Monday, September 21, 2009

The 911 Truth Movement Revisited

If you believe conventional mass media sources, the only people that question the official recounting of the events surrounding the 911 WTC Attacks are kooks, idiots, wackos, and other people that are not worthy of any attention or consideration. Everybody knows that the government would never kill its own people. Everybody knows that the mass media never lies. Everybody knows that our government is good. Everybody knows that the only people who would question the government are those who are unpatriotic. Everybody knows that if we question the government and the official 911 story, we weaken our country and do not support our troops.

Of course, none of the above conclusions have any basis in truth or facts. Unfortunately, if one would do any research on the above matters, she would learn that:

-people who question official accounts of events are usually more patriotic than those who just blindly follow,
-many people who question the official 911 story are scientists, architects, engineers and other well-educated professionals,
-governments have killed more of their own citizens than all of the people killed in world wars combined (i.e., USSR, China, Germany, etc.)
-the mass media distorts and manipulates information based on the edicts of the large corporations that pay them billions of dollars in advertising fees
-the US government has started just about every war based on lies (i.e., Korean war, WWI, WWII, Vietnam war, War on Terror, etc.)
-the people who support the troops the most are those who question the official 911 story because the truth would bring them back home and stop them from dying needlessly.

The facts show that there are a lot of logical inconsistencies in the official 911 story. They are too numerous to mention in this article, but there is an abundance of this information on the Internet. Unfortunately, there is some bad information out there in regards to this topic. It is probably designed to get people to dismiss all questions about this event without critically analyzing the rest of the information.

The fact of the matter is that it is the civic duty of citizens of a country to learn the facts about their country, regardless of what the mass media or the government say the facts are. The citizens are the ones who are the real government, anyway. If you read about government, you will learn that it is the job of the citizen to inform the government when it oversteps its bounds, not the duty of the government. If people are dependent on the mass media and the government for all of their information and reasoning, this means that they are not independent! Think about this deeply because the ramifications will affect every aspect of your life, whether you realize it or not.

Check out the video below for some simple reasoning on this 911 matter:

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