Thursday, October 02, 2008

The Bailout Won't Work, and the System is Definitely Going to Implode

The destruction of the American economy is already a done deal, especially given the fact that the citizens are not willing to endure pain today for better days tomorrow. The irresponsible fiscal policies of the previous 20+ years are all about to 'come home to roost'. Continued deficit spending, bad investments and bad allocation of resources have resulted in gross distortions in prices, demand, and market dynamics. In short, the American economy is terminal. From the look of it, Congress and the Executive branch are both hellbent on continuing the failed, fundamentally flawed approaches that have brought us to this present state of affairs. This misnamed 'bailout' will only magnify the pain that will be felt about 12-18 months from today. The organization we call 'the government' does not have the welfare of Americans as a first priority. This is evident because we know that the bailout won't work, and that the majority of Americans do NOT support this corporate welfare giveaway. So they can't be doing it for us. The system is going to fail, but the question will be whether or not the corporations go down with the country. They are working as hard as they can to avoid it, and to hell with the average American.

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