I used to think that people would want to stay free, want to see their children grow up, want to have a bright future. But now, it appears that people just want to be comfortable, pay the bills, and catch the next episode of that 'bigger-than-life' tee-vee show. Concepts like freedom, liberty, honesty, privacy, lawful, industry, principle, value, agape, due process, probable cause, constitutional, republic, work ethic, etc., have no place in the American consciousness anymore. It is sad to see, but alas, it appears to be the predictable end of all countries. There is no doubt that America is in a terminal tailspin. No more production, no more jobs, no more honesty, no more enthusiasm over anything besides television, eating, the opposite sex, hedonistic materialism, or some sports game.
I had to come to grips with the fact that the majority of Americans are in a terminal coma, and are afflicted with a similiar condition of terminal apathy, and will stubbornly refuse to wake from it. Don't get me wrong. There are many Americans that can see what is happening and are fighting and suffering, as well as media figures that still care, and are willing to put their money and fame on the line in order to get the word out. But from the looks of it, and from a historical perspective, people are not going to 'just say no' to the criminal activities of the people who run things. The apathy is too strong, the comfort level is too high, "I need my government check", "just leave me alone", "what can I possibly do?", "what are you doing?", "the government would never hurt it's own people", "you're a conspiracy theorist", "America is still the best country in the world", "It's not that bad", "You're overreacting", "I'm just trying to make it day-to-day", *insert your own favorite excuse for not acting here*.
I just don't like what I see happening to the country. America never was totally perfect (what is?), but when the corrpution, lies, profiteering and dictatorial powers exercised by the president, blatant fraud and illegality practiced in the judicial branch (the courts), and the incessant installation of the police state-totalitarian apparatus into government standard operating procedure, it is extremely disconcerting. There may not be any standard answer to the question of what a person should do to work against this sinister menace, but I know for sure that the answers will not be coming from the mainstream media, or from the next episode of your favorite dumbed-down, totally irrelevant television show...
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Telling the truth can be hazardous to your health...
It seems that many people who try to challenge the corrupt American fascist system, expose its corrpution, or investigate it end up dead under mysterious circumstances. Many blow this type of information off as some sort of 'conspiracy theory', but it seems to be a distinct, recognizable pattern. The list on the link above names around 30 or so people who have all died under very dubious circumstances. You can say that it's a coincidence, but that really doesn't make sense, and is an intellectual 'cop-out'. I've seen lists of the 'Clinton Body Count' that number in the 50's, and that's just the deaths that are reported.
In a similiar vein, the people who warned about all the bogus reasons for the Iraqi war were also ridiculed and derided. But who was right? The government lackey 'reporters' and establishment-lauded, award-winning 'journalists', or the bloggers and others without benefit of mainstream media acceptance? We all know who was right today, but back then, people were hard on guys like me who instantly identified the fraud involved with this imperialistic 'war'. The same thing can be said about observations about the president and his obvious lack of ability to handle his job. It is plainly evident that he either is incompetent, or is dedicated to pushing his own agenda and is working to pound the ideas that he wants Americans to accept as truth, regardless of how removed from reality these ideas may happen to be. The propaganda mill is always at work!
The fact is that this presidential administration may be the worst thing that ever happened to America. They are hell-bent on ramming their conception of how things should work down the entire world's throat. They have to be working for an undisclosed group in power, because it is blatantly evident that they do not have any interest in defending the rights of anyone except the people in their small cabal. The world is their own personal toybox, and it doesn't matter to them what anyone else may think. "You're either with us, or against us.", and if you're against them, you're to be labelled an 'enemy combatant' and will be summarily imprisoned and 'Guantanimo-ed' (euphemism for torture and execution).
The time to stand up is NOW! Learn about this corruption, spread the word to other like-minded people, learn your Constitution, and share messages like this with others so that we can shine the spotlight on this lawlessness in government. The only way a conspiracy can function is when it is hidden. Once it's out in the light, people can then deal with it. It seems like such a monumental task, but if we all do our part, it can work. It must work, as we are heading directly towards the prophecies of the Book of Revelations at an ever-accelerating rate. Now that's a horror story extraordinaire...
In a similiar vein, the people who warned about all the bogus reasons for the Iraqi war were also ridiculed and derided. But who was right? The government lackey 'reporters' and establishment-lauded, award-winning 'journalists', or the bloggers and others without benefit of mainstream media acceptance? We all know who was right today, but back then, people were hard on guys like me who instantly identified the fraud involved with this imperialistic 'war'. The same thing can be said about observations about the president and his obvious lack of ability to handle his job. It is plainly evident that he either is incompetent, or is dedicated to pushing his own agenda and is working to pound the ideas that he wants Americans to accept as truth, regardless of how removed from reality these ideas may happen to be. The propaganda mill is always at work!
The fact is that this presidential administration may be the worst thing that ever happened to America. They are hell-bent on ramming their conception of how things should work down the entire world's throat. They have to be working for an undisclosed group in power, because it is blatantly evident that they do not have any interest in defending the rights of anyone except the people in their small cabal. The world is their own personal toybox, and it doesn't matter to them what anyone else may think. "You're either with us, or against us.", and if you're against them, you're to be labelled an 'enemy combatant' and will be summarily imprisoned and 'Guantanimo-ed' (euphemism for torture and execution).
The time to stand up is NOW! Learn about this corruption, spread the word to other like-minded people, learn your Constitution, and share messages like this with others so that we can shine the spotlight on this lawlessness in government. The only way a conspiracy can function is when it is hidden. Once it's out in the light, people can then deal with it. It seems like such a monumental task, but if we all do our part, it can work. It must work, as we are heading directly towards the prophecies of the Book of Revelations at an ever-accelerating rate. Now that's a horror story extraordinaire...
Iraqi war
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Are we victims of Vulture Capitalism?
I keep hearing that capitalism is a great thing. In theory, it sounds very good. Under the guise of capitalism, America was built and led to the most affluent society in the world. But I wonder if the system was truly based on capitalism. It seems that the true capitalists (the owners of capital) quickly worked to secure their own wealth and control over American society, and have almost taken over the entire planet. Most people say that they believe in capitalism, but I am doubtful that we have ever seen true capitalism practiced in America. I am sure that today, America is basically a socialist/communist state that has implemented most of the 10 Planks of the Communist Manifesto. If you don't want to call it socialism, it could probably be characterized as fascism (also known as corporatism). This might be a shock to most, but just check it out for yourself.
Who does the government serve now? Would you say that government is the servant and the people are the sovereigns, or is it the other way around? Seems to me that people are always being trampled over by big government. How can you fight the government when they will not follow the laws as written? They have the monopoly on legalized deadly force (i.e., they have the police, the courts, the armed forces and are poised to train all of them on you if you dare question them). What ever happened to the public servant? These days, the government officials have turned public service into royalty. It is so bad now that the highest levels of people in government have turned it into a private profit center (witness the Bush administration and their numerous conflicts of interest and other private profiteering). In addition, they are turning all of the police, intelligence and military resources on the American citizens. They do ignominious things in Iraq today, but this is only practice for what they have planned for Americans. The government (democrats along with republicans who have monopolized the executive and legislative branches of the government) has led the country to the brink of collapse. If you just turn off CNN for a minute and think of what's happening to the country, it's not a pretty picture. In short, it appears that we are being sold down the proverbial river for interests foreign to what would be good for Americans.
I'm not sure if there is anything we can do to stop this. But many people are standing up for what's right. We will never hear the true number of disgruntled and disgusted Americans who are fed up with fascism, totalitarianism, rogue elements in government, and lawlessness in government. I fight for my son's future. I just couldn't look at myself in the mirror, or into my son's eyes and tell him that I did nothing to fight for him to have some freedom. If we don't fight now, we are guaranteed a future of concentration camps, summary executions, thought police, slavery, and more things of that nature. I may not win, but I'm not going down without a fight for freedom! Hell, whatever you do, you're going to die anyway. Why not die free rather than die in a concentration camp?
It seems to be the destiny of this country to become the 2nd iteration of Nazi Germany. I predict that American will be the laughing stock of the world (after being militarily defeated and/or destroyed) if things continue on the present course. I'm not happy with this, nor do I want it to happen. I really want to be wrong on this! But I have a duty to be true to the facts. My message is one of hope and hopefully, you will be inspired to join the ranks of freedom fighters who didn't succumb to all the bad 'isms' of the world.
Who does the government serve now? Would you say that government is the servant and the people are the sovereigns, or is it the other way around? Seems to me that people are always being trampled over by big government. How can you fight the government when they will not follow the laws as written? They have the monopoly on legalized deadly force (i.e., they have the police, the courts, the armed forces and are poised to train all of them on you if you dare question them). What ever happened to the public servant? These days, the government officials have turned public service into royalty. It is so bad now that the highest levels of people in government have turned it into a private profit center (witness the Bush administration and their numerous conflicts of interest and other private profiteering). In addition, they are turning all of the police, intelligence and military resources on the American citizens. They do ignominious things in Iraq today, but this is only practice for what they have planned for Americans. The government (democrats along with republicans who have monopolized the executive and legislative branches of the government) has led the country to the brink of collapse. If you just turn off CNN for a minute and think of what's happening to the country, it's not a pretty picture. In short, it appears that we are being sold down the proverbial river for interests foreign to what would be good for Americans.
I'm not sure if there is anything we can do to stop this. But many people are standing up for what's right. We will never hear the true number of disgruntled and disgusted Americans who are fed up with fascism, totalitarianism, rogue elements in government, and lawlessness in government. I fight for my son's future. I just couldn't look at myself in the mirror, or into my son's eyes and tell him that I did nothing to fight for him to have some freedom. If we don't fight now, we are guaranteed a future of concentration camps, summary executions, thought police, slavery, and more things of that nature. I may not win, but I'm not going down without a fight for freedom! Hell, whatever you do, you're going to die anyway. Why not die free rather than die in a concentration camp?
It seems to be the destiny of this country to become the 2nd iteration of Nazi Germany. I predict that American will be the laughing stock of the world (after being militarily defeated and/or destroyed) if things continue on the present course. I'm not happy with this, nor do I want it to happen. I really want to be wrong on this! But I have a duty to be true to the facts. My message is one of hope and hopefully, you will be inspired to join the ranks of freedom fighters who didn't succumb to all the bad 'isms' of the world.
Monday, March 20, 2006
More of the same-old, same-old...
I've been busy doing more reading and learning about the geopolitical underpinnings of the 'powers-that-be' and their plan to take over the Earth. Graft, corruption, lies, hidden agendas, etc., are the mainstay of those that would destroy America and place it under the control of the One World Government that is planned to rule the Earth, without concern for the rights of average people. One of their strategies is to create 'order out of chaos'. Well, anybody who watches the mainstream news (or television programming) can wholeheartedly verify the ubiquitous presence of chaos! The use of chaos is to confound and emotionally exhaust the viewers, who then become like children who want 'the authorities' to solve their problems, and to defend them from all those threats out there in this dangerous world.
What they don't tell you is that they are the ones making the world a dangerous place! The 'Cliffs Notes' version of the story is that only governments have the resources, manpower, connections, and ability to wage long-term 'terrorism' with their intelligence apparatus, which are all connected in the higher levels, in any event. You have the average people who are just trying to live their day-to-day lives. They don't have time for trying to be suicide bombers or to wage war and do spy activity. They're just trying to keep a place to live, feed the kids, and make a bit of money to possibly enjoy a bit of life. It's the same whereever you go. The only people who are fomenting wars, terrorism, and are trying to steal the rights of average people are the governments, or more correctly, the people who hide their criminal behavior behind the fascia of an imaginary thingie called a government. I've never seen a government do anything, but I've seen plenty of people claiming to be agents of a government kill, steal, jail, and foment wars on average people around the world. The worst part about this is that the depleted uranium ordinance that they are using in Iraq is blowing all over the world, increasing the cancer rates of people all over the world.
Bush, who is still technically AWOL from the military, is now talking about starting another war with another country in the Middle East (Iran, if you haven't been watching CNN). It would appear that they must be working from an agenda that has no relationship with the PR-like, good-sounding things they profess are the reasons for all the death and destruction that they spew upon innocent people of the world. The worst, most ironic part of all of this is the fact that all of the death, destruction and plunder that they are performing around the world are all going to be implemented upon American people. Abandonment of probable cause, destruction of habeas corpus, no need for lawful 4th Amendment warrants for search of people's personal effects, homes, papers, etc., roundup of people who don't agree that they have no rights for inclusion in concentration camps, intimidation of honest and honorable government employees who leak the illegality to fearless reporters who make their criminality public... The list just goes on and on.
Yes, this might sound like pessimism, negativity, or any other bad thing that you're thinking. But the fact is that if you do not know the truth, it is impossible to make any effective plan to deal with reality. You can hide your head under the sand as much as you want, but the reality of any threat coming is that it will still kick you in your extremely-exposed butt. This issue of approaching world fascism is the most important issue facing humanity today. You can continue to drive your new car around and act like everything is ok, but one day, even the most cognitively dissonant person will be affected by the changes that are planned and being rapidly implemented in the world. What can you do? You can share and spread the word about these developments to others who are like-minded. I believe that if people knew how pissed off and angry everybody else was, things would be different. The only way that the oligarchs can operate is if the majority of people go along with their madness! The only way a small minority of people can rule over a larger population is through the use of lies, deception, secrets, and propaganda. If everybody tells two friends (and so on...), it would help things greatly. So your assignment (should you choose to accept it) is to spread the word to others. Our children deserve a bright future!
What they don't tell you is that they are the ones making the world a dangerous place! The 'Cliffs Notes' version of the story is that only governments have the resources, manpower, connections, and ability to wage long-term 'terrorism' with their intelligence apparatus, which are all connected in the higher levels, in any event. You have the average people who are just trying to live their day-to-day lives. They don't have time for trying to be suicide bombers or to wage war and do spy activity. They're just trying to keep a place to live, feed the kids, and make a bit of money to possibly enjoy a bit of life. It's the same whereever you go. The only people who are fomenting wars, terrorism, and are trying to steal the rights of average people are the governments, or more correctly, the people who hide their criminal behavior behind the fascia of an imaginary thingie called a government. I've never seen a government do anything, but I've seen plenty of people claiming to be agents of a government kill, steal, jail, and foment wars on average people around the world. The worst part about this is that the depleted uranium ordinance that they are using in Iraq is blowing all over the world, increasing the cancer rates of people all over the world.
Bush, who is still technically AWOL from the military, is now talking about starting another war with another country in the Middle East (Iran, if you haven't been watching CNN). It would appear that they must be working from an agenda that has no relationship with the PR-like, good-sounding things they profess are the reasons for all the death and destruction that they spew upon innocent people of the world. The worst, most ironic part of all of this is the fact that all of the death, destruction and plunder that they are performing around the world are all going to be implemented upon American people. Abandonment of probable cause, destruction of habeas corpus, no need for lawful 4th Amendment warrants for search of people's personal effects, homes, papers, etc., roundup of people who don't agree that they have no rights for inclusion in concentration camps, intimidation of honest and honorable government employees who leak the illegality to fearless reporters who make their criminality public... The list just goes on and on.
Yes, this might sound like pessimism, negativity, or any other bad thing that you're thinking. But the fact is that if you do not know the truth, it is impossible to make any effective plan to deal with reality. You can hide your head under the sand as much as you want, but the reality of any threat coming is that it will still kick you in your extremely-exposed butt. This issue of approaching world fascism is the most important issue facing humanity today. You can continue to drive your new car around and act like everything is ok, but one day, even the most cognitively dissonant person will be affected by the changes that are planned and being rapidly implemented in the world. What can you do? You can share and spread the word about these developments to others who are like-minded. I believe that if people knew how pissed off and angry everybody else was, things would be different. The only way that the oligarchs can operate is if the majority of people go along with their madness! The only way a small minority of people can rule over a larger population is through the use of lies, deception, secrets, and propaganda. If everybody tells two friends (and so on...), it would help things greatly. So your assignment (should you choose to accept it) is to spread the word to others. Our children deserve a bright future!
Middle East,
One World Government,
Monday, March 06, 2006
The Quickening...
Now, it appears that Bush is working to unleash Attorney General Alberto Gonzales on the journalists. He has given Gonzales orders to actively pursue, harass, monitor, and search the homes and personal effects of journalists who dare to report anything that Bush and Cabal would not like for them to report. He wants to use the journalists as examples in the 'war on terror'. They are trying to use the recent re-passed PATRIOT Act to justify these blatant Constitutional violations. It is also alleged that the FBI has issued hundreds of 'National Security letters' to various organizations (i.e., banks, credit card companies, libraries, etc.) to surrender information on reporters. This is just a Bush ploy (albeit VERY heavy-handed) that is designed to intimidate reporters so that they won't make Americans and the world aware of government duplicity and criminality. It is also designed to stop the people in government from upholding their oaths of office by stopping them from making public treasonous activity that is being done in secret.
Yes, today it will be the journalists who will be targeted, tomorrow another group. It might not even be a group, but might just be something you decide to do, innocently, that will land you in the targeting reticle of 'Big Brother.' But be sure that one day, YOU will be targeted. It's just a matter of time.
This is like a very bad joke that you just keep trying to wake yourself up out of, but then you discover that you are awake. Been warning people about this for a long time, but now the day is finally here. What will you do to fight tyranny? Will you fight, or will you willingly accept your slavery? If you don't understand what is going on, or you just can't make yourself believe that what is occurring is the destruction of freedom in America, you need to inform yourself quickly by reading this e-work. Time is short, and there is no time to waste. The lives of your family and posterity (i.e., your offspring) could lie in the balance. If you can't wake up now, you might one day wake up in a concentration camp (if you're lucky), or you will wake up at home one day and realize that you're not in Kansas anymore, and that you are a government slave with the right to do just like you are told, and to think what you have been told you can think. Think it can't happen here in America? It's happening right now, as you are reading this...
Yes, today it will be the journalists who will be targeted, tomorrow another group. It might not even be a group, but might just be something you decide to do, innocently, that will land you in the targeting reticle of 'Big Brother.' But be sure that one day, YOU will be targeted. It's just a matter of time.
This is like a very bad joke that you just keep trying to wake yourself up out of, but then you discover that you are awake. Been warning people about this for a long time, but now the day is finally here. What will you do to fight tyranny? Will you fight, or will you willingly accept your slavery? If you don't understand what is going on, or you just can't make yourself believe that what is occurring is the destruction of freedom in America, you need to inform yourself quickly by reading this e-work. Time is short, and there is no time to waste. The lives of your family and posterity (i.e., your offspring) could lie in the balance. If you can't wake up now, you might one day wake up in a concentration camp (if you're lucky), or you will wake up at home one day and realize that you're not in Kansas anymore, and that you are a government slave with the right to do just like you are told, and to think what you have been told you can think. Think it can't happen here in America? It's happening right now, as you are reading this...
Big Brother,
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