Thursday, October 06, 2005

'Peak Oil' is a ruse

I've heard that the theory behind the 'Peak Oil' explanation is just a justification for increased oil profits for the oligarchs, as well as another way for the 'Powers-That-Be' to put the screws to the people. It looks like it is true. If there is no oil shortage, then how and why can all the oil companies be earning record profits? In addition to that, there are numerous ways that gasoline engines could be improved to get at least double the gas mileage that they are getting now. The technology upon which the internal combustion engine is based is ancient in relation to modern technology. I've heard reports of cars that can run on water, hydrogen, free energy, etc. Even if they were to run the cars on gasoline, they could be engineered to run off of the gas vapor, which yields many times the energy of the gasoline as a liquid. It's all just a game to them, and we are the fodder.

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