Sunday, July 31, 2005
Yes, It's Another Inside Job...
Now, there's a former MI5 intelligence officer (spy) who gave his honest assessment of the London bombings, and he thinks that it was an inside job. It's really fairly evident that the governments are the only ones profiting from all these 'terrorist' alerts, warnings, hysteria and incidents. Al Queda is a creation of US Intelligence, but is being used as a Boogey Man to scare the people and get them emotionally overwhelmed. There's a lot of hokey-pokey out there masquerading as truth. It is our duty to find the truth and to then spread it around to everybody we know that will listen. Either you're a part of the solution, or you're a part of the problem...
Thursday, July 28, 2005
The Housing Bubble
We've been so concerned and preoccupied with the 'terrorists' and things of that nature that most have probably forgotten about the huge housing market bubble that has been lingering on for quite some time. It has not gone away, and is still a great threat to the stability and long-term viability of the American economy. We are being inundated with debt, to get straight to the point. I won't go into any long dissertations about economic theory and the Austrian School of Economics, but I will say that the present course we are on is in no way sustainable. Do your research. Do NOT just bury your head in the sand, lest you become swept away by the economic tsunami that is rapidly approaching! Check out the financial site that I have in the Links list on my homepage here (Gold Eagle Editorials). The truth is out there...
Winston Churchill & the Illuminati
I saw a good article dealing with some history of WWII and how what we were told about it, and the truth of the matter. Without a historical rationale that is truthful, we can never understand the real motivations behind the actions and strategies that are being used by the hidden oligarchs and their battles for world domination. This article also gives a great background on WWII in reference to the recent 'terrorist' bombings in London. It is critical that we understand that these are what are termed 'false flag' operations conducted by the governments in order to maintain the atmosphere of tension and fear. Enhanced emotional states induced in the populace make them more susceptible to psychological control. Always be wary and discerning whenever you are being given information from the Mainstream Media (MSM)...
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Why Do YOU work so hard?
I found a good article, a bit off of the beaten path. It was interesting. One that makes you stop and wonder what you're doing. Sometimes, we need to stop and really think about what we're doing and why we're doing it. I think that we're so conditioned to conform that we never really stop to think about what we're doing, and what we're accomplishing in our work. Most times, we're climbing, fighting to get up the ladder. We finally get to the top rung, only to discover that the ladder is propped against the wrong wall... Very disheartening. So try to stop and take a good look at where your ladder is placed, and if you're really heading in the direction that you want to go.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
The War on Vitamins
Your friendly elected sellout government congressmen are serving the 'Big Pharma' interests by trying to legislate HR 3156, which will basically villify and regulate harmless dietary supplements. This is because people are finally getting sick and tired of being poisoned by the expensive, side-effect-laden pharmaceutical chemicals that doctors are so quick to dispense. Now, over 50% of people now dabble in natural treatments for diseases. It is affecting the exorbitant profits being made by the Big Pharma interests. Of course, the government is in bed with the big corporations. Our interests are not being addressed. Why else would the government work to regulate vitamins and nutritional supplements when an infintesimal percentage of people who use them have been injured? Literally hundreds of millions of people have been injured and/or killed by pharmaceutical drugs, many of which have never been the subject of any studies proving that they are safe for human consumption. Vioxx is just one of the debacles brought to us by Big Pharma. The list could go on for quite some time. The basic deal is that the 'Powers-That-Be' do not want us to be healthy. If they did, they would not permit the AMA cartel to single-handedly control the administration of health care in America. It's time for us to fight for our right to supplement our diets in any way we want! We are NOT the property of the state, regardless of how much they want to control us! They don't have our best interests at heart. Do something now to preserve our rights!
Big Pharma,
dietary supplements,
Health Care,
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
We're Headed fot the End of the Road
John Kaminski wrote another scathing indictment of Western 'Civilization', and the world. It's another good one, but will probably be a bit controversial. I don't always agree with everything he says, but it's refreshing to see that somebody out there has some brain activity that isn't related to any Mainstream Media (MSM) drivel. It really gets to me when I turn on the television, and only see meaningless garbage being treated as valuable news. Most of that stuff is irrelevant garbage that is totally without any value. It's like a parade of trash. And you wonder why people can't think today? The media is purposely designed to reduce the level of thinking of its viewer/victims. They don't call it the Idiot Box for nothing! But if you're reading this, you're not an idiot... At least you're showing signs of brainwave activity.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
It's just an excuse to justify what they're doing...
The basic deal is that there is no Al-Queda. It's just a big invention to create an enemy, a *boogey-man* to wave in front of people to get them excited so that they will go along with the government-sponsored program of an increasing surveillance and decreasing freedom environment. The logic is that if they can't just enslave us overtly, they have to get us emotionally excited so that our thinking processes are inhibited. Then, whenever they want to turn up the volume on the fascism meter, they just wave another 'terrorist incident' in front of the people, and then they become more compliant, and less willing to fight it. You can't trade freedom for security. It doesn't work. How can it possibly work? The loss of freedom has nothing to do with security. You can't protect something by DESTROYING IT!!! How is that supposed to work? How can anybody 'hate us for our freedom' when we're giving it away? This is not a good situation...
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
This is it...
For those who think that they can just meld into the background and not cause waves, IT IS NOT POSSIBLE! The way things are progressing, this will not be an option. There is not going to be any middle ground. The changes in society that are being managed will not admit the existence of any sort of happy medium position. You are either going to be free, or you will be a total slave. This is the outcome that is the goal of the oligarchical interests fighting for global control. Do the research yourself, if you dare. Time is of the essence. Most people can sense that things are not the same as they once were. The rate of change is quickening. I suggest another article to give you more perspective on this. It is critical that you awaken yourself and work to stop this from happening. I am not even sure if it is possible to stop it. All I know is that I cannot look at myself in the mirror, or look in my son's eyes and fail to fight for his future. Look at your kids and tell me if you can fail to fight for their future. Can you see what is happening to America or the world? The truth is out there, but the real question is can you, will you deal with it?
Monday, July 11, 2005
Suppressed Death Counts of US Troops in Iraq
The US Department of Defense has been suppressing the casualty count over in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is not a good situation over there. Bush and his cronies are doing this so that public opposition to the War in Iraq does not intensify. If the American people knew how bad the situation really was over there, there would be major protests and calls to bring home the troops. There are also reports that green card immigrants are being forced to fight, and that their death tolls are not being reported. The fact of the matter is that the US Army is losing the war in Iraq. It is not a good situation, and most troops over there are simply walking targets. It is a very bad situation.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
The Demonic Cabal
I was sent an incredible article that describes the situation here in America. The author, Norman Livergood, discusses the oligarchy that has ran America from its inception. It is another great article. The truth is out there, but we must have the courage and intelligence to seek it out and to incorporate it in our daily actions. It's just a bit disconcerting to watch how the average American loves to remain ignorant of the nature of how this country operates. It is time for understanding, as it is much later than it seems...
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Info on the Latest Terrorist Attack
This article is from Sherman Skolnick, the highly acclaimed researcher and legal activist who has blown the cover on lots of government corruption and other nefarious secret activities of the 'powers-that-be'. This article also covers a lot of material that has been uncovered by Skolnick, and summarizes a lot of his documented findings. It is definitely a must-read.
Book on the New World Order
I found this link to a book (pdf-Acrobat) that appeared to be very in depth. I checked all of the topics in the Table of Contents, and it appeared to cover most of the major points of the history of the deal. I haven't had the time to read it, as it's about 777 pages. I've covered most of these topics in my own personal research, and the book appears to be very thorough. It looks like it's worth checking out.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Mind Control is Alive and Well
There have been reports of mind control technologies being used against civilians as well as against military targets. This has been going on for some time, as I've seen information regarding this kind of technology for some time. It has been hidden from the general public. Most cutting-edge technology is hidden from the public. The fact is that the government is technologically advanced at least 20-50 years ahead from what is portrayed to the general public. This is done on purpose. Anybody who watches James Bond movies knows this. People should be aware of this information, especially considering the way that our society is heading in a fascist direction.
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