It would appear that the world is headed towards an ominous destination. We have another holocaust happening right now (the latest being in Lebanon) with the complicity of the mainstream media. They only report what they are told to report by the 'powers-that-be'. It would appear that America is the fulcrum for the determination of who will take control of the world. An international cabal of oligarchs have almost completed their plan to incite World War 3 and plunge the world into another war. It would seem that the goal of this war is to facilitate the implementation of the One-World Government through the destruction of all national sovereignty of every country in the world.
These people have always spoken of 'order out of chaos'. The image of a world in chaos is consistently presented through the use of disjointed reporting by mainstream news sources. The true connection and relative strategies at work in the world are never explained to the masses. The masses have actually been conditioned to accept whatever the 'authorities' tell them is fact. Many people do not believe anything that isn't presented by mainstream media sources. The control of context is the method that mainstream media uses to corral the perception of the masses. People have been conditioned by public schools to avoid critical thought, independent perception, deductive and inductive reasoning, the use of logic, or the drawing of inferences from given data. Unfortunately, control of the mass media in America has been consolidated into the hands of a few people. Mass media has always been controlled, but nowhere near as completely as it is being controlled today. The version of truth given to the masses today (i.e., news reporting) is equivalent to propaganda designed to evoke beliefs and conclusions that support the goals of the oligarchs who control the planet. These controllers do not have the best interests of the People in mind. They are very different from us in their philosophy towards life.
All of the above information is a mini-preface to an incredible article that I came across that deals with the imperial pursuits of those in control of the US Government. The apparent goals of these oligarchs is world totalitarianism, iron-fist control over all institutions of society, a fascistic/communistic economic system, and the brutal crushing of all dissent by the use of a great world government army large enough to defeat any group or country that may oppose it. Many think that the government in D.C. is their own government, but that concept is untrue. The government in D.C. is actually foreign to the United States in which most Americans live (i.e., the 50 states). Why do you think that they constantly, consistently extract money from the people at every turn? No, they don't need your 'Federal Reserve Notes' (a.k.a., dollars) because they can print as many of them as they may ever want. Their object is control. As I used to explain to people, "It can't be about the money for them because they can print as much of it as they want!" The above referenced article is very thorough, very logical, and calmly explains the situation that we face without the rose-colored glasses that we usually wear when confronted with the truth. The bottom line is that if the government will kill people half way across the world in imperialist campaigns, don't expect them to stop their brutality inside the United States because of any law written on paper. They will kill people abroad today, but will kill people domestically tomorrow. Their savagery abroad is only the dry run for their brutality to be meted upon Americans in the very near future. Don't be fooled by their sophistry on television! Why do you think they are ignoring the US Constitution and Bill of Rights in such a brazen fashion? There's no way to get freedom by allowing government to trample on the rights of the People. People in government are notorious for using their official offices and the color of authority to exploit, subjugate, and murder people for their own reasons. Do some study on history and open your eyes.
These people have always spoken of 'order out of chaos'. The image of a world in chaos is consistently presented through the use of disjointed reporting by mainstream news sources. The true connection and relative strategies at work in the world are never explained to the masses. The masses have actually been conditioned to accept whatever the 'authorities' tell them is fact. Many people do not believe anything that isn't presented by mainstream media sources. The control of context is the method that mainstream media uses to corral the perception of the masses. People have been conditioned by public schools to avoid critical thought, independent perception, deductive and inductive reasoning, the use of logic, or the drawing of inferences from given data. Unfortunately, control of the mass media in America has been consolidated into the hands of a few people. Mass media has always been controlled, but nowhere near as completely as it is being controlled today. The version of truth given to the masses today (i.e., news reporting) is equivalent to propaganda designed to evoke beliefs and conclusions that support the goals of the oligarchs who control the planet. These controllers do not have the best interests of the People in mind. They are very different from us in their philosophy towards life.
All of the above information is a mini-preface to an incredible article that I came across that deals with the imperial pursuits of those in control of the US Government. The apparent goals of these oligarchs is world totalitarianism, iron-fist control over all institutions of society, a fascistic/communistic economic system, and the brutal crushing of all dissent by the use of a great world government army large enough to defeat any group or country that may oppose it. Many think that the government in D.C. is their own government, but that concept is untrue. The government in D.C. is actually foreign to the United States in which most Americans live (i.e., the 50 states). Why do you think that they constantly, consistently extract money from the people at every turn? No, they don't need your 'Federal Reserve Notes' (a.k.a., dollars) because they can print as many of them as they may ever want. Their object is control. As I used to explain to people, "It can't be about the money for them because they can print as much of it as they want!" The above referenced article is very thorough, very logical, and calmly explains the situation that we face without the rose-colored glasses that we usually wear when confronted with the truth. The bottom line is that if the government will kill people half way across the world in imperialist campaigns, don't expect them to stop their brutality inside the United States because of any law written on paper. They will kill people abroad today, but will kill people domestically tomorrow. Their savagery abroad is only the dry run for their brutality to be meted upon Americans in the very near future. Don't be fooled by their sophistry on television! Why do you think they are ignoring the US Constitution and Bill of Rights in such a brazen fashion? There's no way to get freedom by allowing government to trample on the rights of the People. People in government are notorious for using their official offices and the color of authority to exploit, subjugate, and murder people for their own reasons. Do some study on history and open your eyes.