Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Banking System in Crisis

I've just found out that the Fed has recently pumped approximately $38 to 70 billion into the financial markets. Unfortunately, that has not resulted in the effect that they were seeking. In fact, the Dow Jones Industrial Average actually fell subsequent to this liquidity injection! So it would appear that we are entering the danger phase of hyperinflation. This only points to the fact that the PTB have finally got their wish--the destruction of the American economy. The fact is that the seeds of destruction for the American economy were sown back in the 1960's and 1970's (at the latest). It could actually be argued that the demise of this economy was actually engineered in at its inception, but I won't even go back that far.

I understand how people have been conditioned and subjected to mind control and brainwashing to be at ease while the stability and strength of the American economy have been eradicated, and have discussed these topics at length in previous posts to this blog. People have been miseducated and undereducated so that they do not understand how an economy works. Most people have no idea that if you destroy the industrial production of a country, the economy is non-existent. In fact, the existence of the middle class is only possible when there is a large number of people who are able to earn decent livings in the industrial sector. You can perform as much online selling, services and create as many information products as you want; but if you can't feed yourself, clothe yourself or get the vital necessities of life (i.e., food, water, etc.), you and/or your country cannot (and will not) survive!

The illusion of wealth has been maintained in America, but the substance of the American economy has been exported abroad, and whatever was left of it here has been severely maligned. The heart of the American economy--the automotive industry--has been taken to the proverbial mat, and is now teetering on the brink of oblivion. Only a mind-controlled populace would permit their alleged 'government leaders' to openly destroy their source of wealth. People in the 1970's were too intelligent to allow this to happen. The PTB had to wait until they died off and their mind-controlled, miseducated children came of age. They were much more susceptible to the mental conditioning, and were much more amenable to suggestion and control from manipulation of the mass media. Whatever they hear on television, they believe, regardless of the reality of any situation. In fact, people appear to be unable to consider any topic that is not discussed in the mass media! This is the result of a fine-tuned mass media mechanism that is meshed with the educational system.

I will share an even more in-depth article on this same topic. It goes into much more depth that the first article, but paints an even more ominous picture than the first. This article goes into much more background than the first one. We are in the midst of the greatest financial calamity in history. Just understand that you will never hear this in the media until they are ready for everyone to accept the demise of the American economy. They want people to just go along with it and not revolt. To accomplish this, they have to gradually change the perception. They don't want any quick disjoints or rapid stimuli to ignite a bloody revolution (that they can't control). Gradualism is their favorite weapon. This article is long, but it is a must-read because time is rapidly running out!!! We are now in big trouble. The housing bubble is rapidly bursting, banks are bankrupt, and there is no easy path out of this quagmire (at least any easy paths that the bankers are considering). These traps are designed to catch most average people. But there is definitely a way to lessen the blow that will result from the economic tsunami that has been unleashed on America, and the world...

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