedom back!
GW Bush,
scientific method,
Friday, May 19, 2006
Cover-Ups Abound
Yes, I've found some more articles dealing with the important issues of our era. The first article deals with the coverups and duplicity in government actions related to the 911 attacks. It appears that there is a flurry of media activity on various topics, but they appear to be mere trivia and junk-food for the mind. This is because there is no serious discussion of any of the critical issues surrounding the events of 911. The media circus is specifically designed to deflect the public's attention away from substantive issues, and towards triviality and insignificant minutia. The strategy appears to be succeeding with the masses, even though inquiring minds and more sophisticated people remain focused on the critical issues.
The second article deals with another admission by the 'powers-that-be' of their absolute power over the average people. It is along the lines of the Harold Rosenthal interview, the Iron Mountain Report, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and other such information. If this work is a forgery or is fake, it definitely demonstrates what is happening in the world today. But it seems to be too uncanny in its accuracy. It is a blatant, "Yea, we run things. What are you going to do about it?" statement to the world. Most people think that it's some kind of joke. Only by using powerful brainwashing and conditioning can they actually flaunt the truth to the people and get away with it. It is a very depressing thing to see them have the ability to put the truth out there, and have the masses view it as some sort of joke. What is to become of the world when the truth is viewed as a joke, and the irrational, ludicrous lies that comprise popular culture are seen as fact? I'll leave that exercise for you to do on your own, if you dare...
The second article deals with another admission by the 'powers-that-be' of their absolute power over the average people. It is along the lines of the Harold Rosenthal interview, the Iron Mountain Report, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and other such information. If this work is a forgery or is fake, it definitely demonstrates what is happening in the world today. But it seems to be too uncanny in its accuracy. It is a blatant, "Yea, we run things. What are you going to do about it?" statement to the world. Most people think that it's some kind of joke. Only by using powerful brainwashing and conditioning can they actually flaunt the truth to the people and get away with it. It is a very depressing thing to see them have the ability to put the truth out there, and have the masses view it as some sort of joke. What is to become of the world when the truth is viewed as a joke, and the irrational, ludicrous lies that comprise popular culture are seen as fact? I'll leave that exercise for you to do on your own, if you dare...
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Deprogram Yourself
The facts tell us that most of Americans (as well as others) have been the victims of a mass mind conditioning program. I'm not as familiar with the programs that are active in other countries, but I'm pretty sure that they work in a similar fashion. And remember, the person who is the most enslaved is the person who doesn't think or even consider the possibility that they have been enslaved!
Why do I speak of enslavement? If you look at the world situation, the entire world is being maligned and preyed upon by the ruling class. Notice the attack upon all working people of the world. Slave wages for pay. Now, the last large middle class, the one in America, is being systematically destroyed right before our eyes. The union movement was revolutionary when it began. It actually began as a way for the small, average person of modest means to fight against the powerful, authoritarian, asset-rich people who owned the large companies. But today, these same people have figured out a way to consolidate corporate power with government power to create the conditions that have led to the demise of the middle class. This is evident in the way that virtually all of the productive capacity of America has been exported abroad to people who are more qualified, more educated, and more eager to work for a miniscule fraction of the pay that Americans were earning. In addition, the country has been effectively gutted of all value. The only thing left for them to do now is to announce the state of affairs! The evidence is glaringly obvious. How can it be any different? The Dow Jones Industrial Average is hovering around 11,500, while we have had record bankruptcies, record home foreclosures, an expensive (and fraudulent) war, raging unemployment, skyrocketing prices for most of the necessities of life (a symptom of runaway inflation of the currency and credit systems), a real estate bubble about to explode, gross corruption and incompetence at the highest levels of government, etc. But the most confounding part of it is that amidst all of these developments, there is no mass uprising or call to action from the masses. The question is,"WHY?"
Some of the reasons for this are contained within this article that expounds upon some of the issues that I've discussed above. It may sound like a 'conspiracy theory' to the uninitiated, but this term has been utilized in order to stop people from using their critical thinking skills to figure out what is really going on. In the mind of a conditioned victim, once they hear that term, they automatically stop thinking about the content of the issue, and they then categorically dismiss the entire matter. If this isn't brainwashing, then there is no such thing. It is just a label they use to deflect serious inquiry into 'sensitive topics'. Remember, these people have been vigorously studying the processes of psychology, mass psychology, motivation, operant and behavioral conditioning, mind control, persuasion, etc., for over 60 years! They are experts at it, and the effects are right out in the open for all to see. But you must deprogram yourself if you are not to succumb to it. Media is carefully presented and constructed as to create a specific image to be perceived by the target population. WE are that target population.
I dare you to do your own research on the matter. Jack Nicholson once said that "You can't handle the truth!", and it would appear that he would be correct about most people. This is why we have mass murders, genocides, 'ethnic cleansings', tyranny, police states, totalitarianism, pogroms, holocausts, concentration camps, *add your favorite human calamity here*. History repeats itself when we don't know what has happened before. History repeats itself when we deny reality. History repeats itself when we are too lazy to use our minds to discern for ourselves instead of letting somebody else do our thinking for us. History repeats itself when we are more concerned with the next episode of Deal or No Deal than we are about the state of affairs in the country and the world. Remember, resources and success always flow from the uniformed to the informed. If you think that you are informed because you watch the 6 o'clock evening news or CNN, you're sadly mistaken, and you will learn this in due time.
Why do I speak of enslavement? If you look at the world situation, the entire world is being maligned and preyed upon by the ruling class. Notice the attack upon all working people of the world. Slave wages for pay. Now, the last large middle class, the one in America, is being systematically destroyed right before our eyes. The union movement was revolutionary when it began. It actually began as a way for the small, average person of modest means to fight against the powerful, authoritarian, asset-rich people who owned the large companies. But today, these same people have figured out a way to consolidate corporate power with government power to create the conditions that have led to the demise of the middle class. This is evident in the way that virtually all of the productive capacity of America has been exported abroad to people who are more qualified, more educated, and more eager to work for a miniscule fraction of the pay that Americans were earning. In addition, the country has been effectively gutted of all value. The only thing left for them to do now is to announce the state of affairs! The evidence is glaringly obvious. How can it be any different? The Dow Jones Industrial Average is hovering around 11,500, while we have had record bankruptcies, record home foreclosures, an expensive (and fraudulent) war, raging unemployment, skyrocketing prices for most of the necessities of life (a symptom of runaway inflation of the currency and credit systems), a real estate bubble about to explode, gross corruption and incompetence at the highest levels of government, etc. But the most confounding part of it is that amidst all of these developments, there is no mass uprising or call to action from the masses. The question is,"WHY?"
Some of the reasons for this are contained within this article that expounds upon some of the issues that I've discussed above. It may sound like a 'conspiracy theory' to the uninitiated, but this term has been utilized in order to stop people from using their critical thinking skills to figure out what is really going on. In the mind of a conditioned victim, once they hear that term, they automatically stop thinking about the content of the issue, and they then categorically dismiss the entire matter. If this isn't brainwashing, then there is no such thing. It is just a label they use to deflect serious inquiry into 'sensitive topics'. Remember, these people have been vigorously studying the processes of psychology, mass psychology, motivation, operant and behavioral conditioning, mind control, persuasion, etc., for over 60 years! They are experts at it, and the effects are right out in the open for all to see. But you must deprogram yourself if you are not to succumb to it. Media is carefully presented and constructed as to create a specific image to be perceived by the target population. WE are that target population.
I dare you to do your own research on the matter. Jack Nicholson once said that "You can't handle the truth!", and it would appear that he would be correct about most people. This is why we have mass murders, genocides, 'ethnic cleansings', tyranny, police states, totalitarianism, pogroms, holocausts, concentration camps, *add your favorite human calamity here*. History repeats itself when we don't know what has happened before. History repeats itself when we deny reality. History repeats itself when we are too lazy to use our minds to discern for ourselves instead of letting somebody else do our thinking for us. History repeats itself when we are more concerned with the next episode of Deal or No Deal than we are about the state of affairs in the country and the world. Remember, resources and success always flow from the uniformed to the informed. If you think that you are informed because you watch the 6 o'clock evening news or CNN, you're sadly mistaken, and you will learn this in due time.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
The Financial Debacle Marches On
Slowly, but surely, economic conditions in the United States are deteriorating. It is actually happening all around the world as a result of the global nature of the economic systems that have been constructed and interlinked. In addition, they are all using fiat currencies (i.e., currencies with no intrinsic value, created arbitrarily). The falling value of these currencies is the result of unrestrained issuance of credit instruments, such as options(especially over-the-counter, custom-made instruments), futures contracts, interest rate swaps, etc. I won't bore you with all of the technical details, but suffice it to say that things are getting 'interesting'.
I'll just point you to a couple of articles that break this phenomenon down into easy to grasp concepts, unlittered with all the technical jargon that alleged experts use to hide the facts. This article here already acknowledges the fact that the US Dollar is being destroyed. I remember hearing that Paul Volker, the Federal Reserve Chairman in the '70s, saying that they were conducting the 'controlled demolition' of the US economy. From what I've seen over the years, I must readily admit that this is the case. From my perspective, it would appear that they are preparing to mask the hyperinflation that they plan on instituting in the near future. Let's be real, they've already been hyperinflating the US currency, but are so blatant with it now that they have stopped publishing the M3 measure of the money supply! If that isn't a tacit admission of future hyperinflation, there isn't one in existence! In summary, the article says that the only way that conscious people will save themselves from the destruction of most paper-backed (how's that for an oxymoron) financial instruments will be to invest in hard assets (i.e., precious metals, collectibles, fossil fuels, commodities, and the like).
The other article goes into depth in dealing with the ramifications of the market dynamics at work today. We will probably experience rising costs for most products due to the erosion of the value of the Federal Reserve Note (aka., U.S. Dollars). In America, the people have become complacent about the value of the Dollar and its value. But the days of the power of the American Dollar are now a thing of the past. Many experts forsee that the Dollar could easily lose 50% of its value in the next year or two. Uninformed people may scoff at the impact of this, but they won't be scoffing when the prices of everything doubles, all whilst incomes remain the same. But by the time that these events transpire, it will be too late to protect yourself from it. That is why I'm referring you to these articles now. Remember the story of the Ant and the Grasshopper. You can't prepare for an event after it arrives. They say that a word to the wise is superfluous. PROTECT YOURSELF!!!
I'll just point you to a couple of articles that break this phenomenon down into easy to grasp concepts, unlittered with all the technical jargon that alleged experts use to hide the facts. This article here already acknowledges the fact that the US Dollar is being destroyed. I remember hearing that Paul Volker, the Federal Reserve Chairman in the '70s, saying that they were conducting the 'controlled demolition' of the US economy. From what I've seen over the years, I must readily admit that this is the case. From my perspective, it would appear that they are preparing to mask the hyperinflation that they plan on instituting in the near future. Let's be real, they've already been hyperinflating the US currency, but are so blatant with it now that they have stopped publishing the M3 measure of the money supply! If that isn't a tacit admission of future hyperinflation, there isn't one in existence! In summary, the article says that the only way that conscious people will save themselves from the destruction of most paper-backed (how's that for an oxymoron) financial instruments will be to invest in hard assets (i.e., precious metals, collectibles, fossil fuels, commodities, and the like).
The other article goes into depth in dealing with the ramifications of the market dynamics at work today. We will probably experience rising costs for most products due to the erosion of the value of the Federal Reserve Note (aka., U.S. Dollars). In America, the people have become complacent about the value of the Dollar and its value. But the days of the power of the American Dollar are now a thing of the past. Many experts forsee that the Dollar could easily lose 50% of its value in the next year or two. Uninformed people may scoff at the impact of this, but they won't be scoffing when the prices of everything doubles, all whilst incomes remain the same. But by the time that these events transpire, it will be too late to protect yourself from it. That is why I'm referring you to these articles now. Remember the story of the Ant and the Grasshopper. You can't prepare for an event after it arrives. They say that a word to the wise is superfluous. PROTECT YOURSELF!!!
Federal Reserve,
United States
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Watch "Martial Law-911" by Alex Jones for FREE Online!
I just got word that you can now watch Alex Jones' excellent documentary entitled Martial Law 9/11: Rise of the Police State on Google Video. It is the best Alex Jones work that I've seen, and his documentaries are very well put together. It is something that every man,woman and child in America needs to view, study and internalize. It should have been done by one of the major media news channels, but you will understand why they haven't done it once you see this video. He pulls the cover off of exactly what the elite are up to. He does a good job in summarizing the Bush crime syndicate, and also demonstrates how the 'Powers-That-Be' intend to run America. The prototype is actually in force at the Republican National Convention that was conducted at NYC. If you don't get alarmed and awakened by this video that shows you vividly and demonstratively how the Police State works, you're just another sheep being prepped for your room at the Concentration Camp Deluxe Hotel, with showers that don't have running water...
Monday, May 01, 2006
Has Your Perception Been 'Socially Engineered'?
I've been busy with a lot of research and work, but now I'm back! Anyway, I've found a great little article that goes into depth about the propaganda with which we are bombarded from virtually all mainstream media sources. We are literally awash in a sea of propaganda! If you want the entire story about the workings of the establishment, you need to read this work. It is long, but it gets right to the process that has been developed over about a 60 year period. The author explains the process that has been crafted, studied and perfected by experts in communications, psychology, biology, etc., to give the controllers of mass media (television, in particular) the power to create and control perception. To make a long story short, the programmers of television now have the power to guide public opinion and basically do whatever they want to do while the hapless viewers go right along with it. You can call it social programming, mind control, consensual reality programming, population control, brainwashing, etc., but the result is the same. The 'Powers-That-Be' have startling, virtually unfettered control over society. And it doesn't matter whether or not you actually believe everything that they tell you is truth! This is because they manipulate the context of all discourse on television. If I can control the context of any topic, I can create any perception of that topic that I choose. So the television is a very subtle, but extremely powerful tool for social engineering and control. In fact, it is the most powerful mind control tool ever devised to date. You really owe it to yourself to read the essay.
I found the second part of the first article above, and it continues along the same lines. In this article, the author (a Ph.D.) shows some of the methods being used in the media for social control purposes. The old saying is, "Familiarity breeds contempt." This is found to be the case with information. I remember when secret societies were seen as non-existent by the masses, and people would think you were crazy for even mentioning anything related to it. But now, it is an 'open secret', and is even mentioned in mainstream sources. But the emotionally charged labels (i.e., conspiracy theory) allows a mind controlled victim to effortlessly dismiss whatever follows, regardless of the validity, justification, or evidence supporting the conclusion that may follow. It appears to me to be 'the path of least resistance'. Unfortunately, the path of least resistance usually leads to failure.
On another note, I've found an article that demonstrates that Bush has challenged (i.e., violated) hundreds of laws as President. Now when the average person violates the law, they are arrested. The only difference between a normal person breaking the law, and a public official breaking the law is that the public official has actually taken an oath to uphold the law (specifically, the Constitution, as delineated in Article 6, Section 2). So when a public official breaks his oath of office, they are open for impeachment, and then for charges of high treason. But in my years, I've never seen a more blatant exercise of dictatorial power by a president than those committed by the present occupant. This is a grave danger to this country. If the president can do what he wants, regardless of the illegality, then doesn't that make him: 1) above the law; 2) an emperor; 3) a despot; 4) and it means that THE LAWS DON'T MATTER ANYMORE. The Constitution was written as a contract in which government officials take an oath not to trespass on the rights of the People as protected in said Constitution. The penalty for the trespass on the People's rights is impeachment, but it appears to me that there is collusion between the other 2 branches of government (judicial and legislative) to allow Bush to be the dictator/emperor of America. Think it could never happen in America? Well, it already has!
If you want to do something, if you're tired of the crap, start to join the ranks of the citizens who are working to fight this corruption. I found an attorney who was fighting the power, and has suffered a lot, but he's making a difference. If we all do our part, we can change things. But sitting in front of the idiotbox is not a success strategy, and will not preserve any semblance of freedom for our posterity (our kids). Americans need to get a bit tougher. Freedom isn't free, and it won't hurt you nearly as much today if you fight than it will when America becomes Nazi America. I'm not exaggerating here, as you can tell if you were paying attention to the information above. Genocide has been a standard operating procedure for most governments. So don't think that it is an aberration. Do your own research. I don't ask you to believe anything I've said here. Expend a bit of energy and do your own investigation. Wake up and get outta that Laz-e-Boy chair...
I found the second part of the first article above, and it continues along the same lines. In this article, the author (a Ph.D.) shows some of the methods being used in the media for social control purposes. The old saying is, "Familiarity breeds contempt." This is found to be the case with information. I remember when secret societies were seen as non-existent by the masses, and people would think you were crazy for even mentioning anything related to it. But now, it is an 'open secret', and is even mentioned in mainstream sources. But the emotionally charged labels (i.e., conspiracy theory) allows a mind controlled victim to effortlessly dismiss whatever follows, regardless of the validity, justification, or evidence supporting the conclusion that may follow. It appears to me to be 'the path of least resistance'. Unfortunately, the path of least resistance usually leads to failure.
On another note, I've found an article that demonstrates that Bush has challenged (i.e., violated) hundreds of laws as President. Now when the average person violates the law, they are arrested. The only difference between a normal person breaking the law, and a public official breaking the law is that the public official has actually taken an oath to uphold the law (specifically, the Constitution, as delineated in Article 6, Section 2). So when a public official breaks his oath of office, they are open for impeachment, and then for charges of high treason. But in my years, I've never seen a more blatant exercise of dictatorial power by a president than those committed by the present occupant. This is a grave danger to this country. If the president can do what he wants, regardless of the illegality, then doesn't that make him: 1) above the law; 2) an emperor; 3) a despot; 4) and it means that THE LAWS DON'T MATTER ANYMORE. The Constitution was written as a contract in which government officials take an oath not to trespass on the rights of the People as protected in said Constitution. The penalty for the trespass on the People's rights is impeachment, but it appears to me that there is collusion between the other 2 branches of government (judicial and legislative) to allow Bush to be the dictator/emperor of America. Think it could never happen in America? Well, it already has!
If you want to do something, if you're tired of the crap, start to join the ranks of the citizens who are working to fight this corruption. I found an attorney who was fighting the power, and has suffered a lot, but he's making a difference. If we all do our part, we can change things. But sitting in front of the idiotbox is not a success strategy, and will not preserve any semblance of freedom for our posterity (our kids). Americans need to get a bit tougher. Freedom isn't free, and it won't hurt you nearly as much today if you fight than it will when America becomes Nazi America. I'm not exaggerating here, as you can tell if you were paying attention to the information above. Genocide has been a standard operating procedure for most governments. So don't think that it is an aberration. Do your own research. I don't ask you to believe anything I've said here. Expend a bit of energy and do your own investigation. Wake up and get outta that Laz-e-Boy chair...
mind control,
social engineering,
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