Friday, September 25, 2009

Television Viewing Habits Disturbing

I couldn't believe it when I saw a report that states that the average American household views television for more than 8 hours per day! That is ridiculous, given the remedial levels at which television programming is designed.

It is obvious that the thinking level of most popular television shows is decidedly low. There isn't any earth-shaking thinking going on here. This may be ok for some entertainment, but 8 hours of viewing this mental garbage is not 'just entertainment'. That's actually a total day at work!

We are kidding ourselves if we think that this is innocuous. This is amounting to mental conditioning of America. There is a reason why the level of television programming is so low, and it is not to improve the critical thinking skills of television viewers. Actually, this incessant babble is more designed to entertain, pacify, narcotize and lull the viewer into a false sense of security and a state of dull complacency.

The scary thing about propaganda and mind control are that they are designed to be invisible to the victim. In fact, in order for it to work, the victim has to be ignorant of the tactics being used against him! Remember that the people designing the conditioning are doing it for THEIR benefit.

The study of propaganda, mind control, mass media, mental programming, social conditioning, persuasion and advertising is probably one of the most important things for people to understand in relationship to television. Although it seems to be harmless, the television is the most powerful tool ever designed for control of public perception and popular opinion. The greatest danger lies in the fact that television is so ubiquitous, so subtle, and so seemingly harmless, that it is readily dismissed as being such a serious threat to free thought, rational thought, and freedom itself.

Read some of the articles referenced in this article, and do your own research on the topic. Dictators and other megalomaniacs of years past have only dreamed of having the power at the disposal of the controllers of television programming. After about 75 or so years of research on this subject, they have the manipulation and control of popular opinion down to a science.

This is how people can believe that lies and misconceptions are facts, and how they can not tell the truth from lies. The television programmers construct a mental paradigm a conceptual distance of 3 standard deviations away from truth. In this way, they insure that less than 0.01% of people ever stray far away enough to find the truth. It has been working for years, and is in no threat of being discovered by the sleeping, dumbed-down masses. Do your duty and TURN OFF THE TELEVISION, and do some original thinking, research something independently, or go learn something for a change!

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