Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Are we victims of Vulture Capitalism?

I keep hearing that capitalism is a great thing.  In theory, it sounds very good.  Under the guise of capitalism, America was built and led to the most affluent society in the world. But I wonder if the system was truly based on capitalism. It seems that the true capitalists (the owners of capital) quickly worked to secure their own wealth and control over American society, and have almost taken over the entire planet. Most people say that they believe in capitalism, but I am doubtful that we have ever seen true capitalism practiced in America. I am sure that today, America is basically a socialist/communist state that has implemented most of the 10 Planks of the Communist Manifesto. If you don't want to call it socialism, it could probably be characterized as fascism (also known as corporatism).  This might be a shock to most, but just check it out for yourself.

Who does the government serve now?  Would you say that government is the servant and the people are the sovereigns, or is it the other way around?  Seems to me that people are always being trampled over by big government.  How can you fight the government when they will not follow the laws as written?  They have the monopoly on legalized deadly force (i.e., they have the police, the courts, the armed forces and are poised to train all of them on you if you dare question them).  What ever happened to the public servant?  These days, the government officials have turned public service into royalty.  It is so bad now that the highest levels of people in government have turned it into a private profit center (witness the Bush administration and their numerous conflicts of interest and other private profiteering).  In addition, they are turning all of the police, intelligence and military resources on the American citizensThey do ignominious things in Iraq today, but this is only practice for what they have planned for Americans.  The government (democrats along with republicans who have monopolized the executive and legislative branches of the government) has led the country to the brink of collapse.  If you just turn off CNN for a minute and think of what's happening to the country, it's not a pretty picture.  In short, it appears that we are being sold down the proverbial river for interests foreign to what would be good for Americans

I'm not sure if there is anything we can do to stop this.  But many people are standing up for what's right.  We will never hear the true number of disgruntled and disgusted Americans who are fed up with fascism, totalitarianism, rogue elements in government, and lawlessness in government.  I fight for my son's future.  I just couldn't look at myself in the mirror, or into my son's eyes and tell him that I did nothing to fight for him to have some freedom.  If we don't fight now, we are guaranteed a future of concentration camps, summary executions, thought police, slavery, and more things of that nature. I may not win, but I'm not going down without a fight for freedom!  Hell, whatever you do, you're going to die anyway.  Why not die free rather than die in a concentration camp?

It seems to be the destiny of this country to become the 2nd iteration of Nazi Germany. I predict that American will be the laughing stock of the world (after being militarily defeated and/or destroyed) if things continue on the present course.  I'm not happy with this, nor do I want it to happen.  I really want to be wrong on this!  But I have a duty to be true to the facts. My message is one of hope and hopefully, you will be inspired to join the ranks of freedom fighters who didn't succumb to all the bad 'isms' of the world.

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