Monday, November 02, 2009

Swine Flu Antics and Other Nonsense

I always had a bad feeling about this alleged Swine Flu pandemic. The more I investigate it, the more ridiculous the premises appear to be that are related to this issue. It is a total media creation, as there is no real pandemic. In all probability, the vaccine may be a vector that will be used to initiate a pandemic.

It appears that the normal flu cases are being reported as being Swine Flu. From what I'm hearing about this, it also seems to be a product of recombinant DNA technology because bird viruses, human viruses and pig viruses do NOT naturally combine with each other! This is a dead giveaway that this virus was man-made. Don't think that this is fantasy because they have had this technology for at least 20 years. Check out the links in this article and the videos below. View & read with an open mind. Do your own research! Don't be a 'sheeple'...

The Swine Flu Conspiracy

Swine Flu Government Data Scam

Swine Flu Vaccine Could Have Major Medical Side Effects

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Gary Null Speaks Out Against Forced Vaccination to NY State Officials

He says it better than I do, but my research, findings and opinions are very similar to his on this vaccination issue. Vaccination is more dogma than science. When you take a vaccine, you are not only accepting dangerous adjuvants (such as formaldehyde, thimerosal/mercury, squalene, etc.) into your body. You are also being exposed to genetically-manufactured cellular elements and substances, and possibly a myriad of animal viral contaminants, and nobody knows what else could be in them. It's really playing Russian roulette with your health. One of the scariest things about vaccines is that they may be a causal element in the increased incidence of autoimmune diseases, psychological disorders, neurological diseases and disorders, and chronic diseases that we see in society today. You really owe it to yourself and your children to do some research into this topic.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Fed Attorney Squirms and Deflects

I just thought that this clip was very interesting. It is amazing how evasive one can be when being questioned...

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Educational System-Covert Mind Control?

I have studied the educational system in America for a long time. I guess that thinking like a scientist has made me more aware and analytical about the institutions in America. From my days as a kid reading Gunnar Myrdal's great treatise on the sociology of America to what I study today, I have always been interested in the way that society works. I also learned a lot from a researcher named Samuel Bowles, even though he was a communist. I know that truth can be found anywhere, and that everybody has some of it.

All that to say that education in America is controlled, as all institutions in society are. The controllers are doing it with an agenda. Unfortunately, the agenda is hidden from most. This means that if you are not an insider, you must infer or deduce what that agenda is. We can tell what the plan is by what the plan is producing. Education is critical in society because it is the way that the youth in society are molded. They are the future of society, and the way in which they are conditioned to think determines just about every major element of how society will work in the future. If you can control what the young think, you can program the way that the society will function when they reach adulthood.

Charlotte Iserbyt, author of the monumental book The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, has a video that explains how she was trained to infiltrate the community and get them to accept the changes that were being made to the educational system. It is really sinister and subtle the way in which she worked. Notice how subtle, but powerful, her training was to achieve this. This information is chilling when you think of the level of control of the people who run this system. It seems to be a cakewalk for these people to manipulate and control the thinking of adults as well as their children. The unaware are as gullible as unthinking automatons when faced with the sophisticated psychological strategies being used against them. This is a must-see. You should also read her book mentioned above.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Some Observations Regarding Economics

Everybody knows that we're experiencing some tough times. I read a lot of information on economics and finance. My opinion of the current economic situation is that it was predictable. There appears to be two forces at work here, but first I will talk about the monetary situation.

In previous times, numerous substances were used as money. Tobacco, sea shells, tally sticks, salt, gold, silver, etc., have all been used as money. Historically speaking, the substances that functioned as the best forms of money have been gold and silver. I understand this, and a number of people understand this as well. This is the reason why the price of gold and silver are so high today, and why they do a better job of preserving their value, regardless of what happens in the world's financial markets.

While gold and silver are excellent forms of money, they do have some disadvantages. They are bulky and hard to carry around. It is almost impossible to carry around gold for everyday transactions because it is so valuable. And you can forget about using silver for that because it is extremely heavy. Another problem is that they are very rare. Although the rarity of gold and silver make it valuable, it also makes it virtually impossible for them to be used as money because there just isn't enough of it to support world trade. Some of these facts may be the reason why the world's financiers choose to manipulate and suppress the gold and silver commodity exchanges.

So although I know that gold and silver are great for preserving your wealth from inflation and hyperinflationary destruction of financial (paper) assets, everybody does not have this option. With over six billion people in the world today, there just isn't enough gold and silver to make world commerce work. That's just a cold, hard fact. This is why credit is used as money. There is no limit to how much can be produced.

Unfortunately, the same thing that is good about credit is also a weakness of it. Because there is no limit to how much credit can be produced, this can also cause problems in society, and we are experiencing them now. If credit is to be used, there should have been some sort of limit placed on how much would be emitted. The old saying is that 'absolute power corrupts absolutely', and we're seeing this happen with the big banks. Unfortunately, the average person is being given the bill for the wayward antics and tendencies of these banks. They basically got no penalty, while average people are the ones who will pay the penalty and the bill.

Times will probably get tougher for average people, and especially for people that depend upon a job for their income. But people who can take advantage of world trade (outside of the United States), and people who can participate in technological innovations will probably soar ahead with financial growth opportunities. But those who are left back with the old ways of doing things will be left behind. The economic environment is changing, and the person looking for a job will be left behind if s/he does not develop marketable skills that will be in demand today, and in the future.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I'm Just Wondering... does the US dictate to another country what they can do with their nuclear program(s)? The US has more nuclear weapons than any other country on the planet. In addition to that, Israel flatly denies the IAEA inspectors access to their nuclear facilities, but it is well-known that they have many nukes. In fact, they flatly state that they have them and that they are ready, willing and able to use them on anybody!

If anybody told the US what to do with their nuclear policy (or any other policy, for that matter), the US would tell them to take a hike! I just don't understand what the deal is. I don't hear anybody saying anything about North Korea either. They seem to have it out for Ahmadinejad. He was no worse than GW Bush was over here. I don't think he led any invasions into any other countries

It just seems like George Orwell's Animal Farm to me where "some countries are more equal to others". In short, this is just the exact same (faulty) methodology & reasoning that was used to invade Iraq.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Swine Flu Vaccination is Not Safe

I already have major scientific problems with the whole theory that "supports" the efficacy of vaccination. But this swine flu vaccination deal is just rotten from the top to the bottom.

The vaccine is being pushed before there is any credible evidence of any epidemic. Second, the swine flu is not any more virulent than the normal flu. Also, the vaccine manufacturers have lobbied and got passed laws that make them immune from lawsuits from people that are injured by their vaccines. There are also reports that they are using more dangerous adjuvants in these vaccines than they are using in other vaccines. This will only serve to make these vaccines more dangerous to people who take these vaccines. It is not a good situation.

And when you take into the fact there are reports that local & state governments around the United States are seeking to make these vaccines mandatory. Early reports are showing that these vaccines are more injurious than the vaccines that are already being given to patients. I would not take this vaccine, nor let my child take it, personally. You are free to do as you wish, but make sure that you do your own due diligence.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Television Viewing Habits Disturbing

I couldn't believe it when I saw a report that states that the average American household views television for more than 8 hours per day! That is ridiculous, given the remedial levels at which television programming is designed.

It is obvious that the thinking level of most popular television shows is decidedly low. There isn't any earth-shaking thinking going on here. This may be ok for some entertainment, but 8 hours of viewing this mental garbage is not 'just entertainment'. That's actually a total day at work!

We are kidding ourselves if we think that this is innocuous. This is amounting to mental conditioning of America. There is a reason why the level of television programming is so low, and it is not to improve the critical thinking skills of television viewers. Actually, this incessant babble is more designed to entertain, pacify, narcotize and lull the viewer into a false sense of security and a state of dull complacency.

The scary thing about propaganda and mind control are that they are designed to be invisible to the victim. In fact, in order for it to work, the victim has to be ignorant of the tactics being used against him! Remember that the people designing the conditioning are doing it for THEIR benefit.

The study of propaganda, mind control, mass media, mental programming, social conditioning, persuasion and advertising is probably one of the most important things for people to understand in relationship to television. Although it seems to be harmless, the television is the most powerful tool ever designed for control of public perception and popular opinion. The greatest danger lies in the fact that television is so ubiquitous, so subtle, and so seemingly harmless, that it is readily dismissed as being such a serious threat to free thought, rational thought, and freedom itself.

Read some of the articles referenced in this article, and do your own research on the topic. Dictators and other megalomaniacs of years past have only dreamed of having the power at the disposal of the controllers of television programming. After about 75 or so years of research on this subject, they have the manipulation and control of popular opinion down to a science.

This is how people can believe that lies and misconceptions are facts, and how they can not tell the truth from lies. The television programmers construct a mental paradigm a conceptual distance of 3 standard deviations away from truth. In this way, they insure that less than 0.01% of people ever stray far away enough to find the truth. It has been working for years, and is in no threat of being discovered by the sleeping, dumbed-down masses. Do your duty and TURN OFF THE TELEVISION, and do some original thinking, research something independently, or go learn something for a change!

Monday, September 21, 2009

The 911 Truth Movement Revisited

If you believe conventional mass media sources, the only people that question the official recounting of the events surrounding the 911 WTC Attacks are kooks, idiots, wackos, and other people that are not worthy of any attention or consideration. Everybody knows that the government would never kill its own people. Everybody knows that the mass media never lies. Everybody knows that our government is good. Everybody knows that the only people who would question the government are those who are unpatriotic. Everybody knows that if we question the government and the official 911 story, we weaken our country and do not support our troops.

Of course, none of the above conclusions have any basis in truth or facts. Unfortunately, if one would do any research on the above matters, she would learn that:

-people who question official accounts of events are usually more patriotic than those who just blindly follow,
-many people who question the official 911 story are scientists, architects, engineers and other well-educated professionals,
-governments have killed more of their own citizens than all of the people killed in world wars combined (i.e., USSR, China, Germany, etc.)
-the mass media distorts and manipulates information based on the edicts of the large corporations that pay them billions of dollars in advertising fees
-the US government has started just about every war based on lies (i.e., Korean war, WWI, WWII, Vietnam war, War on Terror, etc.)
-the people who support the troops the most are those who question the official 911 story because the truth would bring them back home and stop them from dying needlessly.

The facts show that there are a lot of logical inconsistencies in the official 911 story. They are too numerous to mention in this article, but there is an abundance of this information on the Internet. Unfortunately, there is some bad information out there in regards to this topic. It is probably designed to get people to dismiss all questions about this event without critically analyzing the rest of the information.

The fact of the matter is that it is the civic duty of citizens of a country to learn the facts about their country, regardless of what the mass media or the government say the facts are. The citizens are the ones who are the real government, anyway. If you read about government, you will learn that it is the job of the citizen to inform the government when it oversteps its bounds, not the duty of the government. If people are dependent on the mass media and the government for all of their information and reasoning, this means that they are not independent! Think about this deeply because the ramifications will affect every aspect of your life, whether you realize it or not.

Check out the video below for some simple reasoning on this 911 matter:

Friday, September 18, 2009

Financial Realities-The Global Debt Crisis

Despite the reports of brighter times ahead, things are looking just as bleak as ever. I do not wish to sound like a pessimist, but the reality of the situation is that the elements that have created the recession have not been dealt with to date. Nothing has really changed except that bankers and others who profited from the financial thievery got paid off again by the government (aka, stimulus package, bailout).

The 'green shoots' spoken of in the news have not materialized. There are numerous homes that should be in foreclosure that banks are not moving on so that they can artificially reduce the number of homes that are in foreclosure. The commercial real estate market is poised to melt down in similar fashion to what happened to the residential real estate market. Unemployment is not going down any time soon, and all reports show that no progress is being made to create jobs in America. The Health Care package appears to be a huge expense for a cash-strapped country. The War in Iraq has now been converted into the War in Iraq and Afghanistan. China and Japan are trying to get rid of as many dollars as they can, while they are still worth something. The inflation/hyperinflation practices of the US government are going ahead at full speed.

I could go on and on, but I think that you're getting the point. It just doesn't look like any action is being taken that will make the US or world economies any better. The world's economy seems to be irrevocably addicted to debt. It almost appears that the world's economy has been linked and is now being purposely destroyed to create a world wide financial crisis that will be solved by a world authority with the power to control everything on the planet.

I'm not sure if that's good or bad, but I am sure that it will all depend on the intentions of those who seek to rule. Historically, the people that fight their way to the top of the heap are usually in it for themselves and their friends, and everybody else gets screwed. The people get a bunch of platitudes and good-sounding speeches, and not much more.

But maybe things will be different this time. Maybe people who are power brokers will shower average people with abundance, freedom and a happy way of life. Maybe they will educate the children to be intelligent and industrious. Maybe they will enable the peoples of the world to advance the newest technologies and enhance the quality of life for all people on Earth. Maybe there will be no more wars, no more exploitation, no more discrimination, no more terrorist attacks, no more victims.

How probable is this, given the history of mankind?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Are you listening? The Bailouts Just Don't Make Sense

We've turned America into a socialist, dishonest country, and it didn't just start with Obama. This is not a good situation, and there are no 'green shoots'. The plan appears to be to take America down, and it is mostly an accomplished feat. Most people are so disillusioned, so confused, so programmed that they can't see or hear the truth, and have been narcotized into quiet submission. Check this video out & tell me what you think.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Is the US as We Know It Over?

There has been a quiet, non-publicized move to form a North American Free Trade Union(a.k.a., NAFTA) that appears to be a threat to American sovereignty. Some people are concerned about this, but others display the usual lethargy and apathy about these developments.

It looks like any other issue. There are at least 2 sides to this. Of course, this is a threat to American sovereignty if a intergovernmental authority or unelected group of people have power over American, Mexican or Canadian government authority. There is a danger of tyranny whenever groups of people that make decisions over others have no accountability. The old saying is that "Absolute power corrupts absolutely." When people have absolute authority over others, they often look out for their own interests, and are prone to use others for their own profit and convenience.

This could be also seen to be a transitional period when the authority of local government and elected officials is being slowly transferred to higher levels, such as to regional, and international levels. In the short term, this represents a threat to the American way of life, and also to American interests. But from a higher perspective, this is how the economies of the world can be equalized so that wages, resources and training can be more uniform. It will be a painful process, but it may lead to a better world down the line.

These events are merely occurrences. What they mean is subject to individual interpretation. I am not sure if world government would be a good thing. It sounds great, but so did other concepts like capitalism, communism, socialism and nationalism. But all of these concepts have been a justification for exploitation, extermination and oppression of millions of people in the world. I fear that a group of world leaders would be able to set up a system of world oppression and control that could not be stopped.

With all that said, I am presenting some videos that may give some more information about these topics.

Friday, September 11, 2009

911 WTC is Here Again

...but did we learn anything? Collectively, the answer is a definite NO. The majority of people out there actually believe the spurious information being given to them in reference to the WTC attacks. But I STILL haven't seen any information or evidence that even remotely explain the observations and anomalies that were mentioned by alleged "911 Truthers".

Unfortunately, many (if not most) people are hopeless conformists, and just go along with the "Powers-That-Be" so as not to "rock the boat" and bring themselves under scrutiny. I know that most people are not intellectually courageous enough to challenge the status quo, and to deal with the ramifications of that. I won't go into details about those ramifications, but will leave it to your imagination to explore those on your own.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Economic Crisis is Still in Full Effect

The economy is still in intensive care. It will probably get a lot worse before it gets better. Without jobs, without any manufacturing industry, or any other basic industries, I'm not sure about what would initiate an economic recovery in America. Most of the jobs in the country were dependent upon production of goods. But America isn't producing much these days. Most of America's manufacturing capacity was exported out of the country.

The reason given for this is the massive regulation of business, as well as the long list of taxes and other regulatory control over businesses. Some regulation is necessary, but at a certain point it becomes a burden on business, and actually serves to make American businesses uncompetitive with similar foreign businesses that do not have these barriers to profit. Taxes have the same effect. Regulations can also be used as a way for the politically-connected to eliminate the competition. Refer to the incident of Tucker, and how he was eliminated by the Big 3 Automobile companies when he developed a superior product.

Now I do have some problems with communist ideology. It is just not in line with human psychology or motivation. It sounds good, but never works in practice. It can't work in practice because people are mainly motivated by self-interest, not by working for the common good.

But, on the other hand, true capitalism has never been used in America. Also, capitalism, in practice, has been based on the exploitation of indigenous peoples of the world. Capitalism has only been used when natural resources can be stolen for free, without paying the people who may happen to live on top of them. This leads to the economic and social ills with which we are already very familiar.

In any event, check out this video below which deals with the massive amount of people who used to profit from the status quo, but who are now its victims. They couldn't foresee that they were on the road to disaster.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Marc Faber Tells It Like It Is

I found this video on YouTube. Marc Faber is a talented economist whose information resonates with me. I hate to sound like a pessimist, but I haven't seen anything compelling coming from any government actions.

But then again, they say that a country gets the type of government that it deserves. If this is the case, then the average American is corrupt, lazy, and unable to handle the level of responsibility that freedom demands. Yes, the truth hurts, but the proof is in the results reaped from the thinking.

Despite all of this negative-sounding information, I still think that freedom will prevail. Unfortunately, there will be pain felt while we make the journey to the final destination.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Housing Meltdown is Far From Over

From my studies and from what I know about economics and other related topics, I suspected that the truth about the housing and banking industries was not being publicized on the network news channels. It may be a good thing, as the public doesn't need to be stampeded into destructive herd behavior. But for the thinking person, you do want to know the truth about things so that you can form an effective strategy for protecting your wealth, and even prospering from the present conditions.

The fact of the matter is that we are nowhere close to a bottom in the real estate market! This is despite all of the 'feel good' rhetoric that is being reported in the mass media. This is just to keep the sheeple from getting disturbed from their comatose mental state. I think that we've already talked about how one of the main goals of the mass media is to narcotize the average person's mind, to keep them docile and compliant.

There are all sorts of things being done to keep the truth away from people. But the truth is self-evident, and will always make itself known and felt. It doesn't matter how many media pundits, advanced-degreed sycophants, industry mouthpieces, and talking heads make public pronouncements that "We are in a recovery." Propaganda and warm, fuzzy feelings do not affect hard economic realities.

The best thing to do is to embrace the truth, while stripping away your emotional reaction(s) to it. Remember that it isn't personal--only business. The world is not out to destroy you. Past actions of people have led us to this situation. It seems to repeat itself periodically throughout human history. The times & places change, but the market meltdowns remain the same. It must be human nature. Study the previous market meltdowns, and you'll learn what you can do to protect yourself and your wealth during this one. The old saying is that,"There is nothing new under the sun."

Check out the following video for your further edification of the statements above:

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Medical Professionals Hesitant to Take Swine Flu Vaccine

I have already spoken about my doubts about the usefulness of vaccination. But now, it appears that there is doubt in the medical community about the safety and effectiveness of the Swine Flu vaccination. We heard the same threats and dire forecasts about Swine Flu in 1976. But the only danger from Swine Flu back then WAS the vaccination! It caused Guillain-Barre syndrome in a lot of people who took the vaccination. This disease is not very pleasant, and can lead to paralysis.

I find it very interesting that the companies that manufacture these vaccinations have lobbied Congress to give them immunity against any liability claims that victims of these vaccines may initiate. If this vaccine is so safe, then why would this sort of immunity from lawsuits be necessary?

In my opinion, vaccines are very dangerous. The only people that have any idea of what is in these vaccines are the people that produce them. And even they can't be sure what is in them. They are loaded with toxins, probably carry numerous animal viruses, and have unknown side effects.

Many people are lulled into a false complacency about this vaccine issue, but there is much more to the story. Just because they may not kill or maim most people who take them (and yes, they DO maim and kill some people, especially children) immediately doesn't make them safe. Nobody has done any longitudinal (long-term) studies on them. There is evidence out there that they may have very negative long-term effects. They may be able to give people cancer, allergies, autoimmune disorders, etc., as long-term effects. I know for a fact that SV-40, a proven contaminant of the early polio vaccines, causes brain cancer anywhere from 10-40 years after exposure. If you need verification of this, just message me and I'll supply you with the information. For now, watch the video below for the latest. You may also want to do your own research and make up your own mind about the topic. Your children's lives may depend on it.

Friday, September 04, 2009

China is Moving for Greater Control

I just saw this video that should be a wake up call for the rest of the world. But then again, it might just be the leadership of the world moving to the East from the West. Nothing lasts forever, and it is looking like Western society is about to be eating a lot of 'humble pie' in the future. China (and the rest of Indo-China) is poised to take over the reins of power. The people in the West have had a good thing for too long, and the old saying that "Absolute power corrupts absolutely" is not just trivia.

From bad investments in crazy instruments like derivatives, bureaucratic freeze, lazy neo-imperialistic policies towards the 3rd world, and wars, to the stagnancy of technological progress that is more about maintaining the status quo than about increasing efficiency, the paradigm upon which Western Civilization has been based is failing.

There may not be much that can be done now, as the course has been set and the foundation for this was laid in the 1970's, 80's and even the 90's. The terrible financial environment that we have today is not just the result of G.W. Bush or Obama, but has been a result of decisions made because of 'political expediency' if not totally engineered by certain factions. The bottom line is what is expressed in the video below. It used to be Western countries that would do these things, but "My, how things have changed..."

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Water Crisis Looming in America

It has come to my attention that there is a water crisis in America. This is critical information. Although I may not agree with everything in this article referenced, I do agree that it is definitely a problem that needs to be addressed and solved.

I also found a great video on this topic. We need to be aware of the importance of water conservation and good use. We can no longer take water for granted.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Compulsory Vaccinations in America?

What is going on in America these days? I haven't seen any evidence that there is a pandemic of Swine Flu, nor have I seen any reliable evidence that Swine Flu vaccines can actually prevent people from contracting it. But I have seen evidence that the Swine Flu vaccine can cause Epstein-Barr in people. If vaccines really worked, how can unvaccinated people be a threat to vaccinated populations. I have seen evidence that shows that vaccines can actually spread diseases rather than prevent them. This is a complex topic. It seems to me that if these vaccines were so safe, then why are the vaccine manufacturers working feverishly to pass legislation that makes them immune from lawsuit if/when their vaccines damage you or your children?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Politics of School Lunches

This video shows how politicized the national school lunch program is. Our children are being adversely affected by the garbage foods they're being given for school lunches. But this is just a microcosm of what is going on with our entire nutritional system and information. It is not a pretty picture. It's just another example of what happens when we do not wish to take personal responsibility for our lives and our society.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Outside the Box

I thought that this was a great video with a lot of good information. Leonard Horowitz is a great researcher. Although this is about a year old, it is still some vital information of which people need to be aware. It's about an hour long though, but you need to watch it. It is important to be aware of what is REALLY going on out there...

Thursday, July 02, 2009


I've been doing a lot more studying of various principles of finance, law, etc., lately, and I think that my world view is metamorphosing into something different. It appears (to me) that there are people behind some powerful hidden forces working to develop a new structure for society. But at the same time, what other system could actually make modern life possible?

We know that the monetary system does not have any substance, but then again, we also know that there is not enough gold & silver for everyone to have money. From first appearances, the monetary system is based on fraud. But with a closer look, we can see that it is a system of abundance. I've also been studying some concepts and practices on Redemption. I must say that commercial redemption is analogous to spiritual redemption, for commercial redemption is based on religious and spiritual principles. It is amazing to realize that it is all very orderly and structured for us to prosper. Unfortunately, we do not seek out knowledge or try to learn. Most of the pain that is being experienced by people in the system is self-inflicted.

We operate in a commercial system all of our lives, but very few of us ever study commercial principles. This is unacceptable. Most people do not understand the ramifications of their ignorance, nor the critical importance of the foundations of their belief system. It literally determines the conditions and quality of experience for every encounter that you have in your life. Maybe I will talk more about this in the future. But the realization of these truths has somewhat tempered my previous opinions about world news and events. The truth is out there, but most people's minds have been inactivated by mass media mind control techniques. So the audience for this type of message is probably very small. But if you're still reading this, you will probably want to continue your search for truth and facts. The old saying is that "the truth will set you free." It is true.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Things are Moving Fast...

It appears to be a quickening taking place, as it seems that newsworthy events are multiplying. There are more occurrences of beatings, murders, "Manchurian Candidate" mass murders, increasing encroachments of the government upon our freedoms, etc.

I had found a short article that outlines what the oligarchs have planned for America's future. I think that we can stop them if we don't play into their traps. I would like to think & hope that people are becoming more sophisticated in their thinking, even if it is just on that all-important emotional level. We must not fall into predetermined traps set up for us that are to be used to ensnare us into activity that will help justify the New World Order (also known as global dictatorship, world fascism, one-world government, etc.).

Some people think that there is nothing that we can do. I beg to differ. I believe that if we maintain a positive attitude and stop working against our own best interests, we have a chance. Remember that the only way that a small minority can dominate and oppress a large majority is through the use of deception. They do not have the bodies to operate the oppression themselves. They MUST trick the majority into regulating and oppressing themselves! This is why they focus intently on social engineering, mind control and brainwashing technology.

There really is no other way for them to maintain their control over society without it! From the perspective of an oligarch, random changes in society can NOT be allowed to develop, lest control of society be lost. For them, the risk is much too great. There are literally quadrillions of dollars at stake, as well as ultimate control of society and the resources of the Earth. Did you really think that the people who play Stratego with the world would not stop at anything to maintain their control and vast wealth?

Remember that in order to understand the oligarch and his motivations, you must place yourself into their mind (using your imagination). Then, you would be able to understand and predict their actions. This, of course, is the reason that the average person does not have a clue about what is really going on here on Earth. The average person only thinks of what he would do in a particular situation. So be sure to insert yourself into a vantage point of what an oligarch would do and think in order to understand what they have done in the past, what they're doing now, and what they have planned for the future. Then, and only then, will you be able to formulate an effective response to their actions and strategies.

Friday, February 27, 2009

The New Flat-Earth Society,For The New Dark Ages

In my opinion, capitalism hasn't failed because it was never tried. The
government apparatus has always been manipulated to give unearned
benefits to certain groups. I'm not sure what the answer is, but we can
be sure that increased centralization of power in the hands of
government is NOT the answer. The price of freedom is courage,
intelligence and eternal vigilance. It appears that most people are not
willing, or even able to pay this price. Society is manipulated and
guided by powerful people that have a plan for us. It would appear that
this plan is not for the benefit of the average person, but for the
benefit of the oligarchical class. Study this yourself and see what you

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Microwave Ovens-Yea or Nay?


Some people claim that the microwave ovens are hazardous, and some claim
that they are safe. You'll have to make your own determination. It
appears to me that the microwave ovens DO alter the molecular structure
of foods. I've seen the results of microwave ovens when they polymerize
food. When the microwave 'burns' the food, it really isn't a 'burn',
but more of a polymerization. The food looks different and its
elasticity and physical properties are changed. With a burning from
fire, the food appears to be converted (i.e., oxidized). But
oftentimes, the food looks the same on the outside, but isn't the same
in taste or texture. Violent shaking of the molecular bonds of the food
would seem to create an environment whereby the molecular bonds would
have a tendency to cross-link. Personally, I don't mess with the
microwave ovens. Better safe than sorry.