Monday, February 27, 2006

It's Obvious if you're awake...

...that we're being prepped for the meat grinder. It's that simple.  It is critical information, unless you have no problem with fascism, police state totalitarianism, and a total lack of freedom of thought or action.  The average person in America today has been a victim of concentrated, persistent mental conditioning.  This is how people can complacently sit around, unaffected, while their entire way of life is being rapidly destroyed. There is no other explanation.

With that in mind, it is no surprise about how government officials can purge the presidential administration of people who tell the truth about the Plame-CIA leak investigation.  This is a blatant attempt to place complacent lackeys in the organization who will not dare divulge any information that could be construed to be negative about the illegal actions of the administration.  These actions are clearly designed to punish the people who spoke the truth to federal investigators.  In short, elements in this administration divulged the identity of an active CIA operative to the public without any punishment being meted upon those who authorized it. It was done with complicity at the highest levels of this administration.

In addition to this, witness the present adminstration telling us already that they are planning 'new programs' that will be used to silence, intimidate, and round up dissidents in America. So this is, in effect, a bare-faced attack on the 1st Amendment of the Constitution, and free speech.  What criteria will be used to judge who is a 'Fifth Column' activist?  Are you now free to support anything that Bush or the next Commander-in-Chief says that you must support?  Now, we are supposed to trust the same people that allowed the 911-WTC-Pentagon attacks to protect us from the next set of attacks.  They have already proven to be too inept to protect the country from natural disasters, but want to use the next 'terror attack' as an excuse to forget about Posse Comitatus, and use the military inside the country, all without any oversight from any other part of the government.  The old saying is ,"Absolute power corrupts absolutely." And for the record, you can bet your life savings on the fact that there will be another 'terrorist attack' so that they can use the military inside the country.  Guaranteed.

If these people really cared about us, they would follow the laws as written.  But they openly defy the law, using the excuse that they're working to protect us. It seems to me that we haven't been protected at all.  The laws were written to protect us from treason and tyranny brought about by those in government. Now, the majority of people do not seem to understand this.  The biggest threat to the people in America is not from Osama or Saddam, but seems to be from those inside the government.  If they mean us no harm, why won't they follow the laws that they swore to uphold???  Answer that question, if you can...

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Is This Really How It's Going to Go Down?

I just read a sobering article by the indefatiguable John Kaminski. He was thinking of quitting writing, but I guess that plenty of people e-mailed him & told him that he should definitely continue. He is an excellent writer with a wonderful choice of descriptive words in his essays. He uses a lot of imagery, but can also be very scathing with his commentaries.

In his latest article, he sounds like he is fed up with things, but has realized that America is pretty much destined to become a Police State. For various reasons, people are too complacent and conditioned to turn off the television and begin to do something to change the omninous course that has been carefully laid out for us. The inertia of laziness and easy living, coupled with the memories of America's supremacy have worked like a powerful opiate on the American population. Just like the old, fat, out-of-shape athlete who lives on his accomplishments of years-gone-by, Americans are in the same predicament, oblivious to the massive erosion of substantive value in their beloved country.  Perception is created by the mass media, and it would appear that all is well if you merely accept the picture being crafted by the mass media outlets. But any cursory examination of the facts reveal that it is all a facade. The only thing left is for the props to be pulled away. Maybe the truth is too terrible for the average person to want to face. Unfortunately, truth has an existence independent of fiction, and has a powerful tendency to steamroll fantasy...

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

It's an Incredible Era in Which We Live...

I've found a number of great articles, but unfortunately, they all point to the rapid deterioration of America. I guess that I'm so passionate about it because when I was young, America was truly great. It wasn't perfect, but it was the best country to live in. We had the most freedom of any country in the world. We had a real economy, and produced more tangible goods than any 5 nations in the world combined. The people were innovative, intelligent, industrious, and practical. But it seems to me that today, all of that is ancient history--a shadow that will never be seen again. Our alleged leaders seem to be working to destroy the country by allowing unchecked illegal immigration to proliferate. Don't get me wrong! I'm not against immigration. But the way that they are doing it is not good. It is pretty much being permitted by the powers-that-be. And you can be sure that it's not happening by coincidence. It is this strategy that they have used to turn America from a strong nation into just another banana republic.

Witness the destruction of the educational system. Now, the people (children and adults) coming out of the educational system, at virtually all levels, are woefully incompetent (on average). I have noticed an abundance of people at all educational levels who can't write grammatically-correct English. I've seen attorneys and people with graduate degrees who make obvious, consistent errors in writing. I've also noticed that people no longer want to read anymore, much less think. It is an epidemic. It's no wonder that our educational system is failing. An uneducated, miseducated, undereducated population is required in order to destroy a country's economy, while the highly-entertained population behaves as if nothing happened.

It seems to me that the current executive administration (i.e., the President and his cronies) is poised to implement the final stages in the installation of the totalitarian, fascist police state. They have congressmen already saying that it is high time for Homeland Security to start pursuing people who do not tow the government line. There are a LOT of behind-the-scenes developments that aren't making the TV news. It's easy to rationalize away these actions, but taken together and seen with a bird's-eye view, there's no denying that there are big changes being planned for America, and they don't seem to have anything to do with increasing anybody's freedom.

The same people who planned the Rex-84 plan to intern people here seem to be getting ready to build more 'internment camps' (euphemism for concentration camps) right here in the good old US of A. If you were thinking you were going to get a news flash on CNN that they were going to start building concentration camps, forget about that, but this is about as close as you can get without a congressional notice of what's going on. You'll have to connect the dots yourself. But that's the reason why they destroyed the educational system. They did it so that the people would be more interested in American Idol than in their own freedom and way of life...

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


There is another excellent article written by Dr. Norman Livergood that exposes the dream state that most of us are allegedly living our lives in. It is amazing to me that most people refuse to leave the conceptual prisons in which their perception is housed. We have been socially conditioned to believe most of the things that we accept as fact in our lives. This blog is an attempt to demonstrate the fallacies and inconsistencies that are a part of what we commonly accept as uncontrovertible fact.

But the truth is that most of what we accept unquestioned in our lives is not fact at all. Just because we have heard things for a long time, or the fact that we are comfortable with items that we accept as facts, does not prove them. Sense perception can definitely lead you astray. For instance, it was commonly accepted that the Earth was the center of the universe, and that the Sun and stars rotated around the Earth. It is readily apparent when you look up at the sky. Even though it is readily apparent, it is 100% false! Of course, this is just a metaphor for the myriad items in our lives that we accept as fact in our lives. This article is about another person who is challenging the lies and fraud that are being foisted upon the public. She has stood for truth in an era when truth is scorned. But then again, it would appear that truth has been scorned throughout virtually all of human history, and it has been definitely scorned in modern history.

Do yourself a favor and intently read and understand the two above articles. There is a quote that says that telling the truth in a time of universal deceit is an act of courage. But in order to tell the truth at that time, one must first be able to identify the truth. Today, most people's ability to identify truth has been totally inactivated. They have been indoctrinated to believe fiction over fact, lie over truth, the convenient instead of the whole story, the 'company line' regardless of how absurd it can be. It is just a lot easier (short-term only) to go along with the deception than to stand up for truth and deal with the contempt and persecution that results from going against the norm. Although it is easier to go along with the lie, one day, all the interest charges that accrue from the lie will be called. And they will be paid, in full...

Monday, February 13, 2006

Code Red

The rate of the collapse of America is accelerating.  With all the hype regarding the pending attack on Iran, Americans really need to take a look in the mirror, and realize that the economy here is consistently deteriorating, propaganda news accolades of the economy notwithstanding. There really isn't any good news with reference to America's failing economy.  It just doesn't look good, no matter which way you look at it. The manufacturing sector is shrinking faster than a snowball in a nuclear reactor.  Many college grads are no better off than high school dropouts. The government statistics on the economy are cooked, and bear no resemblance to reality.

The president is using lies to prop up his stand on illegal searches and seizures.  Many intelligence professionals say that there is no way that his claims that the government thwarted a terrorist attack have any validity.  Even common sense would dictate that if they had actually had a real win against the alleged Al Queda, they would have quickly claimed that victory--if it had really happened. They are just trying to save face and distract people from the illegality of their wiretapping protocol.  They are blatant 4th Amendment illegal violations--searches and wiretaps with no probable cause, and no warrants or court orders.  As I always ask--how can you defend freedom by destroying it? 

It appears that America is being ran and manipulated for the best interests of others, and not for the best interests of the People.  Iraq and Iran are not a threat to America. War is always in the best interests of the oligarchs who own all of the means of war. They become much richer, at the expense of the common people.  The common people finance the wars, and do all of the dying for the wars, but the rich benefit handsomely.  Many commoners have been brainwashed to believe that unquestioned support of the government is the definition of being patriotic, but this is untrue.  As a metaphor, just because you discipline your children doesn't mean that you don't love them. It actually means that you do love them, so much so that when you see them going towards disaster or an unpleasant outcome, you correct them and protect them from it (to the best of your ability).  With America resembling a military dictatorship more and more with each passing day, it is time that people started to wake up and do something to expose this sordid state of affairs.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Majority of Americans are Mentally Just Like Bush

As the result of 2 polls indicate, the majority of Americans are just as mentally incompetent as GW Bush.  This is the reason that him and his toady Mainstream Media can push pure garbage and faulty logic in justifying warrantless searches lacking court orders.  It is incomprehensible that people would even think that fighting alleged terrorism would be any more effective without following the law.  It just doesn't logically follow. 

How can destroying our freedom guarantee that we are going to be safe?  What good is being safe if you're not free enough to enjoy anything?  If we destroy our freedom, what good is being safe?  How can we defend our freedom by abandoning our freedom?   How can they 'hate us for our freedom' if we don't have it anymore? You can be sure that once we give away our freedom, it will not be coming back. Freedom is very fragile and easily lost.  It requires intelligence and eternal vigilence to preserve it.  It appears that Americans are no longer intelligent or perceptive enough to retain freedom.

The only thing that allows us to be free from government oppression is the Constitution and the diligence of the People in making sure that the government officials uphold their oaths to uphold said Constitution.  But now, we have blatant, brazen Constitutional violations being perpetrated by government officials.  There is no major public outcry, and whatever public dissent is out there is not being reported by the corporate-owned Mainstream Media.  It is truly a sad situation.  As America burns, the people are too busy being entertained by random trivialities to do anything to stop it.  You can ignore these words, but you won't be able to ignore the Police State as it rapidly approaches your neighborhood...

Thursday, February 02, 2006

War With Iran?

It would appear from all appearances that the United States is preparing to attack Iran. This is not going to be a cakewalk. The Iraq 'war' has not been a cakewalk, contrary to the slanted news being reported by the Mainstream Media. Casualties are probably easily double what is reported. Iran appears to be very prepared to defend itself from aggressors. The US military is woefully overstretched, undermanned, and ill-prepared. It would appear to me that the United States is being prepared for a great fall. The old saying is that 'pride precedeth a fall', and I don't know of any country that is as prideful as this one.

The article at hand is a report dealing with these eventualities. Contrary to all of the hype concerning how strong America is, I just can't see how America can beat Russia, China, Korea, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, India, etc. It appears to me that we are being prepped for a fall in the same way that Germany, Italy, and Japan were in the events that led to World War II. In this rendition of the quest for World Domination, it would appear that America, Israel and Australia are being isolated. Does anybody see the similarities here, or am I delusional? We are becoming increasingly isolated from the rest of the world, with our hell-bent, maniacal, Commander-in-Chief. It just doesn't appear that the public leaders are trying to preserve and defend the integrity, strength, and vitality of America. We are definitely in an obvious decline in American prominence. This appears to be a race to disaster with 'eyes wide shut'...

Slavery is Alive and Well

You know that I found another article that deals with slavery.  Most of us have been indoctrinated to believe that slavery has been abolished, but that is not true.  The truth of the matter is that the majority of the people of the Earth are enslaved.  This form of slavery is not chattel slavery, the form that we have been trained to believe is the only form. 

Slavery is in effect whenever people have virtually no choice in how they are to survive, and are consigned to work.  There are some forms that are overt, but modern slavery is much more sophisticated than that.  It is a system that is designed to look benign, while all of the benefits of slavery and slave labor accrue to the wealthy oligarchs who benefit from it.  Who else is benefitting from the exportation of jobs from America to known slave labor societies such as China, Mexico, and other no-wage/miniscule-wage locations? 

The rich are using corporations as shields to hide their identities, and to also make the organizations culpable.  But we know that a corporation is a fiction--it has no independent existence because it is merely a concept that is used by the owners of it to hide behind so that they avoid public identification and personal liability.  Wage slavery is the form of slavery with which most people in America are familiar.   It doesn't appear to be slavery on its face, but examine the thought processes of someone with a job.  In short, your entire existence is dependent upon having employment.  This, is a big sign that there is coercion involved.  We have definitely been indoctrinated to believe that the only way to earn money is to have a job.  I know that you're familiar with that concept.  The time has come for the people to take action to preserve the American Republic.  We're in the final hour...