Monday, October 12, 2009

The Educational System-Covert Mind Control?

I have studied the educational system in America for a long time. I guess that thinking like a scientist has made me more aware and analytical about the institutions in America. From my days as a kid reading Gunnar Myrdal's great treatise on the sociology of America to what I study today, I have always been interested in the way that society works. I also learned a lot from a researcher named Samuel Bowles, even though he was a communist. I know that truth can be found anywhere, and that everybody has some of it.

All that to say that education in America is controlled, as all institutions in society are. The controllers are doing it with an agenda. Unfortunately, the agenda is hidden from most. This means that if you are not an insider, you must infer or deduce what that agenda is. We can tell what the plan is by what the plan is producing. Education is critical in society because it is the way that the youth in society are molded. They are the future of society, and the way in which they are conditioned to think determines just about every major element of how society will work in the future. If you can control what the young think, you can program the way that the society will function when they reach adulthood.

Charlotte Iserbyt, author of the monumental book The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, has a video that explains how she was trained to infiltrate the community and get them to accept the changes that were being made to the educational system. It is really sinister and subtle the way in which she worked. Notice how subtle, but powerful, her training was to achieve this. This information is chilling when you think of the level of control of the people who run this system. It seems to be a cakewalk for these people to manipulate and control the thinking of adults as well as their children. The unaware are as gullible as unthinking automatons when faced with the sophisticated psychological strategies being used against them. This is a must-see. You should also read her book mentioned above.

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