Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Cannibalism and Slavery

I've had a lot on my mind lately. I guess that happens when you're always trying to figure out what the deal is with this planet. I found another great article that speaks on Economic Cannibalism that has ravished America. This cannibalism is the result of the PTB's efforts to steal as much wealth and value as they can. My personal belief (based on my research) is that the PTB have planned to destroy America/United States for quite some time. This was the only plausible explanation for the economic results that we currently witnessing today. The public policy paradigm being used to run America (into the ground) could not have been any more detrimental if an enemy of America had been at the helm over the years! The article also covers the Housing Market collapse, the credit collapse, and the hyperinflation of the currency.

From what I'm seeing, it would appear that we are in the midst of a financial cataclysm which will be the most prolific in history. The present financial situation in America is horrible, with no signs of hope anywhere in sight. It wouldn't be nearly as bad if we could say that Americans were somewhat awake and aware of the present situation. But the average American is more concerned with entertainment and trivia than about the critical issues that we face today. I believe that a lot of people think that if they just act like everything is ok, it will be ok. That is the attitude of people that are mentally incompetent and cowardly because this life strategy will not lead to success or happiness. There's no way that people can reasonably expect to be well when society is being manipulated by megalomanical factions fighting for ultimate control of the world. In fact, the average person on this planet is an unwitting slave to the PTB.

I surely hope that people will wake up, and that things will not go directly down the drain. But I am seeing very few good signs. On the good side, some people are beginning to wake up. I believe that the rapidly-deteriorating financial and economic conditions are forcing more people to face the facts that I've been talking about for years. More people are beginning to question things and searching for answers. On the bad side, there are still vast numbers of people who believe the propaganda garbage that spews from the mass media sources. Many people are still more concerned about music, entertainment, games, and other diversions from reality. Remember, the mass media is only composed of images (as in imagination), as opposed to reality, which is based on something tangible. Images can always be manipulated. Reality can not. Perception is the mind's link to reality. Perception, also, can be colored. This means that it is our duty to insure that our perception is true to reality, and not manipulated by the people that control the content of the images that are being foisted upon us through television and other media sources.

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