Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Bet You Didn't See THIS One on CNN...


This guy wrote about the decline and breakup of America 10 years ago! People were probably laughing about it back then, but I bet that nobody's laughing about it now... This is another wake-up call to action for all Americans that don't want this to happen. It will take a lot of work to fix America. I'm not sure if Americans have the 'intestinal fortitude' to do it. We used to, but today, I am not encouraged by what I see these days. I can only hope and pray that Americans can look deep within and find the strength and courage to embody the principles that made America great, and that we can get rid of the things that have caused the country to experience this dire situation. It is a major growth opportunity.

Monday, November 24, 2008

This article just about says it all...

The meltdown seems to be a foregone conclusion. The $64,000 question is whether the people of America will have the intelligence, the guts and the courage to stand up and rebuild America, or whether they will wither under the pressure and allow the oligarchs to obliterate and eradicate the concept of America and what it used to stand for.

Each person will be faced with this question. I guess it could be characterized as 'The Moment of Truth'. It is talked about in Marine bootcamp. It is the moment when the soldier comes eye-to-eye with the enemy. Will he aim true and shoot his weapon to send the enemy to meet his maker; or will he waffle, cower, run and hide, or hesitate and allow the enemy to kill him and/or win the encounter? In like manner, are we going to rise to the occasion and stand up for freedom, or will we continue to bask in the ignorance of irrelevant television programming and other mindless diversions from reality while America burns?

Because of complacency, mental and physical laziness, denial of personal responsibility, apathy, intellectual neglect and a large host of other reasons, now every American will be faced with an oncoming onslaught of life-or-death decisions. And remember that no decision IS a decision! I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this is a result of the choices that we have made to give up our own power to control our destiny to others. Now these choices are 'coming home to roost', and we're learning (the hard way) that others never have our best interests as their supreme priority. Why do you think that they call government organizations "agencies"? Because they are agents (of a foreign power), and are not working for our benefit, but for the benefit of the people they are agents for!

The bottom line is that YOU are going to have to become responsible IF you want to stay free and have the possibility to be prosperous. The time is now. This is the "Moment of Truth". You and your children's future depend on your choice.


Gloom Doom Reports


You're going to want to read these tidbits from some financial analysts
that I've found. I've been saying the same thing, as my own research
and thinking has led me to the same conclusions. The stories and
explanations coming from the mass media and MSNBC just don't make any
sense when you stop and think about it. It is now time for all good men
and women to STAND UP for truth, justice and freedom. Stand up now
while you still can. Protect your assets while you still have them.
There is definitely a plan to separate you from them. Now is the time
to get educated about it. If you continue to exclaim, "It's too
complicated." "It's too much work." "I don't want to think about it."
"I don't believe it." "You're a conspiracy theorist." "The government
will handle it." "There's nothing I can do.", or whatever other
rationalization you can think of that I haven't listed, your assets WILL
be destroyed. Kiss your portfolio, your retirement, your pension, your
savings GOODBYE. I'm not giving investment advice here, but I am
putting you on notice that your assets are at risk, and you probably
need to learn and restructure your finances to come out with your
purchasing power intact. As the old saying goes, "A word to the wise is
sufficient." You have been presented with information, now what you do
with it is your responsibility.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Great Depression of the 21st Century: Collapse of the Real Economy

In short, this is all about the people behind the financial sector of the economy taking the 'bailout' money and using it to buy up all the industries and other tangible assets for pennies on the dollar. So we've basically been fleeced to finance the next stage of the 'rape and pillage' of America and the rest of the world.
