Once again, those people we call 'the government' are at it again. It seems that we are destined to create (or allow to be created) the most sinister, evil, repressive, technologically-advanced totalitarian state ever known on this planet. They have passed an act called the Military Commissions Act of 2006, but it appears to be a thinly veiled push for more totalitarian/police state powers to be wielded by alleged government against anyone who dares to question anything that these public officials do.
As we know, these alleged public officials feel that they are above the law, above reproach, and above the scrutiny of anyone, especially anyone who doesn't believe the official story on any topic. These topics would include (but are not limited to): the WTC-911 attacks, the War on Terror/Iraq/Afghanistan, graft and corruption at the highest levels in government and business, the PATRIOT Act, Homeland Security, legalized torture, the decimation of the Constitution, etc. Don't worry about your 'rights', since the only rights you are deemed to have are the ones that GW Bush and the Government decides that you have! Don't worry, as if you're innocent, you won't have anything to worry about. Just shut up and believe whatever they tell you, since they are the people with the power, and are obviously qualified to know who's naughty and who's nice. Constitutions, oaths of office, freedom of speech, and other antiquated concepts be damned into oblivion. Don't worry, as GW has your back...
Of course, me, along with a lot of other people who feel a need for critical thinking and truth, will probably be the target of the latest legislation. Now, bloggers like me are being equated with terrorists. I guess that they may have a point because freethinkers with ideas that aren't 'mainstream' often lead people to understand what is really happening in the world, and in the country. They've always said that the pen is mightier than the sword. Boy, I didn't know that my words could be that powerful, as to convert my typing into weapons more powerful than hijacked jets, thermonuclear warheads, depleted uranium, cluster bombs, death rays, and whatever other barbarous 'weapons of mass destruction' that you might be able to imagine! I really feel powerful now!
Of course, the idea that me and people like me are terrorists is not even worthy of intellectual consideration. I love freedom and independence. It just seems that we're running mighty low on both of these in this alleged 'modern era'. It appears to me that the fascism and totalitarianism remain the same, but the tactics and implementation just get updated and perpetrated with new methods. Bush, Caesar, Napoleon, Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, Robespierre, Machiavelli, "insert your favorite dictator/mass murder here" all seem to have the same goal--unbridled control and power. "Vilify the people who disagree with you" seems to be the strategy here. It also seems to be true that when they do this, the majority of people will just 'go along to get along'. But one day, the totalitarian state will come to your front door. What will you do then? You will either fight now to stop this madness, or you will be enslaved along with the rest of the people. Don't worry about me because it's looking like people like me won't be around to continue to spit out information and observations that aren't in step with government-approved propaganda and lies. They even have academia (who should know better) to back them up and join in with the witch hunt. So don't wonder how the German people allowed tyranny, totalitarianism, fascism, etc., to thrive as they watched it happen before their eyes because all you have to do is watch what happens here in Amerikkka, comrade. I guess that everyone will get their just desserts...
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
More Signs of the Times
You just know that I found some more articles that are demonstrative of the times in which we find ourselves. The first article deals with the way that many of us cower in fear and servitude to our governmental nobles. It just seems that the majority of people in this country will support the government and its officials, no matter how much they transgress upon our rights or their oaths of office in which they swear and affirm that they won't impinge upon. Even when others from abroad have the guts to call out our treasonous, duplicitious, corrupt officials, we have the audacity to attack the bearer of truth instead of the malfeasant officeholder! It is probably the result of government brainwashing through the public 'school' system and the propaganda that is incessantly spouted from the major media outlets. But the final denouement will not spare anyone from its wrath. Actions have consequences, and truth exists outside of our perception. Just because you choose to perceive something other than truth doesn't mean that it doesn't exist! If you don't perceive the truth, it may come back to bite you, as it usually does. Remember, the people that are selling this country down the river aren't going to stick around to deal with the crumbled, broke, failure of a country that will be left. YOU will be the fall-guy for their treasonous antics!
The next article that I will speak on covers the election and how it isn't what we've been led to think. The democrats and republicans together have taken total control of the political process in the United States. They have basically shut off the political process for any other rival party that may pose a threat to their power and control. I remember when they arrested 2 presidential candidates from even entering the venue where they were having the so-called Presidential Debate! Mind you, these men were on the presidential ballots in all 50 states!!! The article also discusses a lot of other issues that are very pertinent to people that want to hear about topics that aren't regularly covered in the controlled mass media. The bottom line is that voting for 'the lesser of two evils' still yields an evil result! We have an illegal, unfounded war of imperialism, fiscal and monetary insanity, private interests that run the country, erosion of constitutional protections, the sanction of torture, etc. The time to vote for non-incumbents is upon us.
The next article speaks on the police state experiment going on in Great Britain. It's basically the prototype for how the police state is to be orchestrated all over the world, from all appearances. The sad fact of the situation is that virtually none of the citizens are even fighting against this totalitarian government action. It amounts to government intruding upon the everyday lives of the people; the enactment of the so-called 'Nanny State', since they believe that they can monitor us 24-7.
The last article speaks on Dialectical Philosophy, and how it is used by the oligarchs to control the masses. Not one man in a 100 million understands this process. It is very sinister, but virtually undetectible by most indoctrinated people of this planet. It is a very sad state of affairs, but the results of the use of this tactic can not be denied. The common people are virtual putty in the hands of these control freaks who decide how society shall exist. It is scary, but necessary information for those who want to understand the world in which we live, and how it really works. Not the lies and garbage that we are fed in school or on television. Study it well.
The next article that I will speak on covers the election and how it isn't what we've been led to think. The democrats and republicans together have taken total control of the political process in the United States. They have basically shut off the political process for any other rival party that may pose a threat to their power and control. I remember when they arrested 2 presidential candidates from even entering the venue where they were having the so-called Presidential Debate! Mind you, these men were on the presidential ballots in all 50 states!!! The article also discusses a lot of other issues that are very pertinent to people that want to hear about topics that aren't regularly covered in the controlled mass media. The bottom line is that voting for 'the lesser of two evils' still yields an evil result! We have an illegal, unfounded war of imperialism, fiscal and monetary insanity, private interests that run the country, erosion of constitutional protections, the sanction of torture, etc. The time to vote for non-incumbents is upon us.
The next article speaks on the police state experiment going on in Great Britain. It's basically the prototype for how the police state is to be orchestrated all over the world, from all appearances. The sad fact of the situation is that virtually none of the citizens are even fighting against this totalitarian government action. It amounts to government intruding upon the everyday lives of the people; the enactment of the so-called 'Nanny State', since they believe that they can monitor us 24-7.
The last article speaks on Dialectical Philosophy, and how it is used by the oligarchs to control the masses. Not one man in a 100 million understands this process. It is very sinister, but virtually undetectible by most indoctrinated people of this planet. It is a very sad state of affairs, but the results of the use of this tactic can not be denied. The common people are virtual putty in the hands of these control freaks who decide how society shall exist. It is scary, but necessary information for those who want to understand the world in which we live, and how it really works. Not the lies and garbage that we are fed in school or on television. Study it well.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Rigged Elections Revisited
I've found another article that expounds on the proven fact that (at the bare minimum) the last 2 presidential elections were rigged. Of course, you realize that this information has been hidden and/or not covered in any major American media outlets. It is the duty of all people to learn about this state of affairs in this country because the integrity, and even the very survival of the United States could depend on this knowledge being widely disseminated.
Most people don't want to confront issues like this because they go straight to the very core of people's belief systems. The ramifications of the truth of rigged elections would pull away the facade of democracy, republic, freedom, fairness, honesty, fair play, "government of the people, for the people, and by the people". Most people cling to the ideas of freedom and honesty, even in the face of powerful evidence that shows that American government is 100% corrupt, especially at the national level.
This type of information makes the average person feel as if they have lived their entire life based on a lie. Even though it is probably true that the average person has lived their life based on lies, propaganda and gross misconceptions, they are more comfortable with the lies because they are familiar, and do not require any new or different action(s) to be taken, or new risks to be taken. The most unfortunate part of this specious logic is that society will have to face the results of this corruption.
It appears to be the 'easy way out' by going along with the lies and propaganda, but we still suffer from the effects of the corruption. Witness the continuing destruction of America on all levels. The country continues to plunge to new depths of depravity, poverty, erosion, predatory practices in business, parasitism, oppression of all forms, etc. Just 30 years ago, America was a leader in all facets of business and manufacturing. This is no longer the case, with the total hollowing-out of the substance of the US economy. We don't produce anything (besides debt) these days. Do you really think this is happening by chance??? Please don't be that naive.
The 'powers-that-be' are banking on you remaining naive, innocent and gullible as newborn babies. A lie or oligopoly based on fraud cannot stand the light of day. This is the reason that they try their best to dissuade people from doing any type of critical analysis of present-day events. Notice that their answers to pointed questions never address, muchless refute, the questions. They use every fallacious attack on sound questioning that they can muster to keep the people distracted and ensconed in the comfort of the familiar. But meanwhile, the country continues to crumble and slide down into the abyss.
Do yourself and your posterity a favor. Always ask questions, demand on-point, credible answers, and question alleged authority.
Most people don't want to confront issues like this because they go straight to the very core of people's belief systems. The ramifications of the truth of rigged elections would pull away the facade of democracy, republic, freedom, fairness, honesty, fair play, "government of the people, for the people, and by the people". Most people cling to the ideas of freedom and honesty, even in the face of powerful evidence that shows that American government is 100% corrupt, especially at the national level.
This type of information makes the average person feel as if they have lived their entire life based on a lie. Even though it is probably true that the average person has lived their life based on lies, propaganda and gross misconceptions, they are more comfortable with the lies because they are familiar, and do not require any new or different action(s) to be taken, or new risks to be taken. The most unfortunate part of this specious logic is that society will have to face the results of this corruption.
It appears to be the 'easy way out' by going along with the lies and propaganda, but we still suffer from the effects of the corruption. Witness the continuing destruction of America on all levels. The country continues to plunge to new depths of depravity, poverty, erosion, predatory practices in business, parasitism, oppression of all forms, etc. Just 30 years ago, America was a leader in all facets of business and manufacturing. This is no longer the case, with the total hollowing-out of the substance of the US economy. We don't produce anything (besides debt) these days. Do you really think this is happening by chance??? Please don't be that naive.
The 'powers-that-be' are banking on you remaining naive, innocent and gullible as newborn babies. A lie or oligopoly based on fraud cannot stand the light of day. This is the reason that they try their best to dissuade people from doing any type of critical analysis of present-day events. Notice that their answers to pointed questions never address, muchless refute, the questions. They use every fallacious attack on sound questioning that they can muster to keep the people distracted and ensconed in the comfort of the familiar. But meanwhile, the country continues to crumble and slide down into the abyss.
Do yourself and your posterity a favor. Always ask questions, demand on-point, credible answers, and question alleged authority.
election fraud,
Friday, October 06, 2006
More NWO Stuff
I saw a great article that describes how the final preparations for Gulags for American people are being made. They will probably be used to silence dissidents, as is standard operating procedure for fascist governments. I'm not surprised about this. It would seem that all countries eventually decay and decline into murderous organizations. The descent to barbarism seems to be a perpetual state of affairs. But the most surprising thing is that people seem to continue to fall for the very same con jobs that have been used throughout the ages. It seems to stem from the governmental promise that they can protect and take care of everybody. They already have a fake term (i.e.: Fifth Columnist) to label dissidents with so that they can be summarily stripped of their rights and shipped off to the torture camp/extermination facility. Don't think that this can't happen here in America because it has already been done (cf. Japanese Americans being interned during WWII, genocidal extermination of Native Americans, chattel slavery, to name a few). We buy in to the nationalistic propaganda so that it colors our perception of reality to the point where we can't see what is really happening in the country or the world. It's time to wake up and become conscious of the state of affairs in the country.
This is another article in which a former Army guy tells what he knows about current affairs. Capt. May accurately describes what is happening here in America. He has a particularly relevant report dealing with one of his mentors who has seen the result of the current activities of government. He has experienced it before, and shares his insight with us to show us what is happening and where it is headed. This isn't rocket science, but it does require open-mindedness and intellectual honesty. You might have to remove your preconceived notions before you can face the truth. It might be tough to face the fact that our perception is being manipulated, and our information is strictly controlled to manufacture our opinions. Knowledge of objective truth is the only thing that will help you survive the coming calamities.
Fascism was deemed to be a misnomer by a dictator who should know what he's doing (i.e., Mussolini). He said that what most call fascism could more properly be termed Corporatism, because it is really the combination/conspiracy between the government and the corporation(s). If you can't see the connection, you probably could use some smelling salts. Government and corporations are making obscene amounts of money, to the point where you could properly characterize government as a revenue-generating enterprise. In fact, virtually ALL of the levels of government HAVE been incorporated! We have our highest public officials who have intimate ties with the corporations making the most money in the biggest industries in the country. It would be funny if it wasn't so deadly serious. But most of the people are in a state of cognitive dissonance, and can't bring themselves to face the sordid truth. It would mean that they might actually have to fight the tyrants, a very scary proposition for most people. It just seems to me that the agenda they tell us they have is 100% different from the agenda that they really have. All you have to do is take a critical look at the results. We can see America being taken to the slaughter. If you can't see it, you are a victim of mind control/social conditioning/social engineering, and you need to release yourself from the grips of those who seek to subjugate you and use you, your family and your labor for their own self-aggrandizement.
This is another article in which a former Army guy tells what he knows about current affairs. Capt. May accurately describes what is happening here in America. He has a particularly relevant report dealing with one of his mentors who has seen the result of the current activities of government. He has experienced it before, and shares his insight with us to show us what is happening and where it is headed. This isn't rocket science, but it does require open-mindedness and intellectual honesty. You might have to remove your preconceived notions before you can face the truth. It might be tough to face the fact that our perception is being manipulated, and our information is strictly controlled to manufacture our opinions. Knowledge of objective truth is the only thing that will help you survive the coming calamities.
Fascism was deemed to be a misnomer by a dictator who should know what he's doing (i.e., Mussolini). He said that what most call fascism could more properly be termed Corporatism, because it is really the combination/conspiracy between the government and the corporation(s). If you can't see the connection, you probably could use some smelling salts. Government and corporations are making obscene amounts of money, to the point where you could properly characterize government as a revenue-generating enterprise. In fact, virtually ALL of the levels of government HAVE been incorporated! We have our highest public officials who have intimate ties with the corporations making the most money in the biggest industries in the country. It would be funny if it wasn't so deadly serious. But most of the people are in a state of cognitive dissonance, and can't bring themselves to face the sordid truth. It would mean that they might actually have to fight the tyrants, a very scary proposition for most people. It just seems to me that the agenda they tell us they have is 100% different from the agenda that they really have. All you have to do is take a critical look at the results. We can see America being taken to the slaughter. If you can't see it, you are a victim of mind control/social conditioning/social engineering, and you need to release yourself from the grips of those who seek to subjugate you and use you, your family and your labor for their own self-aggrandizement.
cognitive dissonance,
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