I found more excellent articles that speak on the US economy. Most, if not all, of the news is bad, unfortunately. It's just a symptom of the economic policies that have been implemented by the US government. It is not the result of idiots or unqualified people because they aren't allowed to run things anywhere, unless they are placed there for a reason. Ignorance and lack of intelligence is not a prescription for success or influence.
The first article speaks on the conversion of the People of the United States from free to being debt slaves. The author speaks on the radical change that has gradually been implemented since the late 1960's. The bottom line is that credit cards and other types of debt instruments that used to be used sparsely have now become an endemic here. Just about all adults have some sort of debt. This means that the banking system has all of these people financial information at their disposal, which is also freely shared between businesses, thanks to the credit-reporting agencies and their ubiquitous presence. Even young students in college and even high school (!) are enticed to go into debt in just the same way that the experienced dope dealer tries to entice youngsters to try hard drugs so that they can make money on you for a long time. In addition, the banking system works hand-in-hand with the government so that they can both extract as much wealth from the people as possible. I know that I've covered that topic in depth in earlier writings. The bottom line is that this 'country' is operated as a for-profit corporation. We all should know (if we don't) that corporations have no morals, no code of ethics and no conscience. Its only purpose is to generate profits for the shareholder/owners, concepts of right and wrong be damned. This article is excellent, and is a short read.
The next article goes into depth about the insolvency of the United States. The bottom line is that the US is generating exponentially-increasing debt AND the trade deficit, while the income, manufacturing and assets of the country are shrinking. This sounds like a gourmet recipe for financial and economic disaster. But remember, the disaster is planned to hit the people because your fearless leaders understand exactly what they are doing and the results of it. Your fearless leaders have their contingency plans already mapped out, and they will not be affected as profoundly as the average person who is the victim of government-sponsored propaganda that is designed to keep you fat, ignorant and blissful in a babbling state of stupor. Just like the sheep that doesn't realize that it's about to be sheared and killed until it is much too late to stop it, the US citizen is being fattened up for the kill. All the hoopla about 5th grade-level television shows and other trivialities are engineered to be junk-food for the mind. The people are being entertained while the US burns.
Are you going to voluntarily walk to the slaughter, or are you going to work to save yourself, your family and/or friends from the clutches of disaster? It doesn't take a Ph.D. in economics to figure out that we're being duped, and that the present state of affairs is not sustainable. The country that we used to love and cherish has been put in a coma, waiting for the People to awaken and reclaim their country back from the swarms of foreign agents (also known as the government) that infest the land. Yes, freedom requires courage and intelligence, but it is so highly regarded as a prize that any struggle to attain and keep it is worth it. The alternative is a life of bondage, degradation, exploitation, victimization, and most other negative things that you probably don't want to experience. Remember the fable about the ant and the grasshopper? Connect the dots. You can do it.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Cheer Up and Remember What's Really Important
I know that a lot of the material that I reference and write on this site could be construed to be depressing "gloom-and-doom" ranting. I guess that it is somewhat cathartic to me to write on these neglected topics. It really infuriates me to see so many lies and misconceptions flying unbridled over the airways. From what I've learned over the years of my studies, it would appear that we (the good guys) win in the end. But the tough part is making it to the end. It helps to keep a good, bird's-eye perspective on things. That helps to keep you grounded, and also to keep you from self-pity, depression, and other signals of overwhelm.
With that in mind, I offer this article that speaks on the New World Order, but the author also offers some positive messages and concepts that I feel would help you to maintain your perspective on things. If the world is going to end, we mine as well party hardy, because things like this are out of our personal control. Eat, drink and be merry!
With that in mind, I offer this article that speaks on the New World Order, but the author also offers some positive messages and concepts that I feel would help you to maintain your perspective on things. If the world is going to end, we mine as well party hardy, because things like this are out of our personal control. Eat, drink and be merry!
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Prepackaged Reality
It appears that the 'Commander-In-Chief' of the United States is either in a severe state of denial, or is so obtuse and confused that he is stuck on the idea that the US Army can salvage anything positive out of the present military conflict in Iraq. This is wishful thinking at best, and a fall-guy just blindly following orders regardless of the effects to him or to the victims of these acts at the worst. Let's be real here: there is NO WAY that the United States will be able to come close to anything in the vicinity of a victory in Iraq! The US Army over there is getting its butt handed to it on a platter. The job of the military is to take over territory and kill people, not to perform police actions, or to train people, or any of the other inane excuses that we've been given by the government or the mass media news. The result of this mindless 'strategy' is the slaughter that we are seeing daily, of both Iraqis and of US soldiers.
It is blatantly obvious to me that there is no way that this military action in Iraq is the result of idiots making idiotic decisions. That's too ridiculous to believe, considering that the United States is the most powerful military country in the world. These actions are being taken because it is a part of an agenda that is being implemented by the power behind the scenes. Think about your job and about how thick and heavy the politics get there--for mere peanuts and a bit of ego. Now think about how much politics, control, dirty dealing and other crap has to be going on when we're talking about control of the planet and all of the resources on it. We're talking trillions of dollars and control of billions of people at stake here. You'd at least have to multiply the drama on your job by at least 1,000,000 to get close to the level of intrigue and deception at work in this arena.
You're going to also have to remember that you, your family, your friends, and just about everybody that you know have been victims of thought control and behavior modification. To think otherwise is to demonstrate the effectiveness of your mental conditioning, and is the height of naiveté. Remember, it was once said that no one is more hopelessly enslaved than the slave who vehemently argues that he is free. For most people, their range of thought is virtually 100% controlled, defined and manipulated by the same people who control the mass media and the major institutions in society. Don't listen to the honorable platitudes that are painted all over your TV screen. Look at the results, and you can easily discern the true motives, operation and morals of the rulers of the world and their plans for the plebeians.
"Go to sleep, stay asleep, don't question authority, don't worry about it because we'll do all your thinking for you, trust us because we're experts with Ph.D.s and have stamps of approval on our words, etc." But if you look at the results, the society is going down the tubes with an ever-increasing accelerating rate of speed. Just about everything is dumbed-down and the majority of people don't have the energy to read much more than the funny paper and pick up the remote for their daily fix of television-turned-opiate-of-the-people. It's almost impossible to get most people to turn off the television. There are only a few million people hooked on narcotics, but there has to be at least 150 million people addicted to television. At least the people on narcotics are under no illusions that their addiction is harmful to their lives. Can you live without the television for one day? How about one week? Did that thought just send a chill down your spine? If so, you're probably a TV addict. I don't ever recall there being a Television Viewer's Anonymous. There might not be enough facilitators to accommodate even a fraction of the total number of TV addicts. Boy, would it be great to be wrong about this, but I suspect that I'm right about this one.
It is blatantly obvious to me that there is no way that this military action in Iraq is the result of idiots making idiotic decisions. That's too ridiculous to believe, considering that the United States is the most powerful military country in the world. These actions are being taken because it is a part of an agenda that is being implemented by the power behind the scenes. Think about your job and about how thick and heavy the politics get there--for mere peanuts and a bit of ego. Now think about how much politics, control, dirty dealing and other crap has to be going on when we're talking about control of the planet and all of the resources on it. We're talking trillions of dollars and control of billions of people at stake here. You'd at least have to multiply the drama on your job by at least 1,000,000 to get close to the level of intrigue and deception at work in this arena.
You're going to also have to remember that you, your family, your friends, and just about everybody that you know have been victims of thought control and behavior modification. To think otherwise is to demonstrate the effectiveness of your mental conditioning, and is the height of naiveté. Remember, it was once said that no one is more hopelessly enslaved than the slave who vehemently argues that he is free. For most people, their range of thought is virtually 100% controlled, defined and manipulated by the same people who control the mass media and the major institutions in society. Don't listen to the honorable platitudes that are painted all over your TV screen. Look at the results, and you can easily discern the true motives, operation and morals of the rulers of the world and their plans for the plebeians.
"Go to sleep, stay asleep, don't question authority, don't worry about it because we'll do all your thinking for you, trust us because we're experts with Ph.D.s and have stamps of approval on our words, etc." But if you look at the results, the society is going down the tubes with an ever-increasing accelerating rate of speed. Just about everything is dumbed-down and the majority of people don't have the energy to read much more than the funny paper and pick up the remote for their daily fix of television-turned-opiate-of-the-people. It's almost impossible to get most people to turn off the television. There are only a few million people hooked on narcotics, but there has to be at least 150 million people addicted to television. At least the people on narcotics are under no illusions that their addiction is harmful to their lives. Can you live without the television for one day? How about one week? Did that thought just send a chill down your spine? If so, you're probably a TV addict. I don't ever recall there being a Television Viewer's Anonymous. There might not be enough facilitators to accommodate even a fraction of the total number of TV addicts. Boy, would it be great to be wrong about this, but I suspect that I'm right about this one.
behavior modification,
mind control,
United States
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Change is the Order of the Day
I've been away too long! Anyway, you know that there are more recent developments going on today. I just had to start off with a report that shows that American casualties in Iraq are being severely understated. This is being done for obvious political reasons. If Americans knew that there were over 15,000 dead young men lost in Iraq, there would be a major uprising and an extremely hostile sentiment against GW Bush and his lies concerning this 'war'. People who do their homework in history know that the first casualty in times of war is the truth, and it would appear that this is the case with the Iraq 'war' as well. I have 'war' in quotes because technically, this isn't a war because there was never any declaration of war generated or voted for by Congress as required for war according the the highest law of the land, the Constitution. The purpose of this was to prevent the armed forces being used by a single man acting despotically. I guess that theory has been torpedoed...
In a related story, it would appear that the lies of Bush and Blair have been confirmed as lies. I don't want to appear to be a 'know-it-all', but I highly suspected that this Iraq and Afghanistan military excursions have been based on incredulous falsehoods. Iraq was a country that was not really concerned with the United States, and most of the 'intelligence' that was used to justify attacks on it were invented. The true intelligence analysts in the various alphabet agencies were run out of their respective organizations, and replaced by stooges and yes-men to give the reports that would support these attacks. Studies by the Iraq Study Group and other experts and aware people have subsequently demonstrated that every reason that was given to the American people to justify these attacks have been total falsehoods. Most people in-the-know realized that Iraq has never been shown to be a threat to the United States. This idea is laughable on its face.
But the scariest story that I've seen in recent memory is one in which it is reported that China has decided to dump about $1 trillion US Dollars on the market so that they don't get stuck with them when the US Dollar collapses. The bottom line is that most people in the economic field know that the USD is analogous to a 'dead-man-walking', and that it's only a matter of time before it loses a significant portion of its value. The Chinese do not want to be burned when the dollar collapse accelerates. The fact is that the USD is already in a decline, but the crash is probably still ahead of us. The only reason that the average American doesn't recognize it is because of the incessant propaganda barrage of 'good news' in the mass media. This creates an image diametrically opposed to the reality of the American economy. Witness the decimation of manufacturing, the auto industry in a crash dive, and the indebtedness of the country on commercial and personal levels. In short, the country is drowning in debt with no way to stop it in sight.
A word to the wise is superfluous. This is definitely the calm before the storm. History cannot be swayed. Universal principles are called universal because it is impossible to break them without suffering the consequences. A lot of people are going to learn this lesson the hard, painful way.
In a related story, it would appear that the lies of Bush and Blair have been confirmed as lies. I don't want to appear to be a 'know-it-all', but I highly suspected that this Iraq and Afghanistan military excursions have been based on incredulous falsehoods. Iraq was a country that was not really concerned with the United States, and most of the 'intelligence' that was used to justify attacks on it were invented. The true intelligence analysts in the various alphabet agencies were run out of their respective organizations, and replaced by stooges and yes-men to give the reports that would support these attacks. Studies by the Iraq Study Group and other experts and aware people have subsequently demonstrated that every reason that was given to the American people to justify these attacks have been total falsehoods. Most people in-the-know realized that Iraq has never been shown to be a threat to the United States. This idea is laughable on its face.
But the scariest story that I've seen in recent memory is one in which it is reported that China has decided to dump about $1 trillion US Dollars on the market so that they don't get stuck with them when the US Dollar collapses. The bottom line is that most people in the economic field know that the USD is analogous to a 'dead-man-walking', and that it's only a matter of time before it loses a significant portion of its value. The Chinese do not want to be burned when the dollar collapse accelerates. The fact is that the USD is already in a decline, but the crash is probably still ahead of us. The only reason that the average American doesn't recognize it is because of the incessant propaganda barrage of 'good news' in the mass media. This creates an image diametrically opposed to the reality of the American economy. Witness the decimation of manufacturing, the auto industry in a crash dive, and the indebtedness of the country on commercial and personal levels. In short, the country is drowning in debt with no way to stop it in sight.
A word to the wise is superfluous. This is definitely the calm before the storm. History cannot be swayed. Universal principles are called universal because it is impossible to break them without suffering the consequences. A lot of people are going to learn this lesson the hard, painful way.
Tony Blair,
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Admission that Iraq 'War' Was a Big Mistake
Once again, me and other people who have been saying the things I've been saying about Iraq have turned out to be true, according to the Iraq Study Group. The whole thing was based on lies, and now the alleged 'war' (since there was never a true Declaration of War given by Congress) is a total failure and basically represents a 'tar baby' from which the US cannot extricate itself. Left holding the bag is GW Bush and his obtuse cabinet, as well as all the people who blindly and ignorantly followed the lead of this administration and the 'wag-the-dog' mass media news/infotainment outlets and 'right wing' talk show host sellouts.
So let me get this right... We were rushed off into an ill-advised, no-win military action based on total lies, and now all the people who had deep, probing, intelligent questions and doubts about this action, the same people who were labeled soft, supporters of terrorism, unpatriotic, etc. are now shown to have been 100% correct. No WMD found, no Iraqis waiting in the streets to greet US soldiers, no democracy for Iraq (even if it is known that all known democracies in history have led directly to fascism and totalitarianism--remember, the NAZIS were social democrats!), death and destruction for hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians and thousands of maimed and killed US soldiers are the only 'benefits' that we got for spending all of those billions of dollars on this war. And this is not even to mention that this entire 'terrorist' thingie was put into effect and was used to justify the mad curtailment of the Constitutional protections that we've experienced through such treasonous documents such as the PATRIOT Act and the creation of the Homeland Security gestapo/Waffen SS.
I'm not going to go as low as I can go and use the 'I/We told you so...' thingie, but after a while, it would appear that people would wake the hell up and stop believing high-paid liars, cheats, thugs and murderers in government! How many more useless wars for profit must we endure before people stop cosigning on this crap! Are people ever going to wake up from their media-induced stupors, or are we all just consigned to eternal fealty to elitists, globalists, New World Order sycophants and other popish persons? Do people ever learn, or is this just the normal state of affairs on this water planet?
So let me get this right... We were rushed off into an ill-advised, no-win military action based on total lies, and now all the people who had deep, probing, intelligent questions and doubts about this action, the same people who were labeled soft, supporters of terrorism, unpatriotic, etc. are now shown to have been 100% correct. No WMD found, no Iraqis waiting in the streets to greet US soldiers, no democracy for Iraq (even if it is known that all known democracies in history have led directly to fascism and totalitarianism--remember, the NAZIS were social democrats!), death and destruction for hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians and thousands of maimed and killed US soldiers are the only 'benefits' that we got for spending all of those billions of dollars on this war. And this is not even to mention that this entire 'terrorist' thingie was put into effect and was used to justify the mad curtailment of the Constitutional protections that we've experienced through such treasonous documents such as the PATRIOT Act and the creation of the Homeland Security gestapo/Waffen SS.
I'm not going to go as low as I can go and use the 'I/We told you so...' thingie, but after a while, it would appear that people would wake the hell up and stop believing high-paid liars, cheats, thugs and murderers in government! How many more useless wars for profit must we endure before people stop cosigning on this crap! Are people ever going to wake up from their media-induced stupors, or are we all just consigned to eternal fealty to elitists, globalists, New World Order sycophants and other popish persons? Do people ever learn, or is this just the normal state of affairs on this water planet?
Bush Administration,
constitution Iraq,
mass media,
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